The Cure - Cover

The Cure

Copyright© 2019 by QM

Chapter 65

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 65 - What if you can cure the incurable, including restoring the dead flesh of a re-attached severed limb? How? Well, that's the rub, isn't it? The secret is in your sexual emanations and only works when reacting to the environment of a vagina.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Mystery   Restart   Science Fiction  

Voice of Truth Amarissa sat nervously alongside the delegation of diplomats representing the Hegemony of Tarsil as the Empress herself went over their credentials.

“All is in order,” Amantil finally stated. “Now, would you care to tell me the real reason you’re here, as opposed to the flowery stuff about healing past disagreements?”

“Terraformers and weapons mostly, also heavy fighters,” Amarissa replied, holding up a hand to forestall an objection by Ambassador Illk.

“We normally lease out terraformers,” Amantil replied with a frown. “Other than that, it’s a three-year training period to operate one, usually serving under another terraformer crew to gain experience.”

“Then the Hegemony would like to lease several.”

“How many is several?”


“We don’t have five to spare, well, not yet. You could have three immediately and two more within a year.”

“That would do, if the price is right. We’re no longer awash with interstellar credits,” Amarissa replied with a sly smile.

“We could arrange terms; it normally takes around fifteen Imperial years to terraform an average planet,” Amantil chuckled at Amarissa’s alluding to the constrained finances of the Hegemony caused by their losing a war with the Empire.

“Timing is good. We have plans to increase the number of inhabitable planets in the systems around Tarsil.”

“Population problems?” Amantil asked with a frown.

“No. It’s a matter of inculcating a loyal populace around the home-world rather than under the thumb of greedy, corrupt bureaucrats.”

“Ah! Nild is beginning to clean house?”

“Yes, though he doubts he will live long enough to see it to fruition. We estimate almost three hundred of your Imperial years to anchor it solidly in the Hegemony.”

“I see. Well, no objections here, not even with weapons or heavy fighters, though you’ll understand why, as yet, you won’t get the top of the range ones, just the ones as good as the Regnat Alliance got.”

“Well, we want to buy the plans for them, not the units themselves,” Amarissa admitted.

“Fine, we won’t put objects in your path.”

“Thank you for your forbearance. Nild said to be honest and upfront with you so I thought I’d show the ambassadorial staff how the grown-ups negotiate.”

“It makes a pleasant change from some of the diplomats who get in to see me,” Amantil replied with a smile, then a wince. “Sorry, I’m going to have to cut this short. Only I think my daughter is finally on her way.”

“Thank you, Serenissima,” Amarissa replied as the ambassadorial staff stood, gave a semi- bow and left through an opening lift.

“She’s refreshingly direct. I like her style,” Janilla commented as she helped Amantil to her feet and led her to another lift to take her to Medical Resource and Royal Healer Cassire.

“Yes, clearly done her homework on the Empire and how it works,” Amantil agreed as she more or less waddled to the lift.

“I cannot believe you were that blunt with the sovereign head of a powerful state,” Ambassador Illk commented to Amarissa.

“Amantil doesn’t need or want flowery language. She knows exactly how powerful both she and the Vreekoosian Empire are.”

“So, when speaking I should simply be direct?”

“Yes, the only title you should use is Serenissima.”

“Yes, it was in the extensive briefing notes,” Illk nodded.

“Glad you read them. Just remember, these are not the bureaucrats of the Hegemony. Always be scrupulously honest and report any dishonesty in your dealings to ImpSec, unless, naturally, what you are up to could be seen as ‘debatable’, even then, avoid open illegality. Despite appearances, this is a far more observed society than on Tarsil.”

“Yes. Their AIs are powerful and pervasive.”

“They are,” Amarissa agreed. “Now, your first task is to find a gift for the new Princess. Nothing too expensive, just something for a new-born child that we can offer as a gesture of friendship on her naming day.”

“At once, Voice of Truth Amarissa.”

A very select group was waiting in one of the rest rooms, some powerful, some insignificant (in terms of power) but all were close friends of Amantil. All were waiting patiently for the new arrival, including Herrick, as Amantil wanted no one there, other than Cass.

“Pacing won’t make her come any quicker,” I chuckled as Herrick seemed unable to sit still.

“I know, but it keeps me occupied.”

“Looking forward to being a Dad?”

“A Dad?”

“Well, that little girl may not be biologically yours, but she’s going to need a real Dad, one to love and guide her, to always look out for her,” I replied.

“Never thought of it like that, but yes, I’ll be her real Dad,” he nodded. “The one she’ll see every day.”

“Yes, I think you’ll be good at it,” Honack nodded.

“I’m pretty sure Manny will want to start having your kids soon as well,” Bonsarr chipped in.

“We intend to, after this daughter,” Herrick nodded. “Once the succession is sorted, we’ll be able to live like a normal couple.”

“For given values of normal when it comes to being the Empress’ lover,” I chuckled.

“That’s true,” he laughed out loud.

There was a soft chime and then the AI announced that Amantil was now receiving visitors.

We all let Herrick lead the way as we passed through the opening wall to see Amantil sitting up in the grav-bed holding her daughter.

“My love!” Herrick exclaimed and hurried to her side. “She’s beautiful, like her Mum.”

