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I'd issue a challenge for this idea

stitchescl 🚫

I would like to see how better writers than me would handle this story hook.

Parent catches teenager smoking. They tell them that they can smoke as much as they like at home, as long as they do it in the nude.

In my mind, the story was Mom catching daughter and the punishment backfired, but I want to see others take the idea and run with it. Maybe the story takes a different tack than what I see. Heck, maybe child catches parent and blackmails them for smoking.

Replies:   LupusDei  itsmehonest
LupusDei 🚫


Parent catches teenager smoking. They tell them that they can smoke as much as they like at home, as long as they do it in the nude.

That seems like crazy jump at first, but I think it just has one crucial element missing -- outside!

The conversation goes, crudely like this, past a certain point:

"...anyway, you can't smoke in here! (...reasons)"

"Gosh, okay, I will go smoke on the patio."

"No you will not!"

"Why? (...conditional refutation of reasons)"

exhausted, "great, you can, but only naked."

"Why naked?!"

"So your clothes won't stink."


"Who cares about your butt! It's so or nothing."

"Okay." (Strips right away)


So the rules get formalized to:
1) no smoking indoors;
2) mandatory nudity while smoking.

The parental motivations of course are along the ways the rebel will be too embarrassed or at least inconvenienced to keep it, and even if not, would do it out of sight. Bonus if it precludes social smoking.

The home nudism can easily expand from there, she can get into habit of dropping her clothes off in her room, then coming downstairs to go out for a smoke. Coming back inside she may not rush to dress. That naturally evolves in short order to her stripping on arrival and only dressing to head out.

Now, does her friends learn about her special smoking rules and bullying her in complying also while with them out of home, or does she herself decide to honor it for thrill, shit and giggles?

Replies:   stitchescl
stitchescl 🚫


That is what I was thinking. Or the friends decide that they will follow the rule so they can smoke too.

Of course, the story could take any number of twists. My only rule, if I were creating a contest, was that the hook be inserted as written. The rest of the story would be up to the author.

itsmehonest 🚫


Samantha K. did one where brat daughter said she had no clothes she could wear so mom made her go nude,

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