Phoenix Rising: the Immortality Curse - Cover

Phoenix Rising: the Immortality Curse

Copyright© 2019 by Slutsinger

Chapter 33

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 33 - Phoenix Rising took the gaming industry by storm. The AI controllers said they could write a world more realistic than any created by humans; they succeeded. Virtually anything was possible. David was about to test how far that went. He was fascinated by the in game prostitute Hulda. But in his innermost fantasies, he didn't want to have her: he wanted to be her. He was going to be a whore. He had no idea how hard that would be. Female character, male player.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   GameLit   High Fantasy   Sharing   Humiliation   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Squirting   Big Breasts   Public Sex   Prostitution   Royalty  

From the Video Blog of Ariel, the First Immortal Whore

The princess, priestess and I sit in her carriage. Her driver is up top, guidinng us along what passes for a road. Her four guards ride alongside the carriage. The eight of us comprise her party.

I think I might be able to walk faster than we’re traveling. But the princess has her supplies to bring, and we want to arrive in style.

I’m not going to resist stripping her and fucking her that much longer. I can fold out the carriage seat and have my way with her right now. Two things slow me down. First, there is no reason to go fast. I will get my fill of lust and the princess over the next day. Second, even though she is a whore it would be disrespectful to her station to just ravish her in front of everyone without a good reason. But we’ll soon be far enough from Berg’s Keep.

I turn to the priestess to pass the time until I can take the princess. “Why is Staggard’s Green in danger?”

“You know that the goblins have been raiding our villages?”

“I had heard. One of my clients was talking about it.”

“That wasn’t too much of a problem until they made common cause with the gnolls.”

“Gnolls certainly are worse than most goblins.”

“A raid got all the way to Staggard’s Green and the villagers killed a gnoll in the village center. Things were not one-sided. The villagers lost a boy, and their response was vicious.”

She asks, “What do you know of Askarya of the Moon?”

“The goddess of werewolves?”

“True, although Great Lady willing, that will not matter to us. She’s also the goddess of gnolls. The death of the gnoll in the village as well as the response gave her an opening: she withdrew her blessing from the village and raised her hand against it. Her curse stands in the way of the Lady’s rite.”

“But the villagers didn’t do anything wrong.”

“That depends on who you ask. The gnolls might disagree. I doubt anyone can say which side started things.”

“So the Great Lady and Askarya are enemies?” It feels as if a spike is driven through my head.

“Ah, I see you got your answer to that directly,” the priestess says. “The Lady will be the Lady; Askarya will be herself. The village must pay the price for what they have done. Depending on what they can sow, they reap doom or joy. The Great Lady is there to help them find joy if they can do their part.”

“This is bigger than just Staggard’s Green,” the princess says. “Divine magic follows contagion just like everything else. If Askarya of the Moon gets a handle on the Berg’s Keep demesne through Staggard’s Green, she can expand to other villages, even if they have not affronted her people.”

“I doubt it could come to that,” says the priestess.

The Great Lady agrees with the princess. She knows this is bigger than one village.

The priestess says I need to practice control. I need to practice stepping back from the Great Lady so I can maintain myself even though I am holding her longer than is safe for someone of my skill.

For her part the Great Lady grows bored of these lessons very quickly. With the priestess’s head occupied more profitably between my legs, we all enjoy ourselves much more than when I was practicing control. I’m putting on a show. The guards are valiantly trying to pay attention around us, but they all shift uncomfortably as they cannot help but be distracted by the priestess and I. Beckett glares at me. I don’t know what his problem is: he is turned on as much as the rest of them. If he wants his own, I’m sure the priestess could suck my tit while he fucks me. I wouldn’t even mind if he wanted to fuck her instead!

The priestess is teasing me after my second orgasm. The slow, gentle strokes of her tongue begin to build me up after that amazing crash. The fog of lust hasn’t quite built up again to sweep me away. I realize that I don’t even know whether she is okay with what we’ve been doing. I just got annoyed and in the middle of her explanation, spread my legs and told her to show me how good she is. I am her goddess, and her offerings will be lost if she declines my invitation. What’s she going to do besides dive in? I am furious. Not even the goddess in my head is going to manipulate me into forcing another person like that. My anger sweeps away the lust. I apologize and ask if she is okay.

“I didn’t mind a bit, ya have no fear. I’ve played with the Great Lady a time or two before. I know she can get a little focused.” And now that I think about it, her smell backs that up. She is excited but not distressed.

“Still! I lost it so much that I wasn’t even paying attention. I was playing with you without thinking of the consequences.”

“Aye, and that’s no good. I hope you are ready for the lessons now.”

“I’m wondering whether it’s safe to do this at all. Perhaps I don’t have what it takes to hold her.”

“Nonsense! You need to learn, but now that you understand why, it will be easier. But there are also tricks for working with someone goddess touched.”

“What do you mean?”

“What if I’d said I wasn’t comfortable, or asked you if we could fuck later? She might have been all ready to tell me I shouldn’t have annoyed her with lessons if I wasn’t ready to sleep in the bed I made. But what of you?”

