Return to Sender - Cover

Return to Sender

Copyright© 2020 by Jody Daniel

Chapter 17

There was little I could do. Make a phone call, then wait. I was planning my phone call to be at about 7 AM. I knew that Alex was with Ludwig. They were in Gordons Bay. I want them here, North-west Province. So, the phone call was to be made at 7 AM, well within the 48-hour schedule. That would leave Ludwig sixteen to seventeen hours to take possession of the delivery. After 11 PM, tonight.

Laura was up and about. Constructing breakfast. If I keep on eating, like in the last week and a half, I’ll have to think of joining a Gym. Not my usual eating habit, no, I just grab something when I feel hungry. Once or twice a week, I would join Andre and Cecilia for a nice sit-down meal, provided by Cecilia. Boy, that girl can cook.

But now, I think I found a match for Cecilia. Laura, humming some catchy tune, something I’ve heard before. I think it’s got something to do about, “ ... smelling Cat thorn and ‘Kambroo’ ... when it rains in the Little Karoo...” I wonder if Laura is longing back to the wide-open spaces of the Karoo and Little Karoo, there where she grew up. Must ask her sometime. Don’t want to open old wounds though.

Cat thorn, (Asparagus laricinus) as well as kambroo, (Pachypodium Succulentum) have both, a very fragrant smell, especially just after a rain shower.

Laura, preparing BREAKFAST, her way, just the smell alone having my saliva glands working. I wondered if this much eating would affect that perfect body? Nope, she’s pretty active. The two holes in her side, not even slowing her down. That reminds me...

“Laura, when is your stitches due to be removed?” Laura stopped buttering the toast, looked out the window with a far-off expression in her eyes.

“Say, by Thursday, I think...”

“Seven days. It’s to be in for seven days. I think Thursday is a good guess. We’ll go to the Clinic in Brits or...” I said, thinking. “Cecilia can do it for you. She’s been a Nursing Sister a few years ago. She’s still got the skill. Done it a million times, I guess.”

“Yes, good idea. When we visit them again, I’ll ask her,” Laura said.

“Are you sticking around, I mean after this? Tonight, we nab Ludwig and Co.” I asked, dreading the answer she might have.

“You ... you don’t want me to ... stick around?”

“I want you to stick around forever,” I said! Laura dropped the butter knife, and I don’t recall her coming around the kitchen table or over it. But she was right there, in front of me. Arms around my waist, lips millimetres away from mine. I kissed her.

“I’ll likely will have other assignments. Mostly, at the office. But I intend to be here. Much more, here.” Laura said softly. I drew her tight against me, kissed that rosy lips. Laura melted into my arms. We stood there in the kitchen, holding on to one another. Just savouring the nearness of each other. I didn’t even hear the car driving up and stopping.

“Ahem!” Came from the back door. Celia. “Shall I come back later?” Laura and I just looked at her standing in the back door. Arms folded, head cocked to one side, with a silly grin on her face. Celia was dressed in her horse-riding togs.

“No ... No ... Celia, do come in.” Laura recovered first and invited Cecilia in. “You’re just in time for breakfast. I’ll get another place setting.” Laura let go of me and shyly tried to hide her blush.

“No, thanks, had some already. I must watch this figure also. Cause with all the attractive girls running around here these days...” Celia said and let her voice trail off, looking at me. Laura giggled. “But you can bribe me with some of that coffee of yours. And by the way, Laura, you look pretty when you blush! ... Maybe that’s what made old Don’s knees weak.” Laura giggled, busying herself with getting Celia a mug of coffee. Me, well I just stood there with a goofy grin on my face. Caught, by my sister-in-law!

We had breakfast, Laura and I had breakfast. Celia on the other hand, had coffee, a piece of toast, and an egg. Well now, Laura can do breakfast, and the olfactory sensation will convince you. No wonder Celia succumbed to the sensation.

After breakfast, the time was approaching 7 AM. Time for my call to his Lordship. I left the two, Laura and Celia, in the kitchen and went to my study. I dialled the number, now saved, with a name attached, in my caller list.

“Ah! Mister Lambert. Ready to do the transfer?” Ludwig said.

“Good Morning Mister Hertz. ARE you ready to receive the shipment?” I asked Ludwig.

“Yes. I am in a position to take delivery of the merchandise. Where will be agreeing on to be the site and time? I would suggest Cape Town Waterfront at say, 1 PM.

“No Mister Hertz. My delivery. I choose the time and spot. Besides, I can’t transport the shipment to Cape Town. The agreement is that YOU take delivery at my convenience,” I said.

“Have it your way, Mister Lambert. Have it your way...” Ludwig sighed.

