Her Faux Blown Fuse - Cover

Her Faux Blown Fuse

Copyright© 2019 by Allyfutzus

Chapter 9: Certified

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 9: Certified - The subject of breast feeding came up as my new customer stood attentively by at the furnace while I worked. Having child birthing classes and related subject matter I jumped right into the conversation while up to my elbows in the stinky oil burner. That didn't seem to affect her whatsoever. The subject was breast feeding. We'd struck some kind of accord as kindred spirits. As usual I was just naive but it seemed perfectly fine to me. I was impressed with her honesty. (Based on True Story)

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   True Story   Cheating   Squirting   Illustrated  

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[Things spiritual I avoided with all my might and now this was alarming and simply cockeyed -- what? Floating around in space fucking many? No shit, how?]

My gift for staying out of trouble having sex with customers while married was working up to this point. Suddenly things were changing far beyond my control. I felt I may have lost all my friends in an instant of tearing away from reality, or maybe to it? Was I being too creative like my childhood. Was I going to get it from clergy figure like Father MacFeely?

Sister Jane came over and took my arm to lift me and she seemed inordinately strong. I was thus standing, being brought into the group of people who arrived as I looked back at my buddies Maria and Sylvia, panicked, still sitting with wonder on their faces.

Two women stepped forward and began to remove my clothing immediately, no hesitation! They removed everything, shoes and all with frenzy speed as I was held by others. Other women arrived to start applying some kind of oil all over me calling it an anointment like in the Bible. They were praying, some chanting, omminey-dominey-ding-ding, whatever, and I was thoroughly scared but realized it felt good, soft-calm and well, I got a big old boner well oiled, massaged. That caused a sigh to go up among them intensifying their work. I wondered if those anointed in the Bible, recipients, got a hard-on. I’d actually wondered that as a parochial school kid.

I guess I’d done the right thing complying, not fight them. I again quick glanced back at my sweet fuck buddies but they were gone. There was no sign of them. Did they set me up for this? Bring me to the nunnery knowing I was going to assaulted? I didn’t care to be adorned by a bunch of the faithful, just wanted to have sex. Sister Jane gave me a wink and a grin kind of evil.

Suddenly I felt I was completely removed from the moment, day dreaming brought on by the over zealous mysterious handling of me. As I was being anointed, which was basically being jacked off, I was sensing falling from great height with some other guy and we kept careening while he remained so calm. All the while, as I imagined this, I was being aroused with all the rubbing going on with fervor. I felt orgasm rising as I saw the Earth far below coming toward us fast, faster. We were getting close. He, still calm, suddenly told me to grab his ankle while he did the same to me. He began spinning us to form a circle turning perpendicular to the ground coming up fast. At the last moment he forcefully spun us so fast I landed without much effort and he did the same. It was impossible but real. It was as if he put enough energy into our fall, spinning, to offset gravity. We were okay. I got no explanation but ejaculated wonderful, long to excited comments that brought no answers to the dream exactly yet it was also quite real as if the fall really happened. And I ejaculated many times with a real sense of relaxation after. Meanwhile I was also being handled all over by so many now wiping up the gizem, volume, no fuss, no muss, just business as usual. I wasn’t made to feel embarrassed.

I was silly calm with the orgasm, so good, so relaxing and didn’t care what they might do in response. Being the only one naked among them, certainly the only one having an orgasm ejaculating, didn’t really bother me and I enjoyed the gentle groping, actually okay in my butt crack familiar to Sister Jane’s. But I sensed the anointers were being a little more careful about giving me orgasms after I’d done thus repeatedly.

All of their clean up required me to be anointed again. Cool.

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Then in the moment I noted I was surrounded by people and oddly there was a woman in front of me acting weird as though she was in a trance as another women was clutching her, even playing with her nipple. They were like me, naked in the middle of the crowd.

I was perplexed. Was all of this the influence of the current sexual revolution? The ecumenical guitar mass was one thing but this was provoking and given values forced on me in the past just not right. This was being performed at the nunnery by the faithful. I stood still with my stretching penis sticking taut, wondering, confused, wanting to ejaculate some more.

Then again, dreamy mentally elevated, I was somewhere beautiful, alone, a commanding erection demanding presence when I noticed a swarm of bees surrounding me.

I was well aware of bee hives swarming having kept bees for some time. It was always a very interesting event to experience in that the queen was free to fly away from the hive with most of the hive flying with her, to protect her, to land somewhere and create a new hive site. This was a risk for bees hoping to survive, not to be taken lightly. And anyone not experienced with this would likely be utterly frightened by the amazing experience fearing stings. And I was all naked, no protection.

She was an extra large bee, the queen, quite noticeable. She was special, golden beautiful and suddenly I was with someone I witnessed morphed from her. She was a strange creature unearthly beautiful with great strength obvious and strange ears. She was the person playing with the nipple of the dazed woman in front of me before I was mysteriously taken away dreaming again.

She spoke not at all but took me in her hands. I had a vision, too strange, with the worker bee females from the swarm flying into the tip of my penis, into my body. Their energy was extreme vibration as their wings streamed fluttering into through my urethra. I was screaming in fear but heard nothing as it continued until someone else was working my penis in her grip with an extended swab stick pushing it in and out again and again telling me things I didn’t understand while another big guy watched with enthusiasm, seemed pleased.

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Were these visions all remembrances from my past? Were they real? Her probing deep into my penis felt uncontrollably stimulating overcoming me with painful passion.

The faithful who disrobed and anointed me were in fact using a swab on a stick to drill some ointment into my penis deeply time and again. But gripped in the realization my mind became engrossed in a vision of someone else who said I was her livestock breeder who needed to fuck far more in the future and then, like the flip side, I was with a girl holding my penis and telling me she needed to examine me because...

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... it was important for her research as a veterinarian student...

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... until yet another creature, a girl, also holding my penis and telling me...

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... I was one of a kind like no other on the entire planet, the lover of goddesses who was completely safe to fuck, no diseases, no risk and they were probing through my anus.

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