Would You Like to Play Again: Book 1: First Steps - Cover

Would You Like to Play Again: Book 1: First Steps

Copyright© 2019 by James Howlette

Chapter 17

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 17 - A young man's life is accidentally cut short. He is given a choice to go to a new world, instead of being trapped in Limbo. Will he be able to survive this new world and its dangers? Will he finally be able to find a girlfriend? What dangers and trials await him?

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Magic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   GameLit   High Fantasy   DoOver   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   First   Oral Sex   Petting   Safe Sex   Squirting   Big Breasts   Slow  

It seemed that the girls had decided a preference, with Amenthia on my right arm and Enti on my left. Amenthia leaned in and kissed my cheek before resting her head on my shoulder with a sigh.

“I am sorry, Pathios,” She muttered softly, “I didn’t mean to seem to act pushy back at the restaurant.”

I kissed her head and replied, “I know you meant it differently than it came out, but you are a bit rambunctious. You had Enti naked in my bed before you checked to see if I might be comfortable with it or not. Don’t get me wrong, ladies, that was the most amazing experience in my life - so far, that is. That said, you need to rein yourself in, or I will be forced to do so.”

Her head jerked up, “You mean like punishing me? Like corporal punishment? Spanking me and stuff like that?”

I could hear a little bit of lust creep into her voice, as her eyes got a faraway look in them. Well, crap, it seems that Amenthia might had a masochistic side, while I was certain that Entivala had a proclivity to be submissive to most others. Thinking back on what I had learned about that culture, which was limited to a year or so of research and a lot of porn, I recognized what their personalities leaned towards. Amenthia seemed like a masochistic brat, one who is helpful and happy to please, but pushes boundaries for the prospect of pleasure or pain. Her need to please the object of her affection explained her acceptance of Enti’s tablet and what it represented. It also explained why she worked to convince Enti to do what she did last night.

Enti was more naturally submissive, hoping to please those she cared about, but would stop at nothing to protect them. Mind you that was based on the little time that we had spent together, plus her attitude changed when we were in a fight. She was a fierce little spell slinger when the going got tough and I was proud of how well she did when we fought the dragon. If I was right, that would make things more interesting, but it would also require working with Enti to make sure the wrong people don’t take advantage of her. She was a special woman and I wanted to make sure that she stayed happy and safe.

“That will be something to talk about tonight, as there are aspects of our budding relationship that will need to be dealt with, to prevent problems in the future.”

Both girls nodded thought they seemed unsure about what it would mean and rewarded me with a synchronized kiss on the cheek.

We greeted those we passed, seeing mixtures of shock, surprise, envy, disgust and even anger from the different people we saw. Their unique state of dress was causing a reaction, but I am not sure they intended it in that specific way.

An expected result of their choice of clothing occurred not far from the main road to the Dungeon. We had turned down a path, enjoying the rustic scenery, when two boys appeared, and I knew exactly where this was going. I toggled my bracer and my active tracking showed that there were two more approaching from behind.

“Okay, you guys,” I called out, giving quick glances to my girls. “I am only going to warn you once! The last time someone tried what you are about to pull, one was severely injured and the other one was decapitated by my sword!”

One of the two in front of us scoffed and walked forward, arrogance dripping off his every movement. He was an inch or two taller than me, but a bit bulkier in muscle mass. He was wearing generic clothes, but I had to assume that he might be carrying a knife, or something of that sort, on his person.

“Yeah, like I am going to believe that you beat Jonta all on your own. He was the best ranked new adventurer, until you showed up and murdered him.”

I laughed and threw back a retort, “Wow, I guess some people really are that dumb. Given that he was cheating - which the Council has confirmed - his prestige was rescinded as were his possessions. They are in the process of finding his victims, as he had stated that he had killed others just before our fight. They are also looking to find others benefiting from this manipulation that were perpetrated for so long. You are smart enough to realize that this interaction has been recorded by the bracer and as such, the Council could retrieve it and use it to find and punish you. Jonta’s bracer proved I fought him in self-defense and that I was forced to take his life! So just walk away before something happens, we both will regret.”

“Well, I really don’t care about all that, instead I am going to beat the shit out of you! I won’t kill you, as I would rather you suffer, knowing I beat you and took them as trophies!”

I laughed again and it was obvious that it was pissing him off; I could use that to keep him off balance and move things in my favor.

