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comic book type stories

Keet 🚫

Alicia posted a 'picture book' (Yoga Session in Parc and Public) with only images, as she honestly mentions in her blog and the story description. I checked it out and I immediately got the comic book/manga feeling. Just add text balloons and you have a comic strip.
I know there are huge specialized sites with these and of course some artists of the written word here on SOL will balk at having illustrations in a book beyond the cover, but nevertheless, what do you think? How would you feel about a special section on SOL with (erotic) comic books?

awnlee jawking 🚫


How would you feel about a special section on SOL with (erotic) comic books?

I would be in favour, but how would management cope and what extra resources would it eat up?


Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

@awnlee jawking

I would be in favour, but how would management cope and what extra resources would it eat up?

These days bandwidth is cheap. So no worries about resources. Currently all the sites we have use about 3% of our included bandwidth. So plenty to go around.

I'd have to create a new workflow to handle multiple images quickly as the current workflow is too slow, and maybe create a better display system, like maybe a slideshow or something. But other than that, no issues.

Replies:   Keet  Dominions Son
Keet 🚫

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

These days bandwidth is cheap. So no worries about resources. Currently all the sites we have use about 3% of our included bandwidth. So plenty to go around.

I'd have to create a new workflow to handle multiple images quickly as the current workflow is too slow, and maybe create a better display system, like maybe a slideshow or something. But other than that, no issues.

So cost wise there's no problem, that's good to hear. Now we'll have to see if there's interest from both authors and readers.

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)


Now we'll have to see if there's interest from both authors and readers.

There is a lot of interest from readers. However, it a rarer skill and very time consuming compared to written words. So there is a huge gap between supply and demand.

Due to this gap, those who are skilled enough to do the drawings can easily get paid for their effort.

Replies:   Keet
Keet 🚫

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

However, it a rarer skill and very time consuming compared to written words.

True, maybe Alicia and Mat Twassel can share what software they use to create their images and give some advice to get started. If there's so much interest from readers there must be creators that want to cater to that, just like the writing authors share their effort here on SOL. Bookapy can sell comic books too.

Replies:   Mat Twassel
Mat Twassel 🚫


I use Daz Studio to create the images for my stories. Typically I enhance the images by using various applications, such as Photoshop Elements and Snap Art. The DAZ Studio application is free, but content is required to make use of it. While some content is supplied, to go very far, more content is needed, and this is available for purchase at the DAZ store and many other places. Free content is also available from many sources. And it's possible to create your own content.

Making an image from scratch with DAZ Studio takes me an hour or more, and I've had years of experience. (Which is not to say I'm an expert; there are many DAZ Studio users who have much more skill than I have. For me, it's a hobby; I enjoy integrating images with my stories. If I had talent enough to draw and paint, I'd do that. I think there is some art to creating DAZ Studio images, but it's mostly craft.)

I don't think my illustrated stories could be called comics. Most of my stories are quite short and include only a few images, typically fewer than five, often just one or two. Ideally the images play an important part in the story. They should add to the story, not detract from it, and in the best case the images should be critical, such that the story would be unfinished without them, something I admit I seldom achieve, for various reasons.

Dominions Son 🚫

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

A new sister site? Comics On-Line (COL)?

Replies:   Keet
Keet 🚫

@Dominions Son

A new sister site? Comics On-Line (COL)?

That can only happen when there are enough books to populate such a site. That will take a lot of time. Unless of course comic book authors that now post on other sites start contributing. Which wouldn't surprise me considering the generally friendly nature of SOL and it's a good opportunity to reach a different public from the specialized sites.

Keet 🚫

@awnlee jawking

I would be in favour, but how would management cope and what extra resources would it eat up?

Require a premium membership? Or maybe a separate membership?

Switch Blayde 🚫


As someone who was paid to write comic scripts for an online comic book website, I think it would be great.


Without the words, it's lacking quite a bit. Not just the dialogue. But the comments, sound effects, etc. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but without the words the comic is missing too much.

Replies:   Keet  awnlee jawking
Keet 🚫

@Switch Blayde

As someone who was paid to write comic scripts for an online comic book website, I think it would be great.

So... you could create one as an example for others, share your knowledge to those who want to give a try in creating a comic book?

Without the words, it's lacking quite a bit. Not just the dialogue. But the comments, sound effects, etc. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but without the words the comic is missing too much.

Of course there needs to be text, text balloons and/or text in between. It has to be a story after all.

Replies:   Switch Blayde
Switch Blayde 🚫


you could create one as an example for others, share your knowledge to those who want to give a try in creating a comic book?

I wrote the scripts that the artists drew the panels from (the boxes of various shapes and sizes). I wish I could draw the pictures.

The guy who hired me sent me a link to a site for script writing software. They didn't buy the software, but had me follow the conventions of the software so that all the authors they hired submitted the scripts in the same format to the artists.

My job was to come up with the plot (the story) and then describe each panel in great detail, everything from what was in it, the camera angle, the size and shape of the panel, the dialogue (in the bubbles) or the thoughts, the comments (the description of what was happening either at the top or bottom of the panel), any sound effects, any other effects (like a view of a man's ejaculation from inside the woman's vagina), the page layout (how the panels were laid out). People always say how much they hate cliffhangers, but the last panel on the page should be a cliffhanger in comics.

There were from 1 to 9 panels on a page (although I don't think I ever had a page with less than 6 panels) and from 9–10 (or maybe up to 11) pages in the comic book.

It was a hoot.