“I’d like to think that would have gotten my attention.”

“I think it would. And of course I could have just told you to stop. Sure there would have been consequences for that. But remember only the three of us pledged to accept any that come as assurity of our offerings. The villagers can tell the goddess to stop if she is too eager. And you can help her listen.”

“Even so, I’m going to learn these lessons and she will not put me in a position where I force someone else. If she can’t get that then I’ll kick her right out.”

“You do that. She’s big and wonderful, and holding her is like nothing else. But so are you, and you deserve respect from her for what’s important to you. She’s a big girl”—the priestess smiles—”at least when she wants to be, so you should hold her to it.”

“Right now she’s sulking and being difficult.”

“Sometimes it is easier to sulk than to admit that we’ve hurt someone we care about. The two of you will be fine. Let’s get back to lessons.”

Yeah perhaps if you’ve been a priestess all your life the goddess will care about you enough to feel bad that she has hurt you. I doubt that is why she is sulking. Still, for whatever reason, the priestess’s words pull her out of her sulk and her glow fills me. The priestess is right; this is like nothing else.

It’s after dinner. The three of us are in a tent and the guards are outside finishing setting up camp.

The princess and I have been at it. I’m idly stroking her thinking about whether we should go another round.

She whispers, “I don’t know if you have noticed, but my womb is ripe.”

I stroke her belly. “If I couldn’t notice just from fingering you, I think Bruce would have me in for years of remedial Whorecraft lessons. And then there is Smell of Sex. I’ve been thinking about it ever since the priestess said we couldn’t cast Remove Pregnancy.”

“This isn’t how princesses have kids.”

I’m not sure about that at all. Nobility has been filled with enough scandal over the years. “This has never happened before?”

She sighs. “Oh, I’m sure it has. But what will they think? How will I live it down?”

The priestess interrupts. “There is no shame in the Lady’s work. But there’s also nothing stopping you from casting Remove Pregnancy later after the festival is done and you have made your offering at the temple.”

“It seems like there are lots of ways of working around these rules. Doesn’t that dishonor the Great Lady?” I ask.

“No, they don’t dishonor things, but to understand that, you need to understand the purpose of the rules. The Lady doesn’t take joy in her priestesses becoming mothers when that is not what they want. Nor does she revel in us taking lovers who have no respect for us.

“For the most part, the rules are there to tune the energy of our service, not to control what we do in the parts of our lives that are not given to her.

“It would be different if you pledged to bring a child into the world as a service for her. It is all about being honest about what you offer and listening carefully to what she needs.”

“But what should I do?” Aubrielle asks.

“You have time to decide what you will eventually do.”

I place my hand on her sex. “Until we get back to Berg’s Keep, think about how humiliated you are going to be. One of those commoners is going to plant a nice big sturdy farm lad in you.” I massage her mound. “Think about how that’s going to feel.

“Each time you look at one of them you’re going to think about whether this is the one.”

The princess is already panting.

“Are you going to tell them you are ripe?”

She moans.

“Think how they’d enjoy that, knowing that their princess is ripe for their seed. Think how much it would turn them on.”

Her smell has me so wet. My other hand squeezes my breast while I gently stroke her mound.

“And then they are going to come inside you! You’ll feel that hot spurt of their seed filling you.”

“Please! Harder!” She is panting and moaning.

I don’t think I’m going to need to go much harder. “You’d already come from a commoner’s hands pulling your hips against him as he spends himself in his princess. But that seed filling you! Think how hard you will come. Do you think he’ll be able to smell your humiliation?”

Great Lady, she is hot. I’m so turned on just from her smell and the sounds she is making. I can probably come too without even touching my cunt.

I whisper into her ear. “So, princess, will you use Whorecraft and watch as the seed seeks your ripeness? Will you take a front row seat to your humiliation?” And I flick her clit. She clenches my hand and comes and comes. I am close enough that twisting my nipple brings me over the top.

Of course I have Smell of Sex on full, enjoying every moment of our lust. And the guards listening, turned on by the princess’s cries fan my lust too. But in the moment of my orgasm, my mana peaks, and my senses extend further.

Oh, fuck, we are screwed. I smell a lot more than the princess and guards. There are six gnolls and four humans surrounding our camp. And there’s a lot of blood somewhere. From the newcomers I smell the blood lust of violence with the crisp scent of anticipation. There is a note of fear, but only a note.

Ariel: <Ambush! Six gnolls, four humans incoming. We are surrounded, possible man down!>

The princess screams, “Guards! Ambush, we’re surrounded.”

Oh triple fuck with a side of knife in the back! I was only in a party with Aubrielle. We had joined up to talk while our mouths were otherwise occupied. Now she’s alerted our attackers and we’ve lost any advantage that we had from my warning. But there’s nothing else she could have done. I cannot share maps with the guards because they are not in the party.

I’ve equipped weapons and at least my chest armor. The interface is fast but not instant, and I want to see if I can do something with stealth before I am trapped in the tent.

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