Boot Scootin at the Texas Two Step Saloon - Cover

Boot Scootin at the Texas Two Step Saloon

Copyright© 2015 by Peter Duncan

Chapter 4

Sex Story: Chapter 4 - While consulting with a client in Texas Pete Santori goes to the Texas Two Step Café and unknowingly meets Dotty who turns out to be the daughter of the client. The affair blossoms as does his attraction to the CEO if the company he works for. His wife begins an affair back home.

Caution: This Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Incest   Mother   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Group Sex   Swinging   White Couple   Double Penetration   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Squirting  

Both girls walked into the kitchen barefooted. Silk’s long, curly hair made her look like Barbie but with the appearance of an older teenager. It was apparent that she would match the youthful looks of her mother no matter how old she grew to be. There was something different about both women that caused a tingle in Pete’s groin. They had both removed their hose and it was apparent by the dimpling of their thin sweaters that their bras had been taken off as well. He could tell by the way the cotton material of their skirts conformed to their shapely asses that they wore no panties. Because his and Clay’s conversation had lasted long, he wondered whether they had just been doing girl talk or if the girls could possibly be having in some hanky-panky of their own. Dotty had impressed him last night as a very eclectic lover that wouldn’t have ruled out the possibility of frolicking with another woman, even her daughter.

Based on his and Dotty’s conversation before Silk and Clay came in it was clear that he would be grilling steaks. But Dotty announced, “Silk and I need to spend a few minutes with Pete, Clay, to talk with him about the ground rules for tonight’s activities he-he-he. We want to make sure that we don’t offend his sensibilities. A Yankee might not understand the kind of games we play down here.”

Based on the frank discussion he and Clay just had Pete wasn’t surprised that the old biology teacher-cum multimillionaire went so affably along with the change of plans, if indeed there was a change at all. Clay made it clear to him that Grover McClintock involved himself with every aspect of this “family.” It was kinda like a drama that had been written in a bawdy one act play. He felt a niggling discomfort at being used as a pawn. But with two stunning females poised to do something “dirty” to him he was well beyond the realm of reasonable thought.

When both women embraced him—Dotty kissed him while Silk rubbed her tits on his – he could feel her breasts through the thin weave of her sweater. The scent and taste on Dotty’s lips was pussy, which confirmed his question about what the two of them were doing while he and Clay were talking. Dotty fumbled with his fly, managed his zipper down and worked out his stiffened penis. As he and Dotty kissed, he felt another hand on his erection and heard Silk murmur, “You’re right Momma it IS big ... and so firm and pretty.”

Glancing beyond Dotty Pete saw Clay through the window, the smoke from the grill rising as the steaks dripped on the fire. With a big grin Clay laughed quietly at what he saw inside. Shaking his head in acceptable understanding his lips said, “These McCord women are the damnedest females in Texas.”

As Dotty’s tongue explored Pete’s mouth, he felt the motion of Silk’s shoulders going down. But Dotty with her tongue still inside his mouth tried talking, in a garbled language that came out, “M-Momma’s -ttwurn, m-member?” Dotty took Silk’s hand off Pete’s penis as she dropped to her knees and took his hard sex into her mouth. Silk stared at Pete with doe-eyes then pressed her lips against his imparting the taste of Dotty’s pussy.

At the same time, he laced his fingers in Dotty’s hair and guided her head forth and back on his erection, surprised when Silk’s hand joined his on Dotty’s head. It was the first time he had ever experience such a ménage.

Just as Silk’s free hand clutched his glutes, he opened his eyes and saw Clay outside the window behind the smoking grill where steaks were leaking fat in the fire. Pulling up the hem of Silk’s dress he smoothed his hand up the inside of her thigh and reached the lips of her pussy. As he moved his finger in Silks slickly wet groove Dotty slid her head off Pete’s cock and sighed, “Isn’t my baby’s pussy the silkiest thing you’ve ever felt ... just like her name, hmm?”

The word’s he’d heard earlier from Clay’s mouth, “ ... named the baby Silk because of what he thought the inside of Dotty’s pussy felt like,” echoed in his ears. It caused him to think, Christ I feel like a fly caught in a spider’s web. What’s Grover McClintock gonna end up making me pay for all of this? But now there was no way Pete would stop where he was going.