“Yep, you are a moron. First you assumed you would beat me, but most people who rely on only brute strength are that way because they are far too dumb to do anything else. You have no idea what I am capable of and that is dangerous, mostly for you. The second is that you assume that you will take either of these women anywhere, even if you were to beat me. Amenthia can hold her own in a fight and Enti is a spellcaster, meaning she doesn’t need a weapon to stop you. However, I will give you this offer, but keep in mind the consequences if you cheat! You and I will fight one on one, no interruptions from the guy behind you or the two guys that have been following behind us for the last five minutes.”

He got a shocked look on his face as he had, no doubt, assumed that they had followed without being noticed.

“Fine, we will fight, you little pussy, but when I am done, I am taking your women! Don’t worry though, I will let you watch me show them how a real man fucks a woman.”

“Well, that will depend on them and if they give you the chance, but that still depends on you beating me and so far, all I am hearing is words. Besides you can’t really take them as they aren’t possessions. That was the same mistake Jonta made which caused the incident in the first place.”

I could tell he was getting angrier and angrier with each taunt I threw at him, which would ensure that his focus was taken off Amie and Enti.

“Pathios, you don’t have to do this,” Amenthia pleaded, her fear of losing me and watching me get punished was filling her thoughts.

“Yes, I do my sweet. As Tyr said, it is who I am. I will not allow you or Enti to come to harm and I will lay down my life to do so, if need be.”

Amenthia grabbed my head and pulled me into a scorcher of a kiss that made me see stars as she jammed her tongue into my mouth. As soon as she released me, Enti followed suit, with the same fiery passion as Amenthia had. When the kiss concluded, both girls stepped back and then moved to my right, placing the wall of a nearby building directly behind them. I let them worry about the other three, while I focused on the douche nozzle in front of me. He was making a big show of stretching as he sauntered arrogantly towards me. I closed my eyes and quickly began to center myself, wishing that I had more time than was given to me right now. I listened as he came closer and I tried to gauge how far away he was from the sound.

“Can you look at this, guys, the dumbass is just waiting for me to hit him. Well, I guess I should give the little cunt what he wants.”

I opened my eyes to see his right arm cocking back to throw a punch and let my instincts and reflexes take over. As the arm moved towards me, I waited until the last minute to grab his arm and slammed the heel of my palm at his straightened elbow. The result of the impact forced the bend of his elbow to shift the opposite way. It tore the muscles and tendons that helped his arm bend as well as damaged the cartilage in the elbow. That arm would be ruined for months on my world, but the medicines and magic of this world could heal him much sooner. Still, the pain and humiliation of this would last longer than the injuries would.

I changed my grip on his wrist and then twisted to the left, raising his damaged arm up and revealing an opening for my next attack. I drove my left elbow into his solar plexus, knocking the wind out of him as I readied my final attack.

I brought my left leg up and kicked to my side, droving my heel into his right leg at the knee. he result of my foot hitting the inside of his leg caused his body weight to help destroy his knee and end this fight before it started. He collapsed to the ground only a few seconds after his initial attack, with an arm and a leg out of commission, struggling to breathe normally again.

“A word of advice boys never underestimate someone you think is smaller than you, because you have no idea what they are capable of! That is what allowed us to beat Trethraz and will continue to serve us so long as anyone else believes that we are incapable of beating them. I suggest you go get your friend healed and think on what happened here, as I won’t show mercy next time.”

Amenthia walked up and kicked him in the balls, causing him to cry out in pain. She began walking over to me and the dunce reached for her, leaving himself open to Enti’s kick, hitting him in the balls yet again.

“You know, you would have a better shot with girls like these if you did the following things. First, do not refer to them as cunts, whores, sluts or any other term of that nature. Second, never think of or refer to them as property to own, consume or use. Third, only useless people find bullies attractive. These women are my partners as well as my lovers and they happily share me because of that.”

Amenthia and Enti took the opportunity to walk up to me and embrace me, proving my point. I cast looks at the other three and saw that they would give no trouble, at least for now. We made our way out of the area and onto the main road, checking back to make sure we weren’t being followed.

“Wow,” Enti exclaimed, “I knew you could fight by how you handled yourself in the Dungeon, but I didn’t realize that you were versed in hand to hand combat.”

I nodded, “I took martial arts for over six years before I wound up here. It came in handy for when I was doing mock battles at festivals, as well as LARPing. That is why I offered to teach Amenthia basic moves that she could practice every day. It would allow her to get used to the staff mode of her bow and create the muscle memory that she will need in the Dungeon to utilize it to its full potential.”

“Well, I think it was sexy,” Amenthia stated, huskily. “If I was wearing underwear right now, it would be very wet.”

