Things She Never Did for Her Husband - Cover

Things She Never Did for Her Husband

by James_Steele

Copyright© 2020 by James_Steele

Incest Sex Story: Voluptuous and curvy divorcee, Rita, finds herself giving in more and more to the scandalous instructions of her handsome, confident son. But will Brady push his mother too far?

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Analingus   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   .

“Mom, I’d like you to wear the white one with the spaghetti straps that tie over your shoulders,” Brady said.

Rita, Brady’s mother, had already dried her hair but was still just wearing a bath towel around her otherwise naked body while she looked through her closet for something to wear.

“But Brady, I don’t think that one would be appropriate for a cookout at your new boss’s house.”

“Why not?”

“Well, it’s so tight, sweetheart. And on top of that it’s so low cut and too short for something like that. It doesn’t leave much to the imagination.”

“But you look fantastic in it,” Brady insisted. “It makes me feel proud when my mom is the best looking girl in the whole place.”

Rita felt herself blush. It was so hard to refuse her son anything when he said things like that. Left to her own devices, she would never choose to wear anything so revealing to the type of event they were going to, but this was far from the first time Brady had told her to wear something completely inappropriate to a public gathering.

Her son had started telling her what to wear ever since his father had left. It started subtly at first, with Brady encouraging her to wear one outfit or another with compliments on how she looked. Before long he was going so far as to tell her what to wear, sometimes even telling her what bras or panties to put on underneath. But Rita soon discovered how much she loved the fact that her handsome, athletic son liked the way she looked in sexy clothes. She liked the way he looked at her, and she even liked the way he seemed to swell with pride when other people paid extra attention to her. It did so much to ease the all the hurt and self-doubt she felt after her ex left her for a younger woman.

But there were drawbacks. There had been plenty of times his friends’ mothers looked down their noses at her with a judgmental attitude. They obviously didn’t like the way their sons and husbands looked at her, but the proud look in Brady’s eyes was more than enough to make up for it.

Sometimes Rita even felt a little ridiculous in the outfits Brady told her to wear. She was barely forty now, and her body was quite a bit thicker and curvier than it used to be. Her arms and legs were thicker than they’d ever been, and her ass was bigger and rounder than she ever imagined it could get, despite the fact that she was also exercising more than ever, too. That was also something Brady had gotten her to do, but instead of getting slimmer, the dirty blonde was just getting firmer and better toned. This wouldn’t have been her ultimate goal, but the way her son looked at her was rapidly becoming more and more important to her.

Now twenty-one, Brady was finished with college and had started working a very well-paying job at a prestigious company. Having a borderline genius IQ had always given Brady an extra advantage over his friends and schoolmates. He’d done such a wonderful job taking over as the man of the house, so it even made sense to Rita that her son would choose her outfits and expect her to support his successes like his new job. She’d never say it out loud, but sometimes her son made her feel like she was married again. All except for the sex, of course.

Rita felt herself blush at her son’s compliment. “Okay, well if that’s what you really want me to wear, honey,” she relented easily. “I do like it when you feel proud of me.”

“Definitely, Mom,” Brady replied.

“Aren’t you afraid of what your coworkers will think of your mother?”

Brady smiled that incredibly handsome smile that made his mother melt. “They’re going to think you’re hot,” he told her. “Besides, none of these people really know us personally, so we’re not going to mention that you’re my mom. You don’t even look old enough to be my mother.”

Rita couldn’t help letting out a little giggle. Brady’s wicked little deception sounded like fun.

She kept the towel around her body while her son went to her dresser and opened her panty drawer. She watched him spend a moment picking through her array of skimpy panties – most of which he bought her on his impressive, new salary - until he selected a very scant, white thong. He turned and handed it to her.

“You can wear these under the dress today, Mom.”

“Okay, sweetie,” Rita replied cheerfully.

Not only had Brady bought his mother the panties, but he’d bought the dress, too. Usually, he would leave the room while she got dressed, but today he went to her computer table and turned the chair to face her, then sitting down like it was something he did every day. He was clearly intent on watching her dress.

Rita felt her pulse jump slightly. Brady had never seen her naked, nor had he ever watched her dress. Despite feeling a little nervous excitement, she never thought to ask him to leave. She hesitated as long as she could, but the more she thought about it the more she thought it would be fun and exciting to let her amazing son see her naked. He deserved it, after all.

She finally let the towel drop from her body, exposing her impressive D cup tits along with her newly waxed pussy mound. She knew it was highly unusual for most sons to be in their mothers’ bedrooms while they were changing, but she and Brady were much closer than other mothers and sons. They didn’t worry about things like that. For them, this made perfect sense. Brady was the man of the house now, so Rita didn’t see anything wrong with him being there, watching her every move.

With trembling hands, Rita picked up the panties her son had picked out, but he stopped her before she could step into them.

“Mom, I think you should start sunbathing nude so you can get rid of those tan lines,” he said.

Rita looked curiously at her son. She’d never sunbathed nude in her life and she’d always gotten tan lines. But suddenly the idea intrigued her.

“Would you like that, honey?” she asked

“Yes, Mom. I’d like that a lot.”