“Take the R513, Brits road out of Pretoria-North. Proceed to just past the R21 turn-off on your right. You will see a dirt road to your left with a big signboard. This is the entrance to the 4×4 Game Park. Next to the trees, you’ll see a light two-tonne truck parked. The keys to the truck and cargo hold are in the truck. This is your delivery. The goods will be locked in the back of this truck. You can keep the truck. It’s part of the merchandise ... Good day, Mister Hertz.” I disconnected the call.

It will take Ludwig and his gang at least sixteen hours to drive here. If they fly, well, give or take, about five hours. They need to get to the airport, fly to Johannesburg, rent a car, and then drive eighty kilometres to there. I’ll have the truck in position at ten AM. I chuckled to myself. As Ludwig wished; He’ll have his delivery by 1 PM, as he wanted. I called Joe. It’s in his hands now.

(Okay!! In the Gordons Bay holiday house.)

“Was that Lambert?” Alex asked as Ludwig sat staring at his phone.

“Yes. He’ll deliver the Bitches today at 1 o’clock ... In fucking Pretoria!” Ludwig screamed. He was about to throw the phone against the opposite wall but thought better of it.

“Then we better get going,” Alex said.

“You and Denver go. Fly there. Go to the airport, fly to Johannesburg, or better yet, fly to Lanseria. Rent a car there ... And go get rid of the bitches!” Ludwig said. Calming down after his earlier outburst. “Take Peter also. The more, the better.”

Alex was a little apprehensive, it could be a trap. But then again, the directions point to near Donovan’s farm. He had the bitches on the farm the whole time? Not possible. The bitches went to Bloemfontein. The minivan was in Bloemfontein. Lambert landed with the jet in Bloemfontein, then disappeared. The bitches, the cops, Lambert, and the jet, disappeared. Just like that. No trace of them whatsoever.

Is it possible that Lambert, had loaded all into that little jet and flew under the radar back to the farm? Possible, but highly unlikely. Lambert and the cops had last been seen at Abraham Fisher Airport, Bloemfontein International. The bitches, and cops with them were last seen in Colesberg. SHIT! They have gone somewhere else! Blind-sided everyone. But where did they go?

Could the cops and bitches have rendezvoused with Lambert BEFORE Ludwig’s men got to Bloemfontein? There’s a time difference. The intercept took place early morning and Lambert only landed an hour later. Could the cops and the girls have been waiting at the airport, for the arrival of Lambert? How did the minivan get back to the house? Did someone else leave the minivan as bait at the house?

If Lambert wants to deliver at 1 o’clock, that means he’s got the girls with him and could be on the farm! They must get to Pretoria well before 1 o’clock. Alex calculated the time and distance from Gordons Bay to Pretoria, taking into account all the variables, they might just make it. They must move. NOW. The calculations show he’ll be late. No way to get to Pretoria and the pick-up point before one or half-past one.

SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! His plans are coming apart at the seams. He can’t even take the hired help with. That means that he, Alex, must get the bitches without arousing any suspicion from Lambert. Drive off to a secluded spot, dispose of the bitches. Dump the bodies back in the truck and then ... just get rid of the truck. Easy.

Okay, stick with the original plan, get the bitches, reverse the payment, get away, and waste the bitches. Yes, that’s it. Alex was smiling as he grabbed his laptop carry bag.

“Denver! Peter!” Alex called. “We’ve got a day trip to make!”

(Meanwhile on the farm in North-west Province.)

I called Joe. He and his team need to move the truck to “The Spot.” He had time. Plenty of time to complete his task. I had a loose draw. So, time to check if I still have an income.

Laura and Celia were chattering away in the kitchen. Something about food and recipes. I had a feeling that Laura was researching what my favourite foods were.

I had just completed my task to check on my investments when Laura came into the study. She came around my desk, pushed my wheelie chair, with me in it, back against the wall. She then sat down, curling up in my lap.

“So, how is my favourite guy doing? Missing me?” Laura said, resting her head on my shoulder. I leaned back and placed my arms around her.

“Still alive and loving you,” I said, kissing the crown of that honey-gold tresses.

“Me too. I still love you, lots.” Laura said, and I swear I heard her purring like a kitten. “Oh! By the way, Celia took my stitches out. She said the wound healed perfectly and the stitches were on the way of sticking to the skin. So, she removed them.”

“How did she do that? She had no stuff with her, did she? I asked.

“She always carries her ‘Oh Shit’ bag in the car with her. Had a few funny stuff in there.” Laura said. “Even a stethoscope!”

“She didn’t hurt you, did she?”

“Oh No, just a bit ticklish. I think she was a very good Nursing Sister in her time.” Laura said, tracing a pattern on my chest with her index finger.

“Where’s she off to. She didn’t leave without saying goodbye, did she?” I asked.

