Rich Guy 2 - Cover

Rich Guy 2

Copyright© 2019 by Dark1

Chapter 7 - Revenge and Secrets revealed

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Revenge and Secrets revealed - The continuing adventures of Carter, Candace and Cassie. Carter's relationship with Cassie has fundamentally changed and Candace is stuck in the middle. Carter enters the ruthless world of business and makes a shrewd but dangerous maneuver. Sins of the past come back to haunt everyone and will rock the family to its core. note: beware the codes. This story line will include death & murder. Also, this book includes time jumping both forward and backwards.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Blackmail   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rags To Riches   Cheating   Cuckold   Sharing   Incest   Brother   Sister   BDSM   MaleDom   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Swinging   Black Male   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Violence  

Warning: This chapter contains scenes of rape, torture and death. It’s not overly graphic, but it’s there. Be prepared for some disturbing content.

I woke up an unknown time later. The first thing I felt was a shooting pain in my nose, followed by a throbbing in my dick. I looked down and saw that I was naked and there was a rubber band wrapped around my cock.

It was only then that I realized that my arms were above my head. I looked up and saw that I was tied up to one of the rings coming from the ceiling.

“Fuck, I don’t know which bitch has a tighter ass!” A man’s voice called out. I snapped my head down and saw a man behind Candace, roughly pumping into her from behind.

“That’s why you get to fuck them both, so you can compare.” A man behind Cassie replied.

There were 6 men in total in the room, all naked and standing around stroking their cocks.

Cassie and Candace were both bound to the benches and looked very worse for wear. I noticed black straps around their heads and as Candace turned to look at me, I could see a metal ring in her mouth.

“Man, I never got a girl to go ass to mouth before.” One of the men in front of Candace commented.

“That’s why God invented O ring gags.” The other laughed, slapping him on the back. The man stepped forward and rammed his cock into Candace’s mouth. She gagged hard but he pinned her back down to the bench and pumped her mouth roughly.

“Get off her! I’ll fucking kill you! I’ll kill you all!” I screamed.

The men all jumped and turned towards me.

There was silence for a moment and then the men began to laugh.

“I don’t think you’re gonna kill anyone, Theon Greyjoy.” One of the men laughed.

I screamed and cursed at the men until my voice went horse. I yanked on the ropes holding my hands and shook the ring, trying to get free. They ignored me and continued to violate the girls in all sorts of ways. The two men that I’d seen before seemed to be the leaders and on their breaks, they recorded their rape of the girls and spent time recording me and my purple cock.

“He’s gonna love this.” One man said.

“Yeah, what kinda sick fuck would ask for this?”

“Who cares, he paid good. Besides, we get a chance to make up for what this cock sucker did to us.” The other said, glaring at me.

“Can’t we just kill him?” The other man asked.

My heart jumped into my throat.

“No, he wants him alive. Says he owes him money.”

“Based on how big his house is, I bet it’s a lot of money.”

“Probably. I am glad that I got to ass fuck that little slut over there and I’m really happy that this fucker gets to watch his dick fall off in front of him.” He snarled.

“What did he do to you anyway?” One of the other men called out.

“Long story. Not for polite company. Needless to say, we’ve had a lot of years dreaming about this moment.” The man replied, glaring at me.

Finally, the four lesser men decided to go out for food.

“Go on, take your time. They ain’t going anywhere.” One of the leaders said.

The four men dressed and walked upstairs.

“All alone, just us.” One of the lead men said, waling over towards me. I watched him as he reared back and slammed his fist into my stomach.

“Fuck yeah man, punching bag time!” The other called out, running over to join his friend.

Pain shot though my body as the two men punched and kicked every inch of my body.

They particularly enjoyed kicking me in the dick and I wondered if I’d ever have sex again.

“Who are you two? Who set you up for this?” I screamed, my voice breaking in pain.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” One man laughed.

“I’ll pay you. Whatever he paid you, I’ll triple it right now!”

“Oh, I know you got money, but there ain’t anything more valuable than what we’re doing right now.” The man grinned as he drove his knee into my balls for the hundreth time.