A warm feeling ran all through the lady’s smooth, curvy body. Her nipples pulled up into hard knots and her pussy began tingling. As much as it made her a little nervous, she loved the idea of pleasing her handsome boy by tanning all over for him. She wondered if that meant he’d expect to see her naked more often. Her pulse was racing at the very thought.

“I guess I can do that for you, sweetheart. It’s not exactly common, but ... umm ... if it makes us both happy then why not?”

Rita noticed a perfectly beautiful bulge forming in the front of her son’s pants while she took her time putting on her panties, and then her revealing dress. It took some doing to tie the straps and arrange her tits so they were nicely displayed but wouldn’t pop out in the open anytime she moved. This gave Brady a good opportunity to let that big cock of his get nice and hard in his pants.

Rita could hardly breathe the more she looked at the bulge in her son’s pants. From what she could tell, he was so much bigger than his father, and when she was being honest with herself, it made her feel so warm to see him get excited. Especially when it was because of her. Wasn’t that the highest compliment a man could give a lady? For some reason, causing such a big, impressive reaction for her own son made the compliment even higher.

It was a shame she would never be able to satisfy her most precious man the way he truly deserved, though. Brady was just the kind of man she always wanted. Handsome, fit, super-intelligent ... and from what she’d seen of the bulges he got in his pants when she dressed according to his instructions, hung like a stallion. Yet she was still his mother. Some things could simply never be.

After spending some time on her hair and makeup, Rita put on a pair of flat sandals and went downstairs. Brady was already waiting. The look he gave her made her smile, knowing he approved of the final product.

“You look beautiful, Mom. That dress is perfect on you,” he said.

“I hope I don’t pop out,” she replied with a brief giggle. “It doesn’t cover very much.”

“That’s what makes it perfect,” he told her with a shamefully suggestive leer. And then: “Did you ever dress like that for Dad when he took you out?”

It wasn’t the first time Brady had ever asked his mother that question, but he always seemed to like the answer. And Rita couldn’t help feeling a little jump in her pulse whenever she answered him. It was naughty, but probably harmless, and it was something that was just between a mother and her son.

“God, no, baby,” she said. “Your father never approved of me wearing revealing clothes. He would’ve called me names. You know what a nasty man your father is. I only dress this way for you, son.”

“And what would he call you?”

Rita looked down at the floor and felt the surface of her skin prickle. She’d just been naked in front of her son a short while ago, yet she felt ashamed to use such words in front of him, especially when she thought of the shame and anger she’d felt the couple of time his father had been drunk and called her those awful things.

“He – he – would call me a whore. A slut.”

“Is that what you are, Mother?” Brady asked. “A whore? A slut?”

“Of course not, baby,” she said, still looking down. “I’m neither of those things. I’m ... your mother.”

Suddenly, Brady was standing right in front of her, tipping her face up toward his with his finger. Rita’s heart raced. Her son’s lips were close enough to kiss.

“Yes, you are,” he said. “Dad never deserved you.”

As always, Rita’s mood had crashed to a terrible low and then skyrocketed to Brady’s loving affection. There was a moment she almost expected her son to kiss her. He looked like he wanted to, and she would be helpless to stop him. But he finally gave her a chaste peck on the cheek and took her by the hand, leading him outside to his car.

Forty minutes later, Rita was impressed by the sight of Brady’s employer’s estate. The company her son worked for had to be even more successful than she thought at first. When they got out of the car, they followed the sound of the party around the side of the enormous house into a lavishly landscaped backyard with an expansive patio. There was a small band and buffet tables being stocked by professional caterers. The back of the house had a broad, double doorway of sliding glass, and part of the gathering had spilled indoors.

As they walked into the crowded area, Brady put his arm around his mother, resting his hand at the top of her broad, curvy hip. His mother looked up at him and smiled, approving of the possessive gesture that was more like a boyfriend than a son. And just as he said, as they started coming across people Brady knew from work, he simply introduced his mother by her first name without saying anything about their relationship. Rita was excited by the way the other people looked at her when they assumed she Brady’s date. It was a whole different world from being introduced as his mother. It seemed to make others look at her with a much different look of appraisal, both men and women taking in the voluptuous curves on her petite frame.

But Rita loved being seen as Brady’s girl. It raised her pulse, and in a boldly flamboyant gesture, she hugged her son’s solid arm and surreptitiously pushed her boobs against him, forcing her ripe, tanned globes to push even higher over the plunging neckline of her dress. A couple of the men who worked with Brady practically choked on their cocktails at the brazen display of Rita’s lush tits. Brady let his hand casually slide right onto his mother’s rounded ass and gave her cheek a quick, hard squeeze to let her know he was pleased with the way she was playing her role. Anyone behind them who might have been looking their way would’ve seen him grope his own mother’s ass. Rita’s nipples were hard as tiny rocks and impossible to hide in the thin material of the dress her son made her wear.

Brady eventually left his mother on her own to go to the bar for drinks. He was gone longer than Rita wanted, but she ended up meeting a few more of his coworkers and then people who were just there because they were somebody’s friend or relative.