But their venture capital dried up so the site never went live. They did send me a sample of one of my comics I wrote for them and their artwork was not impressive (although it was hand-drawn, not computer generated).

awnlee jawking 🚫

@Switch Blayde

Without the words, it's lacking quite a bit. Not just the dialogue. But the comments, sound effects, etc. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but without the words the comic is missing too much.

A number of my writers' group have mentioned they'd be interested in writing the text for graphic novels, but they don't have the talent for the artwork or the money to commission it. I reckon it requires two compatible individuals to collaborate, and arranging such pairs is not trivial.

Such is the shortage that graphic novels are one category for which mainstream publishers are still accepting unsolicited submissions.


Replies:   Switch Blayde
Switch Blayde 🚫

@awnlee jawking

I reckon it requires two compatible individuals to collaborate, and arranging such pairs is not trivial.

Children's books too.

Mat Twassel 🚫


How would you feel about a special section on SOL with (erotic) comic books?

As a writer of illustrated stories, I'd be happy to have them included in a special section in SOL. At the same time, I wouldn't want my stories to be too disassociated from the main body of SOL; I'd like my new stories to show up in the new stories list, for example, or at least in a comparable "new illustrated stories" list, and I'd like my stories to be discoverable through the various search capabilities without the searcher necessarily having to include "illustrated" in the search.

Replies:   Keet
Keet 🚫

@Mat Twassel

As a writer of illustrated stories, I'd be happy to have them included in a special section in SOL. At the same time, I wouldn't want my stories to be too disassociated from the main body of SOL; I'd like my new stories to show up in the new stories list, for example, or at least in a comparable "new illustrated stories" list, and I'd like my stories to be discoverable through the various search capabilities without the searcher necessarily having to include "illustrated" in the search.

I suggested a special section because I wrongly assumed that the cost for hosting them might require a separate paid membership. Lazeez corrected my unspoken assumption. Neither cost nor lack of interest from readers seems to be a problem.
Your stories are listed in searches just like any of the other stories on SOL if you add the appropriate tags for them. They will be found without the reader requiring to add the illustrated tag but based on the other tags.

StarFleet Carl 🚫


huge specialized site

Merceneiress is a great version of this without going to far into the manga.

The completely adult material is on his Patreon site or available for purchase. Great science fiction story / plot. (Go back to the start, but this gives you an idea.

Replies:   Keet
Keet 🚫

@StarFleet Carl

Merceneiress is a great version of this without going to far into the manga.

Looks great yes, but I doubt he's an artist that would post on SOL. A great example though as to what can be achieved in creating a comic book.

Switch Blayde 🚫


illustrations in a book beyond the cover

An illustrated story is not a comic book.

Replies:   Keet
Keet 🚫

@Switch Blayde

An illustrated story is not a comic book.

No, of course not, but some stories are tagged as illustrated while they only have a single picture at the start of the story. To me that qualifies more as a cover image. Not what I would call an illustrated story.

richardshagrin 🚫


If there is no story, words not just pictures, it gets a rating of 1, "you call this a story?".

Replies:   Keet  Mat Twassel
Keet 🚫


If there is no story, words not just pictures, it gets a rating of 1, "you call this a story?".

So as a child you never 'read' a picture book story?
If there is no story I agree with "You call this a story?".

Mat Twassel 🚫


If there is no story, words not just pictures, it gets a rating of 1, "you call this a story?".

If you believe the "story" does not belong in SOL, instead of giving it a rating of 1, why not report the story as inappropriate?

Dominions Son 🚫

@Mat Twassel

If you believe the "story" does not belong in SOL, instead of giving it a rating of 1, why not report the story as inappropriate?

why can't we do both?

Replies:   Mat Twassel
Mat Twassel 🚫

@Dominions Son

If you believe the "story" does not belong in SOL, instead of giving it a rating of 1, why not report the story as inappropriate?

why can't we do both?

No reason why you can't, but if the objective is to get the "non-story" removed from SOL, voting 1 isn't efficient or useful. The author might not even notice the 1 vote, because a few votes at the extreme are removed. Better might be to send a message directly to the "author" expressing your displeasure.

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son 🚫

@Mat Twassel

but if the objective is to get the "non-story" removed from SOL, voting 1 isn't efficient or useful.

There's no guarantee that Lazeez will agree and actually remove it.

Replies:   richardshagrin
richardshagrin 🚫

@Dominions Son

There's no guarantee that Lazeez will agree and actually remove it.

There is a reason the number of stories on the site is announced on the home page fairly highly.

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Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)


There is a reason the number of stories on the site is announced on the home page fairly highly.

Actually once the count crosses 50,000 I will be removing that count display from the home page. It's already irrelevant, but it's been there since the beginning.

Replies:   Keet  Switch Blayde
Keet 🚫

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

Actually once the count crosses 50,000 I will be removing that count display from the home page. It's already irrelevant, but it's been there since the beginning.

Removal won't bother me but why? Irrelevant is relative, for new visitors it's good to see there's a huge number of stories available. Or is it replaced with something like "50.000+ stories available"?

Switch Blayde 🚫

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

once the count crosses 50,000 I will be removing that count display from the home page

Why? It's good advertising.

richardshagrin 🚫

@Mat Twassel


I am under the impression that reporting "inappropriate" is for stories with characters who are not yet age 14 participating in sexual activities.

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son 🚫


I am under the impression that reporting "inappropriate" is for stories with characters who are not yet age 14 participating in sexual activities.

Rule 4 Storiesonline has the right to refuse the posting of any work, for any reason.

Rule 5 Storiesonline may remove your works at any time at the discretion of the moderators. (We'll notify you if that happens and the reason.)

I've reported the a few political rants over the years that didn't even pretend to wrap a story around it.

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