The Nexus - Book 2: the First Witnesses - Cover

The Nexus - Book 2: the First Witnesses

Copyright© 2024 by Smutreader

Chapter 2: Jade

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 2: Jade - The saga of Jade, Marcy, and Kitt continues as they grapple with angels, demons, and other mystical beings who seek to control the Nexus while balancing their own hectic lives. READ BOOK ONE FIRST!

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Futanari   Magic   Demons   Cheating   BDSM   DomSub   Rough   Spanking   Interracial   White Male   White Female   Oriental Female   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Squirting   Size  

Friday, May 26, 2023

I sat across from Onyx, my thirteen-year-old brother. Between us was a chess board of white and black, pieces carved in ivory and ebony. He stared across the table at me, his clock ticking. He moved his ebony queen up three spaces. “Check,” he stated as he pressed the button, stopping his clock and starting mine.

After surveying the board, I moved my ivory knight to block and pressed the button.

Onyx grinned, moved his queen forward, and took my knight. “Check.”

My clock began ticking again. My grin was even wider. I took his queen with my bishop. Onyx’s face changed. He moved. I moved. My pieces gained ground. He was taking too long to make decisions, running out of time and pieces. Finally, he tipped his king over and signaled defeat.

I raised my arms above my head and felt several spare chess pieces tumble down my sleeves, through my shirt, and onto the floor. Onyx looked down and saw the queens of ivory spread around my feet. His eyes turned accusatory. “You cheated.”

“No, I didn’t,” I said.


“No! I didn’t cheat!”


I sat up in bed, eyes open, sweating and breathing hard. My hand clutched my chest to get my heart to slow down. Onyx’s voice rang in my ears.

“Cheater. Cheater. Cheater.”

I glanced at the clock. 1:32 a.m. I got up, padded to my studio apartment’s kitchen area, and poured a glass of water. After chugging it, I sat on the floor and did some breathing exercises. I wasn’t sure why I was doing them. They weren’t helping.

Every night for the last eleven nights, I’d awaken at exactly 1:32 a.m. It was the same time on my car clock when I’d practically crawled inside it after seeing Marcy for the last time—the night before she left for Denver. When she gave me my gift by fucking my ass.

Raping my ass, a voice in the back of my head said.

I pushed that voice down. That was not true. Not exactly. I had gone to Marcy’s house looking for sex. And I had gotten it, just not how I’d expected or wanted. She had been forceful, even hurtful. Yet I never once asked her to stop.

I had hurt her. I had forced her out of my life. Had I deserved what she did to me? Maybe not. But neither had she deserved the months of silence I inflicted on her.

Part of me was still angry at Marcy for how she’d treated me. Part of me was angry at myself for how I’d treated her. All of me was angry. My asshole had been tender for almost a week after our encounter. I’d hardly eaten food for days after to avoid aggravating the area.

And now Marcy was gone. Living in Denver. I continued to follow her on social media partly because I was curious about what she was doing—and maybe who she was doing—and partly because there was a piece of my soul that still loved her and wanted her.

Less than two weeks had passed since the orgy and my encounter with Marcy. Two weeks with a new penis that I could grow and make disappear. Two weeks of playing around it with it in my solitude: jerking off, jerking off while using a dildo in my pussy, jerking off while playing with my clit. My experimentation had led to some powerful orgasms. I was a futanari when I wanted to be.

I hadn’t told anybody about it yet. I wasn’t sure what I was waiting for, but it was my secret, and I planned to keep it until I was ready to share it with somebody. I’d spent the week after school ended at my parent’s house hanging out with my siblings, avoiding sitting for prolonged periods and stewing in my guilt. My dad and mom glowed with pride whenever we talked about my freshman grades. I felt hollow. I even thought about dropping out of school and doing something else. I had a quarter of a million dollars now. I could start my own business. I could do a lot of things. Instead, I was putting a thousand dollars a week into investments. In five years, the entire cash pile would transform into stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.