In a surreal montage Dotty was on her knees with Pete’s cock in her mouth while Silk’s tongue frolicked in his mouth as her hand toyed with the cock that was in her mother’s mouth. A man he barely knew was watching it all happen, looking through the window while grilling steaks. In his incredibly vulnerable position Pete was on display to a man who had just told him that Dotty and her daughter Silk were both daughters of the man who owned Texas Affiliates—the man he was working for. Yet here he was enjoying carnal knowledge of both the powerful man’s illegitimate daughters with that man’s very blessing. On the other side of the kitchen window Clay’s sly smirk and nod of approval was a seductive endorsement of Pete’s inclusion into the “family,” which made him think I don’t know about this with an impending sense of doom. The stories Faust and the Devil and Daniel Webster flashed through his mind: Am I not selling my soul to the Devil as well? But in the libidinous totality of two exotic women his concern was blurred. As he thought I’ll worry about this tomorrow Clay disappeared from the window, came through the door carrying a platter of steaks and said, “Hey girls, either finish him off or save it for later.”

The way Dotty’s head bobbed on his cock made it obvious that she intended on enhancing her protein load with both sperm followed by steak. When her tongue found the greatest concentration of nerve endings between the lobes of his head she was assured of a quick and sizeable measure the new man’s seed. As his body stiffened in her arms Silk hugged him tightly to keep him from losing his balance and falling on her mother. “You’ve got him now Momma,” she said, “Go for it.”

It was strange in an ethereal sort of way to be spewing his orgasm into Dotty’s mouth as her daughter kissed him with luscious lips while supporting him at the same time. As three loads shot into Dotty’s mouth his weakened knees made him feel like he was floating.

“Now THAT,” Dotty said between gulps of Pete’s splooge, “is an appetizer to remember.”

It was amazing to him that as dinner progressed everyone was in on the conversation. With no mention of the sex, they had been enjoying before Clay talked about how much Grover appreciated the job Pete was doing and how it should benefit the company. Dotty chimed in with, “I talked with Grover this morning. He said that Thornton had been giving Pete such a hard time. I don’t know why that boy has to be like that to everyone, but Grover said it was amazing how well Pete was handling him.”

It seemed to Pete that Clay and Dotty were giving him a one-two-three punch on the subject. He wondered how it was that Silk was in on it. Did Grover call her this morning, or did she call him reporting on their revelry last night? What kind of people are these folks anyway?

His thinking was disturbed when Dotty’s bare foot started playing footsie with him. As he watched her cut a piece of her steak, images of her bobbing on his cock traipsed through his mind. This is hot he thought but so fucking perverse and confusing. He wondered if he was in a situation something like Pinocchio’s on Pleasure Island was going to happen to him, touching his nose with his finger to make sure.

The steaks were good. Dotty was more personal with him than she was last night. She kept flirting with him. Though Silk gave him a few suggestive glances her flirting seemed pretty much to center on Clay. Maybe she’s just too young and is afraid of doing something that might piss Grover off. The alcohol made him glow with an intoxication that enhanced the ambience. They were all joking. He couldn’t stop thinking about the sex he would be having with Dotty. And what about Silk? At no time since he had sat down at the table had is erection waned.

After dinner and dessert, the girls cleared the table. As they were putting the dishes in the dishwasher Pete asked Clay if the state of education in Texas had improved since he had been teaching. Clay was giving a long explanation of his opinion—it seemed that he had done his job in delivering some sort of message to him from Grover McClintock thus further conversation in that regard was no longer necessary. Having noticed that the sound of laughter and the clinking of dishes in the kitchen had stopped about fifteen minutes before he looked at his watch; it was 7:40.

“Have you got an appointment?” the smiling Clay Burnett asked.

“I was just wondering what happened to the girls.”

“Sometimes Pete,” Clay replied, “I think of those two are sisters or best friends rather than mother and daughter. They’ve got a routine for a party like this.”

I wonder what “a party like this” means. From what happened when he was alone with Dotty and Silk before dinner, he had a pretty good idea of what it would mean between him and the girls. He just didn’t know what Clay’s involvement would be if there was to be any involvement. Or is he just a spy and referee?

After about five minutes Silk came back into the dining room followed by Dotty. Both women looked like they had been washed and had gotten ready for bed. They wore no lipstick or makeup, having been kissed or muzzled off on Pete and his hard cock before they ate. Dotty was wearing the blue and white flowered nightgown she wore the night before. Silk wore a Texas A&M tee shirt that came just barely below her delectable ass. With a pixie-like smile Dotty asked, “So are you boy’s ready to play?”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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