oyster50: Blog



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Drove to the house today. It's dry, just a bit of roof damage on one corner, other cosmetic things, but it survived. The cats are disturbed, but they'll get over it.

Me, however... Utility company says 2-3 weeks to get lights back. The storm took out both transmission and distribution systems, so they have to get the transmission system back up first, then they can get to putting lights on in the area.

Between us and East Texas, there are 800,000 customers in the dark, and that includes a lot of heavy industry, including my employer.

To the hundred of you who sent good wishes and prayers, you have my deepest thanks. Thank, friends!



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Hurricane Laura's going to run right over the top of my homestead, with us under the actual eye of a Category 4 storm.

Might not have a house left in the morning.

I'm safe, elsewhere.


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So we're a few chapters into Benjamanda and I've gotten a bunch of comments and a load of email concerning the story as well as the ending of Smart Girls.

Yes, I know that a lot of you were like me, invested in Cindy and the gang. Believe me, I feel your pain. I get tugs. Dorable, my muse, teases me from time to time. We'll see what happens there. A couple of you said I was riding the story into the ground, which is a feeling I got that led to the ending. That' said, the universe is still alive, and I can't say there won't be further episodes tying into it.

With Benjamanda, I wanted something a bit different and I think I got it. Some of you complained about the sex. Hey - new relationship, young protagonists, sex is on the table. Travel will follow. Trust me.

Future? Let's see what Dorable brings me.

And as always, thank you for every comment. I read them all and appreciate them all, even if they're a bit negative. After all, I get more positive comments.

And we're still having fun.

Gotta Start Somewhere

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Meet Ben and Amanda, starting off 'different' and dropping into a tragedy.

I promised a new story. Here it is. I hope it meets expectations.

Fear not!

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Perhaps I confused some of you with my last blog post and the final chapters of three active stories.

I'm NOT getting out of the writing thing. I enjoy this, the idea of creating a story, bring characters to life, watching them grow and interact, AND

I enjoy hearing from my readers.

Two chapters of a new story are already at the editor's. I'll see how long I can go without a)starting another new story or b) reviving Smart Girls.



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