We all laughed, though I figured if I checked, she would, indeed, be very wet. We made our way down the main road, gathering more stares which both girls took rather well. We figured to stop in to see Esmerelda, before we went into the Knowledge Center. The girls state of dress created a bit of a stir, drawing the attention of most of the people in the room. Our wait in the line wasn’t very long but it was memorable, especially for the girls. We had been waiting five minutes, when Enti jumped and turned to look behind her. I looked as well to see a greasy demi-human with a smirk on his face.

“Don’t act like you don’t like it,” the idiot sneered. “Any girl that dresses like that is simply asking for it.”

He went to grab her again, but I grasped his wrist and squeezed, causing him to yelp in pain and surprise.

“There is no state of dress for a woman that tells you that it is okay to touch her without asking. Even if she were naked, you still don’t have permission, nor the right, to touch any part of her without her consent. If a woman chooses to dress this way, it is for herself, or for someone she deeply cares for. In this case, that person is me and both decided to dress in a way I might enjoy. That may welcome me to certain liberties, ones that they have said they have allowed me to have. I will never assume that I have free access to them or their ‘goods’, as that is far too disrespectful. I have what they like to share and respect when they don’t wish to share something.”

Applause and cheers erupted from the room, as I had made sure that everyone in the room had been able to hear me.

“So, here is what is going to happen. You are going to apologize to Entivala here, or I am going to break your wrist as punishment for your disrespect.”

“Like fuc...” started the greasy guy, but that quickly changed to a wail of pain as with a jerk of my hand, I rendered his wrist painfully out of commission for a little while.

“Now, let this be a lesson to you. Always show women the proper respect, or one day you will upset someone who will do more than break a wrist.”

More applause filled the room, while the slimy demi-human scurried off to get his wrist looked at. I would need to have a talk with Enti and Amenthia about their state of dress, as this has already created two incidents of conflict that could have been avoided.

The people ahead of us were nice enough to offer to let us go ahead of them, but I declined. Nothing I had said or done had warranted that response, but it was nice to see that many others shared my views. Five minutes later, we were ushered into Esmerelda’s office, finding her reading some documents that were on her desk. When she looked up to greet us, her jaw dropped as her eyes widened in surprise.

“So that is why there was a commotion out in the reception area. You two will keep causing riots if you continue to dress that provocatively.”

“We will be discussing that issue when we return to the Pact house tonight. They had thought it would be a means to tease me, not realizing the effect it would have on them or the others around them. That was the second altercation today. Earlier, four men tried to take the girls by force, but I was able to bluff their leader into a one on one fight. He went down rather quickly, and we were able to get here. The girls also didn’t realize that I would use their unique state of dress to turn the tables and torment them.”

Esmerelda laughed and said, “That I can tell right away, the room is starting to smell like a woman in heat.”

Her comment caused both girls to blush, and instinctively make sure that their legs were closed.

“To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit, Pathios? The Guild is aware of your triumph over Trethraz. Congratulations, by the way.”

“Thank you, Esmerelda,” I replied with a friendly smile. “I am wondering what do I do, now that I have completed my trials. I know that we are now eligible for missions and quests from the Guild that can help us to further gain prestige, gold and help us to work towards our next level.”

“Ah, yes. Once you are ready to begin a quest, go to the Second Level, as you are more of a party than a solo adventurer. That being the case, your unique situation has created a grey area regarding solo quests. They are directly tied to you; as such, their documents are now updated by retrieving data from your crystal. All prestige gained will be pooled under Pathos’s saga, so if you were to each do a solo quest, the prestige would be collected under Pathios. This is a unique byproduct of the rebirth system and one that the Council wants to keep in place. However, most rebirths never separate from their supporter for missions, so instead, they tend to go for quests of a higher level that a solo adventurer wouldn’t normally qualify for. You already have proven that you can take down an enemy that was vastly stronger than you. Trethraz was a group quest only that was given to adventurers with a combined level of three or more. You three could go down to claim the reward, but I fear you girls will cause a riot. I will go get the documents we will need as well as the rewards that were tied to the completion of the task.”

She left the room and we sat in silence, with the girls occasionally throwing glances in my direction. One thing I learned before coming to this world was that, with the stimulation they received earlier, it is equally or even more effective when you withhold satisfaction. I could see them rubbing their thighs together, hoping to feel some iota of the pleasure they had felt in the restaurant. It looked as though they were going to take matters into their own hands, literally, when Esmerelda came back into the room. Both girls had been moments away from rubbing themselves, then had to snap their legs shut and move their hands away before she noticed.

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