My next youngest sister, Opal, had used the week at home to pepper me with questions about college life. She had just graduated high school and was preparing to attend the University of Colorado in Buffalo on a full scholarship. With her grades and ACT scores, she had the pick of any college in the state, including mine. But she wanted to break off in a different direction.

Unfortunately, I still had to work during the summer break. Marjorie had closed the library for one week, and now she expected some of her employees back full-time when it reopened. As the new night shift assistant librarian, I was expected to be back at work ASAP. So, despite protests from my parents and siblings, I returned to college to start work just the week after I finished my first year.

Being on campus during the break felt different. The study group had disbanded for the summer. Most of my friends were not local and had gone home for the summer. Hannah and Fanny were both local, as was Travis. But they had stuff going on with family. Fanny’s mother lived in town, but her father was in Florida and was planning to fly her out for most of the summer.

Velma had opted for a short trip home so she could work for the summer at the library. Her father’s business was struggling, and money was tight. While her scholarship for softball covered tuition, rent, and books, it didn’t offer her much in terms of spending money. And as a wealthy Southern girl, Velma was used to a particular lifestyle.

Most of my evenings were spent at the library with Velma and the new guy, Dan Oglemann. Dan was a first-year dental student from California who flirted with anybody possessing breasts and a vagina. He did not like taking orders from me. He spent almost all of his shift talking to Velma, who was so enamored with him she was considering changing her major from pre-med to pre-dental.

I pushed away the pestering thoughts of Dan and Velma, refocusing on my breathing. It was now 1:40 a.m. I sat on my floor in a crosslegged position, wearing nothing but a pair of panties. Images from my dream returned to me. I tried to push those away, but it wasn’t so easy. The memory was too fresh.

Cheater. That’s what my little brother, Onyx, had called me. But he didn’t know anything. I opened my eyes again. This breathing exercise wasn’t helping me at all. I needed to talk to somebody. My thoughts immediately went to Marcy, but that ship had sailed. But who else was there?


I needed to talk to Fanny. I found my phone connected to my charger on my nightstand, unlocked it, and texted her.

Me: I know it’s late, but are you up?

Fanny: Ya. Barley. Wassup?

Me: Can’t sleep. Need to talk to somebody.

Fanny: K. Phone or come over?

I really wanted to talk to Fanny in person, but I couldn’t ask her to come over, and I didn’t want to walk or drive over to her place. But before I could even answer, she texted again.

Fanny: I’m coming over. Be there in 5.

Me: You don’t have to but I totally appreciate it.

Fanny arrived wearing pajamas covered in anime characters. I had put on a bra but wore nothing else besides my panties. Fanny and I had seen each other naked many times, and my body was no secret to her. She hugged me when she came in, and it felt amazing. I was glad she just went in for the hug because I was concerned she would kiss me. Our relationship was in a weird spot. Fanny had recently made it clear she liked me and wanted to pursue something more, but I was not there. Fortunately, she was understanding and patient.

“What’s up, girl?” she asked as she flung herself onto my bed. “I hope it’s something good. I was about this close to cumming to my favorite futa porn.” She held up a finger and thumb with about a millimeter of space between them.

I smiled. Fanny loved hentai, especially if it involved girls with dicks. I hadn’t told her about my own futanari situation yet, and I wasn’t sure I was going to. Fantasy was one thing, but seeing an actual dick grow out of my mons was an entirely different scenario. I’d practically freaked out when I’d seen Marcy pounding her cock into her girlfriend or fuck buddy, Robin, a few weeks ago.

Would Fanny freak out? Would I lose the person I considered my best friend if I showed her my extra appendage? How deep did our friendship run? I had no idea. Nothing had tested us yet.

I also feared things might go way in the opposite direction. What if she became obsessed with it? Fanny had a slight tendency to be clingy and possessive over me and our friendship. If she found out I was a futanari, would she go overboard and become intolerable?