“Why? Who ARE you?” I screamed.

The men stopped. One man held his arm up and pointed to a long scar on his forearm.

“This look familiar?” He asked.

“No.” I screamed

The other man stood up in front of me and pointed to a scar along his jawline.

“How about this one, Negan?” He asked.

My brain, while foggy, rewound to a day, many many years ago.

Two men,



and a baseball bat.

“No way.” I muttered.

“Yeah way.”

“You’re in prison!” I panted.

“We got out. We got friends in high places.”

“No way. No way. WHO? Who’s your friend?” I cried out, though I already knew.

“I’m sure you’ll figure it out. He’ll contact you soon enough. Come on man, lets get something to drink. I wanna watch this asshole’s dick fall off.”

The two men wandered upstairs.

“Hey, are you two OK?” I called out.

Both girls turned and nodded at me weakly.

I pulled my wrist down as hard as I could. The ropes dug into my flesh but my body was numb from the pain.

My thumb twisted at an angle that it shouldn’t go into but my hand came free.

“Fuck yes!” I hissed, pulling my other hand out and falling to the ground.

With shaky hands, I pulled the rubber band off of my swollen cock and muffled a scream as the blood rushed back into my member.

“It’s gonna be OK. It’s going to be OK.” I gasped as the girls stared at me.

I glanced around the room, knowing that I had just seconds to form a plan.

I picked up one of the smaller tables and threw it with all of my energy against the glass wall, which shattered.

I staggered into the viewing room as I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

I hobbled behind the desk and tugged on the top drawer.

“What the fuck? There’s a room there? Where did that fucker go!” I heard one man yell as I pulled the drawer open.

It was still there, in the same place I’d moved it to years ago when I first discovered it in the office drawer.

I’d never actually shot a gun before.

It was heavier than I thought and with my arms still being numb, I had trouble lifting it up.

With adrenaline surging, I raised my arm up. It shook wildly from the pain and terror as the two men ran into the opening in the glass wall.

“Oh SHIT!” One man screamed.

The sound of the gunshots in the enclosed space was deafening.

Both men hit the ground and I could hear one of the men moaning.

I stumbled over towards him and rolled him over.

“Who.” I mumbled, putting the gun on his temple.

“Martin. He said his name was Martin.” The man muttered, gasping for breath.

I pulled the trigger again.

I tossed the gun aside and stumbled back into the sex room. Both girls were staring at me, shaking in terror as I untied them. The pulled the rings out of their mouths and clutched each other tightly as I picked up a cell phone from the floor and dialed 911. I gave the phone to Candace and then hobbled over to where my clothes sat in a pile. I dug through my pants pockets and pulled out my cell phone, then dialed Brad.

“We got a situation.” I mumbled.

The police arrived just as the four other men returned to the house. I had the gun ready as the girls hid in grotto, but apparently living in a rich part of town gives you extra pull with the police force. I found out later that I (through Brad) had been donating to the Police Society for many years and they knew who I was, which was probably how I got away with most of the things I’d done.

EMS showed up and took Candace and Cassie to the hospital. I answered as many questions as I could before blacking out in front of a house full of cops.

I woke up an undetermined time later and felt like I was in a cloud. As my vision returned I looked around and realized that I was in the hospital. I slowly gained consiousness and looked down to see my hand was in a cast.

As I sat up, I felt something strange round my waist. I lifted the sheet up and discovered that I was wearing some sort of diaper.

“Great.” I muttered as I threw my feet over the edge of the bed.

I was hooked up to an IV drip and I clutched the rod for support as I stood up.

I slowly shuffled out into the hallway.

“Hey! Where are my sisters!” I demanded to the closest nurse.

“You shouldn’t be out of bed!” The nurse scoled.

“Fuck that. Where are they?” I demanded.

“Who are your sisters?” She replied.

“Candace and Cassie. Cute brunettes.” I replied.

“Third door on the right. Everyone is there. They are awake.”

“Everyone?” I asked as the nurse walked away.

I shuffled towards the door that the nurse had indicated and pushed it open.

Inside were Candace and Cassie, sitting in beds next to each other.