“Bit early to tell,” Amantil snorted as she handed her daughter over. “But thank you, my love,” she finished with a wide smile.

“Name?” I asked as the ladies crowded around.


“Amanda?” Kirim asked. “That’s not an Imperial ... or even an Emirate name?”

“It’s an Earth name,” Amantil confessed.


“The home planet of all humanity.”

“The what?”

“Where we all originally came from. Where Dave originally came from.”

“Where is it?” Vilgra asked.

“Next arm over, but sadly no longer inhabitable. Hasn’t been for over nine and a half thousand (25,000 Earth) years as the original humans destroyed it in a war when they were expanding.”

“Did wonder,” I nodded.

“So, the Empire must have time travel?” Bonsarr asked, looking shocked.

“In a manner of speaking, yes,” Amantil replied as Herrick handed Amanda over to her to cuddle whilst Cass did her final checks. “It’s limited as in we can’t go back any less than a thousand years and more than nine and a half thousand.”

“So, no leaving ourselves notes of warning?”

“No, I forbade that. We just observe and occasionally bring back the odd Cure or genius on their deathbed.”

“Hell of a secret,” Honack mused out loud.

“Yes, but as I trust you all in here, I’m allowing you in on it to think over and come up with suggestions in case we’re missing a trick.”

“Biodiversity,” I suggested. “Earth had masses of different plants and animals, far, far more than Vreekoos or other terraformed Imperial planets.”

“It’s a thought, yes,” Bonsarr nodded as she handed Amanda over to Kirim. “Just think what a terraformer could do with those genetic templates.”

“So, how is it done?” Vilgra asked.

“You overload an XD drive to punch it through a ... barrier and the distance you travel in what I’m told is a very hostile environment takes you back in time. You use a similar principle to come back,” Herrick explained as Amantil was busy getting hugs and kisses.

“No going to the future?” I asked.

“No, because we can’t find it. We can only get back to where we started.”

“I take it the calculations are daunting?” Kirim asked.

“Very, though the only time we came close to losing anyone was on the first trip, where the crew made their way to where they thought Vreekoos should be and found it hadn’t been colonised yet. It took them nearly a year to calculate their way back.”

“Ran out of food?”

“Pretty much so, yes. They were able to do a bit of trading but not nearly enough as they didn’t want to give away any secrets either. Odd thing is, they got ‘back’ just ten rotations after they left,” Herrick chuckled.

“Looking half-starved and physically the worse for wear too,” Amantil added. “But they brought back a secret that has enabled the Empire to acquire geniuses and Cures as the current ship drops off observation drones in various places and we monitor the past for people like Dave. The one unfortunate thing about it is that people brought forward tend to lose many of their memories.”

“Like my Dave?” Kirim asked.

“Yes, though he also had some damage due to oxygen starvation as well,” Herrick confirmed. “Along with a pellet wound.”

“Weird things to be talking about on a day of celebration,” I chuckled.

“True, but I have you here anyway,” Amantil giggled. “Plus the work of Empire never ceases.”

“A true Empress,” Bonsarr laughed out loud.

“Aye!” we all chorused.

“The Empress commands!” Herrick added.

“And we obey!” we replied, making the little mite stir and begin to cry softly.

“Welcome, Princess Amanda. I’m your Dad,” Herrick said quietly, making her settle.

The following work period the High Court gathered to greet their new Princess on her naming day. Speculation was running rife on the actual name.

As part of Amantil’s Security Group, naturally we, along with a few other ‘worthies’ in the Bureaucracy, Nobility and Corporate fields, were invited to attend. Finally, at the appointed rotation of the dial, Amantil stepped through into the chamber, carrying Amanda, and stood before the throne on its raised dais.

There was a massed full bow in utter silence other than the slight whirring of the grav- cameras of the newsies.

“Please relax,” she commanded, giving the High Court permission to sit.

“Welcome, Serenissima,” High Court Arbitrator Wellat greeted her.

“Thank you, Meritocrat Wellat. I stand before you with the child of my body to give you her name and have her recognised as heir to the Empire.”

“We wait in anticipation, Serenissima,” Wellat replied, keeping to the strict protocols of Imperial recognition with regards to the Royal Family.

“Nobles and Bureaucrats, I give you Amanda, first of her name, our Princess and heir to the throne of the Empire.”

“We recognise you, Princess Amanda, as heir to the Empire!” Wellat (who was one of the few who knew her name in advance) thundered out.

“Princess Amanda!” the rest of us chorused as Amanda totally ignored us, sleeping softly in her mother’s arms.

“Regencia Meritocrat Bonsarr,” Amantil called out.

“Serenissima!” Bonsarr replied in a clear voice.

“Thank you for your gracious service as heir. That position is now removed from you. However, I would ask you to be Regent to Amanda until she reaches her majority, should anything happen to me.”

“I would be deeply honoured, Serenissima.”

“Thank you, my friend,” Amantil replied quietly, showing deep and heartfelt emotions of thankfulness.

There were a few murmurs of surprise, but then the Court again gave a deep and unexpected bow of acknowledgement as the succession was further protected.

With the official part out of the way, Amantil stepped down from the dais and led the way out of the chamber into the main hall where a reception was being held for the various Ambassadors as well as the lower Nobility and Bureaucrats of the Realm.

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