“I’ve missed you, girlfriend,” she said. “Has it only been two weeks since Hannah’s house? Feels like longer.”

“Hey, I’ve been back here since Monday. It was you who decided to stay with your mom until last night.”

“I know,” Fanny moaned. “My mom is becoming more and more of a mess the closer I get to going to my dad’s place. For crying out loud, I’m turning nineteen in two weeks. You’d think she could relax about me traveling with my sisters. Brandy is twenty-one. Lanny is seventeen. She acts like we’re in elementary school. If I hadn’t intentionally left all my clothes at my apartment, I’d still be at her house.”

“Yeah, that’s crazy,” I agreed, momentarily forgetting about my own troubles. “My parents were acting a little weird. I think they’ve been fighting, but I didn’t hear anything. Just the vibe I’m getting, you know?”

Fanny nodded. “Oh, I know. I lived through it. Is that what’s been bothering you?”

“I wish,” I said, sitting across from her. “I had a nightmare. A bad one.”

Fanny got up from my bed and came to me, offering another hug. “I’m sorry, Jade.”

She soothingly rubbed my back for a long while. I let her hold me until I started to cry. When Fanny felt my body trembling from the sobs, she pulled away a little, slipped off the bed, and knelt in front of me.

“Jade ... what’s wrong?”

I couldn’t speak. I could barely even breathe. I’d erected mental and emotional support poles in my mind over the last few weeks to keep myself stable. Now, they were breaking. Fanny clutched me tighter until I was able to find my voice again.

“I ... I...” I covered my face because I couldn’t look at Fanny while I confessed what I had done. “I cheated. I cheated in physiology.”

“What?” Fanny asked. “How?”

“I gave Professor Dubois a blowjob to bump up my grade from a B to an A.”

I thought back to the day I got the flat tire, rain pouring down on my car as I’d pulled my car onto the shoulder, my stomach roiling after choking down the older man’s semen. The shame had suffocated me like a hot wool blanket, and I’d nearly broken down then, too.

“You were always doing so well in your classes,” Fanny said. “I don’t understand.”

I wiped my eyes. “If I tried to explain it, you wouldn’t believe me. It sounds crazy. I mean that literally.”

Fanny took my hands in hers and kissed my wet cheeks. “Jade ... if you told me aliens abducted you for half of last semester, I’d believe you. You’re the most honest and good person I’ve ever met.”

I smiled at her, sniffling and chuckling weakly. “You’re just saying that because you have a crush on me.”

“Maybe a little.” Fanny squeezed my hands tighter. “But that doesn’t change anything. I promise to accept whatever you tell me.”

I nodded, but inside, I was trying to decide if I should tell Fanny everything. The story was so crazy that even I sometimes had a hard time believing it. I looked at her, watching me with her big blue eyes like twin sapphires filled with adoration. Adoration I’d seen so many times. Why was I so hesitant to love her the way she loved me? If I wasn’t able to give her my heart, I could at least give her my trust.

“I couldn’t keep up with my classes,” I finally confessed, “because I was so horny all the time. I’m sure you saw the change in me, right?”

“Yeah,” she said, “until about finals time. But I didn’t mind.”

I nodded, took a deep breath, and went on. “An angel appeared to me, Fanny. A real angel. He was named Nicholas. This was right before Marcy and I broke up. And he warned me my ex-girlfriend was in trouble with a demon. That she was going to cheat on me. He was right. I caught her right after the fact.

“I later learned the demon gave her a gift, and I needed to get a copy of her gift to balance things out and possibly save her. I don’t understand all of the details myself. But in order to copy her gift, I had to have sex with her. And until I did, I was—I was insatiable. Literally. I was getting myself off ten times a day sometimes. It really was hell.

