Tara: 6. Crossroads - Cover

Tara: 6. Crossroads

Copyright© 2020 by Kris Me

Chapter 19

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 19 - This story is about a little adventure that happened at some crossroads on an island, which was on a planet that was far, far away. Zeta Island was said to have a dragon problem, but the dragons had a protector, and protect them he would.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Mult   Consensual   Magic   Reluctant   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   Space   Time Travel   Sharing   Group Sex   Interracial   Anal Sex   Analingus   Oral Sex   Petting   Slow  

This new cavern was surprisingly warm.

Micky was amazed by the pits full of just damp, sand. Paths of various widths, and made of volcanic rock separated the ten sandpits. They were, in fact, all different shapes but roughly 3m square in area. The pits had thin spirals of slow rising steam coming from them.

“How full is the new nursery, Fleur?” Ricky asked as looking at the innocent-looking plots of steaming sand.

He had built the new nursery after he had learnt that Fleur had left Silver’s egg in the old crystal cavern. She had wanted the developing dragon to absorb as much magic from the crystals as she could since Silver was to become a Queen.

Ricky had stirred Quaz crystal shards into the sands of each pit to help with the development of the eggs. Skyla was one of the first babies to hatch from the new pits, and it was generally agreed that he was a very gifted dragon for a male. The two females and the other three males that had also hatched since also had very proud parents.

‘Very,’ Fleur replied smugly. ‘Once I’ve gotten Silver to lay a few eggs for Realia to take with her, we can split the pride.’

“Fleur! how long have you been planning this?” Ricky cried.

‘About two hundred and fifty years or more. I had hoped that by the time Silver was forty winters old, it would have happened,’ she replied with a little huff of disappointment.

“Damn and bugger! That is why Silver has been using me and putting off mating with Shyla or the other males,” Ricky swore.

“What do you mean?” Micky asked not fully comprehending the reaction of the dragon nor her lover.

“Silver is not ready to say goodbye to her mother or to become Queen of the dragons, but even she can’t fight her need to mate,” Ricky said ruefully.

‘Rickard, I am aware of my daughter’s reluctance, but we need to do this soon. I am very old and no longer well enough to lead. I am surprised that I didn’t pass last winter. It has only been because of you that I have hope of achieving this dream for my people.’

‘I know Silver is very young to become a Queen and had Shale still been alive; it would have been her job. However, I can’t control the fates, and I doubt I will even live through this winter, let alone the next one. To be honest, I don’t want to, Richard. It is time for you and Silver to lead the dragons to their next greatest and most challenging time.’

“What have I got to do with it?” Ricky cried.

Fleur chuckled again, and Micky joined her as she too had worked out where this was going. ‘By your own admission, quite a lot. Since you have ensured you are forever linked to this pride by your blood being in my grandchildren, as well as your oath of guardianship, Mage.’

“Damn! Silver suckered me into both of those outcomes, didn’t she?” Ricky sighed. He’d always had a hard time saying no to Silver if he felt she had a need that had to be fulfilled. Her damn smell, when she was in season, didn’t help him either.

‘Rickard, somehow I don’t think this is a bad thing. Silver will need your guidance, and she trusts you as much if not more than do I. I’m quite certain that the Gods have a hand in recent events. Dragons capable of shapeshifting to human will need a firm hand.’

‘While you can give the appearance of a cranky old hermit and that of an unwanted waif, I do know better, Rickard. As it is for Silver, it is also time for you to once again assume your responsibilities to those you love and those who love you.’

Ricky chuckled and squeezed Micky’s hand, knowing full well that he was going to have little choice but to grow up again, once the eggs he had sired, hatched.

He had feeling Micky was also going to ensure that he did.

Just as they went to exit the nursery, they all heard Silver scream in their heads.

Fleur went to rush forward, but Ricky blinked in front of her and blocked the exit. “No,” he said forcefully making her stop. “We are still protected by the shield. It is only because we are near the edge of it that we can hear her. Fleur, you need to go invisible, and so do you, Micky.”

“Do not enter until I call you. I am quite sure there is a reasonably powerful wizard with them, and he may well feel your presence even if he can’t see either of you. Queen Fleur, you must follow my lead if we are to win the day.”

Reluctantly, Fleur had to agree. She knew Ricky would do the best he could to keep Silver safe. For Fleur, however, it was also a case of not wishing to lose yet another child and more importantly, her only living heir.

If Silver were to die, Fleur would have to pass the mantle sideways. Those who were left may not even survive the future with the choices she had to leave them. She didn’t think the pride would like the results as Taily would not be a good leader long term.

The leadership couldn’t go to Realia because she would have to leave and take the youngest with her. She already knew the plan and had given her oath. Fleur hoped this wasn’t how the Gods had planned for her people to finish on this island that they had called home for ten thousand years.

The shield stopped about halfway down the 10m long and 3m square tunnel. Past that was the old crystal cavern. It had changed a lot since Ricky had revamped it for the dragons. He had even helped them carve a ledge that was 5m from the floor that they could sleep on.

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