“Nope. Went to the horses. She said she needs to get her daily dose of animal love.”

“Yes. That’s her. They live in an apartment. No animals allowed in the apartments there,” I said. “So, we can go horse riding. You feel up to it?”

“I rather feel like to go ride your sky horsey, the one with the fire in its tail,” Laura said.

“You feel up to it?” I asked. Laura nodded her head. “Okay, Loo, let’s go tomorrow. We go early when the air is still cool. Much better and much more fun,” I said.

“Okay, let’s go play horsey-horsey then!” Laura said, getting off my lap. “I think I first need to go change this dress for jeans and some shoes to fit the stirrups.”

“Need help?” I offered.

“NOT with Cecilia still around!” Laura giggled. Slapping my arm. Oh, boy! Getting abused by a cute girl cop! Can this count as Police Brutality?

(Early morning: Cape Town International Airport: Domestic Departures)

Alex, Denver, and Peter sat in the departure lounge, waiting to board Flight SA 326 to Lanseria International Airport. Denver and Peter sat quiet, Peter reading the morning edition of “The Argus”, a local newspaper. Denver, paging through a “Guns & Ammo” magazine.

Alex had an idea. He opened his laptop bag, took out his laptop, and fired it up. Not an Apple Mac, it took a minute to boot. Alex checked on the financial application on his laptop. No response from Lambert.

Lambert had not checked into his bank account. Strange. Why did he not check the balances? Better yet, why did he, Lambert, decide to go ahead with the delivery of the bitches, without checking on the funds? Did Lambert have other means of verifying the availability of the funds? He could have gotten a notification from the bank via SMS. Yes, that would be the answer. So, now, when he does go into his account, then the funds will be reversed.

Alex made a fast decision. Reverse the funds. By this time Lambert will be occupied by moving the girls. Nothing to stop him now. Alex activated the algorithm he had dropped onto the Lambert account. It took a few seconds for the program to respond.

Alex stared at the screen, not believing his eyes. “INSUFFICIENT FUNDS — PLEASE MAKE A DEPOSIT,” was written across the screen in red. Alex had a sinking feeling in his stomach. He tried again, by running the program. Same result: “INSUFFICIENT FUNDS — PLEASE MAKE A DEPOSIT.”

Alex knows that Lambert somehow did transfer the funds out. But how did he do it without accessing the account? Yes. Alex recalled an old hacker telling him. Create a debit order on the account to transfer the funds to another account! Stupid Alex, you’re stupid. An Idiot. Lambert is again two steps ahead.

Alex needs to get to Pretoria, fast. Alex took out his cell phone and dialled Ludwig. Just then, the public address system called their flight.

(Let’s see what’s happening around Pretoria. Brigadier Joe Franks was sitting inside the cab of the double cab 4×4 bakkie.)

(Authors Note: Pronounced “Buck-key,” an Afrikaans word for a little truck. Also used in the South African English. If you speak Afrikaans, English, or any of the local 11 languages in The RSA, if you speak about a Bakkie, everyone knows what you are talking about. Fun hey!)

Joe Franks sat in the 4×4 Bakkie, waiting. They were parked about a hundred metres away from the target truck, under trees, in the shade. The plan is to let Alex take the truck and then nab him. It’s a shame that Ludwig did not come along, but no problem. Joe now knew where Ludwig is hiding. He’ll be taken down shortly.

It’s past ten now. He’s got a long wait. As Don said, from one to eleven tonight. Joe thought it might be sooner. He has had confirmation that Alex and two others have departed for the Cape Town Airport and taken a flight to Lanseria. That would mean that they are flying here. So, sooner than later, around one or two PM.

Joe has the flight number, of the flight Alex has taken. This information he now follows on a mobile application on his cell phone. Alex’s flight has just entered the Johannesburg Centre Airspace. About 500 or 600 kilometres out, going to Lanseria. Another forty minutes or so to touch down. Alex is going to cut it fine to be here at 1 PM.

Joe lit a cigarette, looked over to the Lieutenant-colonel, sitting in the driver’s seat.

“You mind?” Joe asked.

“Not at all Brigadier. I think I’ll have one too.” The Lt-Col. said and reached for his own packet.

(Back in Gordons Bay.)

So! Lambert has taken the money. Alex failed. Ludwig himself failed. But he was prepared to take the risk. Now he has to wait and see if Lambert will deliver. It’s only a few hours before he will have the bitches in his hands.

Alex needs to take care of Ludwig’s problem. If the bitches tell their tale, more problems could arise. Ludwig thought of just leaving the country. Get on a flight to Frankfurt, then on to Austria. From Vienna, it’s a short hop to Brno in Czechia. Then the trek to Ostrava, on the Polish border. Once there, Mister X will help him recover.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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