“My sexual need took over everything. I couldn’t concentrate half the time, whether I was in class, in a study group, or taking a stupid test. My grades ... I struggled, especially with physiology. I don’t know why, but the class was so difficult for me. I went to see him, Professor Dubois. I begged him for help. He made me the offer, and...” My voice grew thick with emotion. “I was just so horny. I probably would’ve done even more favors for him if he’d asked. I didn’t want my whole life to be derailed by my stupid lust!”

Fanny hugged me again. “It’s okay. I believe you. Yes, it sounds a little crazy, but I believe you.”

“I can’t look at myself anymore! I think—I think I need to talk to the dean of the pre-med program. Confess everything. Do whatever it takes to fix it.”

“You can’t do that, Jade!”

“But it’s the right thing to do!”

“You got your A. And you had to deal with all that stress because you were trying to help your ex and do the right thing. You shouldn’t feel bad, Jade. What if you lose your scholarship or they ban you from the pre-med program?”

I hadn’t thought of that. It was certainly possible. Admitting what I’d done could negate all of my hard work from my freshman year. Then what? What was my backup plan? I didn’t have one. I had always planned on medical school. I didn’t want to be a nurse, dentist, or ophthalmologist. Acting was my backup. I’d enjoyed it in high school but had never planned on doing anything serious with it.

“I don’t know, Fanny. I don’t feel right about it. I can’t shake the guilt.”

“Just give it time. I stole a hundred bucks from my mom once. This was like six years ago. I felt bad about it for a while. Now I don’t even think about it.” Fanny gave me a wry look, but it melted when she saw my pained face and my arms clenched around my stomach.

“I don’t like this feeling ... hating myself. I think about the person’s place I might end up stealing. Somebody who deserves to be ranked higher. What if it comes down to those few points at the end of next year? And I end up stealing a spot somebody else deserved?”

“Jade, do you think other students don’t cheat?”

“Do you?”

Fanny raised an eyebrow at me. “Sometimes. If I know I can get away with it.”

I didn’t know how to address that except to ask, “Do any others in our group?”

“Maybe? Probably. I don’t know specifics, but I suspect some do.” She gazed at me with pity and adoration. “Let this go. You clearly earned your A. Now, talk to me more about this angel and demon stuff, Jade. I’m not saying I don’t believe you, but you have to admit that it sounds cuckoo.”

“I didn’t believe it either at first. But it’s real.”

Fanny raised an eyebrow. “How do you know the guy you met was an angel? Did he have a halo and wings?”

“He had wing tattoos.” Before Fanny could respond or react, I pushed, “I know how it sounds. Trust me, there was more than that. I—I—” Did I trust Fanny or not? I guess if I had to tell somebody, it might as well be the one person who was actually into girls with dicks. “I’m going to show you something. Don’t freak out.”

Fanny’s blue eyes widened, and she sat back on her heels, moving slightly away from me. I pulled down my panties, unhooked my bra, twisted my right nipple, and tugged at my left earlobe. The changes started at once. The skin less than an inch above my clitoral hood changed, bulged, and lengthened until I had a flaccid, uncircumcised penis with no scrotum protruding above my vulva.

I braced myself before looking at Fanny. Her eyes were the size of half-dollar coins, her mouth a perfect O, and her cheeks flushed bright red.

“It’s real...” she whispered, breathing deeply and rapidly. “Is it real? It’s real. You’re—you’re—you’re really a futanari.” She crawled back to me, eyes glued to my sex. “I have to touch it. I’m going to touch it. I have to touch it right now!”

Her left hand wrapped around my shaft while her right slid under it to feel my pussy lips. She closed her eyes and groaned as she came just by touching me. For several seconds she held my genitals, trembling and squeezing my cock in her grip almost too tightly. I’d never seen anything like it. An orgasm just from seeing and touching my body.

“Are you okay?” I asked her, both amused and astonished.

“I’ve fantasized about this moment,” she said, now crying happily, “for so long. You have no idea. This is like a dream come true for me.”

I took Fanny’s face in my hands and kissed her. “Then I’m yours tonight. Whatever you want.”

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