Claudia, Mason and Brad were standing around them.

Samantha was on the bed, holding Cassie’s hand.

They were both sitting up and had weak smiles on their faces.

“CARTER! You’re awake!” Claudia screamed, jumping out of bed and running towards me.

“Awake? What day is it? Oh shit, careful, that hurts!” I groaned as Claudia wrapped me up in a tight hug.

“You’ve been out for a few days.” Brad said. I looked over Claudia’s head at Brad. He looked terrible. It looked like he had not slept in weeks. He hadn’t shaved and it appeared that he had been crying.

“How are you doing Carter?” Mason asked, putting his hand on Claudia’s shoulder to get her to release me.

“I feel like I’ve been hit by a bus. Everything hurts.”

“You have several broken ribs, a punctured lung, a broken nose, a fractured wrist, and other, stuff.” Brad muttered.

“How are you doing?” I asked, looking over at the girls.

They both nodded slightly.

“My babies are indestructable. Thank you, Carter, for putting a fucking bullet in those fucking bastards!” Claudia spat.

“Easy now, easy.” Brad said, putting his hand on Claudia’s other shoulder.

“Yeah, what do you know about all that?” I asked.

“Let’s talk.” Brad said, switching to his business voice.

Mason picked up on it.

“Come on Claud, let’s get some food.” He said, wrapping his arm around Claudia’s shoulder and leading her away.

“OK.” Claudia mumbled... “Do you need anything?” She asked.

“Chocolate. I need chocolate.” Cassie said.

“Me too.” Candace replied.

“I’ll get you a mountain of chocolate. All the chocolate in the world!” Claudia declared before she burst into tears.

“Come on babe.” Mason said again, leading her down the hall.

I stumbled back to my room with Brad behind me.

“So, what the fuck happened?” I asked, falling into a chair.

“Well, as you might have figured out, the two men that you killed were the ones that you were involved with years ago.” Brad replied.

“Yeah, I figured that out. How did they get out?”

“They had a friend pull some strings.”

“Zander.” I replied.

Brad nodded.

“How did he know about them?” I asked.

“I don’t know.”

“Well, fucking find out!” I barked.

“I’m working on it. Look, I’ve got friends, but I’ve also been trying to keep this under wraps. Half of the police force saw the sex room and people are asking questions. I’m trying to play it off as your father’s doing, but it’s tough. We’ll get to the bottom of all of this, but I’m also trying to protect you, and the girls.” Brad said, his voice showing a determination and desperation that I’d never heard before.

I stared at him angrily when I noticed that his eyes were the same bright shade of blue that Cassie’s were.

“Brad, do me a favor. Send Claudia in here.” I said evenly.

Brad nodded and stood up.

“Alone.” I added

“We’ll get them. Don’t worry, he’ll pay.” Brad said.

“I know.”

A few minutes later there was a knock on the door.

“Come in.” I called out.

Claudia walked in.

“Hey Carter, how are you doing?” She asked in a sweet, motherly voice.

“I hurt.”

“I’m sorry. I”m so sorry. Do you know who did this and why?” Claudia asked as she pulled up a chair.

“I’m working on it. Claudia, who is Cassie’s father?” I asked.

Claudia jerked and fell into the chair.

“Uhm, why?” She stammered.

“Just answer the question. It’s Brad, isn’t it?” I growled.

“Carter, please. I just. I...” Claudia babbled.

I stared at her as I did the math backwards in my head.

“You were cheating on my dad also, weren’t you?” I said accusingly.

Claudia put her head in her hands and began sobbing.

“It just happened. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Your dad was gone all the time and I was all alone with Candace. I was so tired and lonely and Brad was the only one around. I loved your dad, I really did. It just happened one night. I was weak and drunk and it just happened.” She cried.

“What happened? You seduced him, didn’t you?” I barked.

“I knew about his other women. I knew and I didn’t care. We swapped in college all the time. That didn’t bother me. It’s just that he was gone. He was gone and I was all alone. All alone in the big house with a baby and I felt dead inside. Brad was there. Brad was there for me...” Her voice trailed off.

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