Before Brady returned with their drinks, Rita found herself in a conversation with a very good looking couple she guessed to be in their forties. The woman, Teri, had dark hair and deeply tanned olive skin. She was wearing a light blue sundress that was almost as short and revealing as Rita’s. Her husband, Lance, had lightly greying temples and looked especially fit and handsome for his age. They seemed very friendly, but they kept looking at Rita with what felt like much more than casual interest. It almost felt like they were sizing her up in some way, but she passed that off as her just feeling a little nervous being around so many new people all at once.

She almost wished Brady had let her dress more conservatively, yet there was something exhilarating about being so exposed. Meanwhile, Teri and Lance both oozed a bold sex appeal that almost made her nervous. They were also openly affectionate with each other, much more so than any couple Rita had ever seen. Yet at the same time they had a way of putting her at ease. She couldn’t explain why, but Rita’s nipples were tingling the whole time they were talking. Lance worked at the same company, but being in a different department he only knew Brady on a pretty casual basis.

Rita’s son finally came back with two glasses of wine and handed one to his mother. She felt good to have him back by her side and to feel his large hand at the base of her spine, so close to the round swell of her ass.

Teri asked a lot of questions about Brady and Rita. How they met. How long had they been together? A lot of seemingly harmless questions, except for the fact that this unusual couple were assuming that Brady and Rita were a couple, too, like everyone else the voluptuous, young mother had met so far. Brady let her answer most of the questions, smiling at her as she gave the vaguest replies she could get away with. But this only seemed to make the other couple that much more curious.

At one point in the conversation, Lance ran his hand up the back of his sexy wife’s leg. Rita couldn’t see his hand, but it was easy enough to tell that he reached high enough to go under Teri’s dress and touch her ass. Lance kept his hand there long enough to make it very obvious what he was doing. At the same time, Brady dropped his hand over his mother’s ass and gave her cheek a quick but hard and playful squeeze, quickly moving his palm back up to the base of her spine. But it was enough to make the blonde’s nipples tighten and her face flush.

Rita was thankful for the wine as it settled her jittery nerves and helped her enjoy herself without second guessing everything she said. By now, she was getting used the charade of being Brady’s girlfriend.

They ended up spending a lot of time talking to Lance and Teri, even while other people came and went from the group. Just when Rita was feeling anxious to get another glass of wine, a waiter for the catering service came along with a try of freshly filled glasses, and all four took one. They decided then to take some available seats at the outer edge of the patio. Teri and Lance sat on a wicker bench with plush cushions while Brady and Rita each took a patio chair set opposite them.

For a while, Brady and Lance dominated the conversation talking about work, while Teri put her hand on her husband’s thigh and lightly rubbed the inside, sweeping her hand incredibly close to the man’s crotch. Rita thought it was a brash gesture, but she couldn’t help how much she liked watching the other woman touch Lance without a care for what anyone else might think. She scanned their surroundings a couple of times and found that no one was really paying attention to them anyway. The caterers were keeping the drinks flowing freely, and by Rita’s third glass of wine she took a close interest in the growing bulge in Lance’s pants, so close to where his wife was lazily massaging his leg.

While the bulge in Lance’s pants grew further down the leg of his pants, Teri just slipped her hand over his shaft and casually rubbed it while he went on talking about business with Brady. Rita felt herself blush, but she was fascinated. She’d never seen anyone do anything that blatant at a party, especially one that was supposed to be a company function. She caught Teri’s eye and the two women exchanged a smile. Teri’s was a little wicked and triumphant while Rita’s was one of total surprise. But the blonde knew the other woman could tell she enjoyed watching, and she understood how much Teri liked being watched.

Rita couldn’t control the heated ache in her pussy as she sat next to her son while his coworker’s wife openly fondled his hard cock through his pants. Her nipples were also impossibly swollen and denting the material of her dress.

“Baby, you’re getting me too hard to keep talking about business,” Lance protested, obviously never intending for his wife to stop what she was doing.

Teri gave everyone a mock pout. “You boys have the whole week to talk about work. This is a party. We’re supposed to be having fun.”

Brady laughed. “Your beautiful wife is absolutely right, Lance. But I’d say you seem to be having plenty of fun right now.”

Rita blushed even a deeper shade of scarlet. She could hardly believe her son could say anything so blatant. But after a few glasses of wine, the curvy blonde simply watched the scene unfold with a sense of amusement.

“I know how we could be having more fun,” Teri said suggestively, giving her husband’s cock a bold squeeze. “A lot more fun.”

“It sounds like my devious wife has something naughty in mind,” Lance grinned, proud of his mate.

“I certainly do,” Teri said. Without taking her hand off her husband’s cock, she nodded toward an outbuilding about fifty yards away. “I believe that used to be a stable, but the company president had it converted to house his antique car collection. Just imagine how private it is just on the other side between the building and the woods.”

“How private do you think, baby?” Lance asked.

The question was meant as much for Brady and Rita as anyone, and Teri directed her response at them. “Hmm, private enough for a lady to give her horny husband a blowjob during the middle of a party.”

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