Return to Sender - Cover

Return to Sender

Copyright© 2020 by Jody Daniel

Chapter 21

I had Laura and Tracy in the kitchen. I had them sit down at the kitchen table. The kettle was boiling. To get something warm into them were important at this stage. Something warm for all of us was important. Laura wanted to go and help Charley and Aubrey safeguard the crime scene in the study. Amirah, or Mai, whoever she may be, came into the kitchen.

“I suppose you need an explanation, Don?” She spoke.

“I ... I don’t know what I want right now. I need to take care of my girls... “ I spoke. Amirah came over to where I was standing between Laura and Tracy.

“They are lucky to have someone like you,” Amirah said. I looked at her, standing there. She really looked like an angel, with long black hair, and all. Her dark eyes were soft, although one could not gauge her facial expression. She sort of switched sides, from Dark Angel to caring angel. How does she do it? One moment the Angel of Death, the next...

“We are lucky to have him. He came on a time when we both needed someone like him” Laura said, reaching back with her hand and touching me. “I better go see how I can help the guys,” Laura added and tried to get up.

“NO!” I said,”You’re still on sick-leave, and I will see what there is to help with.”

“I know how to help Laura and Tracy, go, Don, go see if you can help,” Amirah said. I looked at Laura and Tracy, hesitant to leave them.

“Go, Don. We’ll be okay.” Laura said. Tracy had not said a single word since Ludwig and his cronies had them go into the study. I was worried about Tracy. I gave her and Laura each a hug and went out to the study. Amirah turned towards the kettle.

“I think we all need something hot,” she said and smiled. I left the kitchen, anxious to see what is going on in the study.

In the study, Charley stopped me at the door. “Not now, Don. Crime scene. We need to not disturb anything.”

“What about Ludwig?” I asked. Charley bowed his head.

“We’ll say a prayer for him,” Charley said. “Didn’t make it. The bullet also took out his femoral artery ... took him six minutes to die... “ I was shocked. How could Charley be so causal about a human’s death? Then again, I contemplated doing it myself. My pistol was within easy reach of me while sitting at my desk. I just did not get the opportunity. I was prepared to take Ludwig down, kill him. Why was I now thinking of him as a human being? The rat. The pig. The ... I had no words left to describe Hertz.

“Nothing you can do here, Don. Go and relax on the patio. Joe and a crew will be here shortly.” Aubrey said from the side. “Go see to the girls. Laura will be okay, but Tracy!” He left his words to trail off. I knew there was nothing I could do but go back to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, I came upon a scene of serenity. How did Amirah do it? She obviously had the skill. Laura was making something that looked like it could be eaten. Tracy was busy with hot chocolate for all.

“Come, Poppa-Don. Have some hot chocolate.” And she pushed a mug over the table to me.” I took the mug.

“Ludwig didn’t make it,” I said. All eyes were on me. “Sorry! I! Had, to tell you.”

“Me hope he!” Tracy said, her words trailing off. “Me hope it’s over now. I want just to have a normal life with Poppa-Don and Laura-Mum.” Tracy, the shock effect now receding, burst out crying. She just flopped down on the kitchen chair, putting her face in her hands, and cried. Raw sobs ripping through her small body.

“I thought it’s gonna happen. She was too calm.” Laura said, taking Tracy in her arms, just holding her. I did not know what else to do, so I just placed my hand on Tracy’s shoulder. Gripping her shoulder tightly.

It was then when Joe came into the kitchen. He stopped short, an expression of surprise on his face. Amirah looked up.

“Hello Blue, sorry I’m first on the scene!” she said, smiling.

“Chao-Xing! What the hell are you doing here?” Joe said.

“Told you. I’ll take Ludwig down, then escort the three girls’ home... “ She said, sipping her hot chocolate. “You want some? I can make you a mug... “ Joe sat down on a kitchen chair and sighed. Both me and Laura looked from Amirah to Joe and back to Amirah.

“Amirah, Mai, Chao-Xing ... What’s going on here? I asked. “Joe? Amirah?” Tracy stopped sobbing and looked up with tear-stained eyes and cheeks, Laura handed her a paper towel. Joe also looked at Amirah.

“Who’s Mai and who’s Amirah?” Joe asked. Amirah got up and placed her mug in the sink.

“Okay, Don, Laura, Tracy, I told you I will explain. Joe knows me as Chao-Xing.” Amirah said. “I am currently working for Interpol, out of Geneva, Switzerland. My real name is Nguyen Thi Mai-Loan. I am Vietnamese of birth. I hold the rank of Major in the Vietnamese Police ... Although, I don’t work for them anymore.” She said, looking down at the table, tracing a pattern on the wood surface of the table with her finger.

“DO you work for Interpol?” Joe asked.

“If you need my ID card, please forgive me, I don’t carry it on me ... For obvious reasons,” she said. I just sat and listened to her speaking. This sounded to me like a movie script. More of a TV thriller. Do things like this happen in real life?

“I have three dead men lying in Don’s study. If all is considered, you’re a suspect. I’ll have to ... detain you.” Joe said softly.

“Looks more like justifiable homicide to me,” I said, and all eyes turned to me. “I mean ... three guys with guns holding five people hostage. Three of those people were Police! That’s a crime against the State. High Treason if you ask me.”

Joe sighed. “Trust lawyer Don to come up with an alibi. You sure you’re not moonlighting as a Lawyer, Don?” Joe asked me.

“Dammit Joe! It’s as plain as daylight, and now YOU’RE making Ludwig and his cronies the victims. How would you have felt with a .44 magnum Dessert Eagle pointing at YOUR head?” I asked, now getting irritated.

“Me head too!” Tracy interjected, green eyes flashing fire. Joe looked around at us all.

“Well, how am I going to explain three dead guys and an illegal firearm. Who should I put down in my report as to have fired the gun?” Joe asked.

“Me!” Laura said.

“YOU, dear girl are on sick leave AND you have a 9-millimetre Parabellum, NOT a 7.65, unregistered pistol!” Joe spat.

“My backup gun. I always carry a backup on assignments.” Laura said.

“It’s still unregistered and illegal!” Joe said.

“Amirah! Ah! Say what do I call you now?” I asked Amirah. She looked at me and said:

“What you like to call me, Blue ... Mai-Loan is fine... “ she said, still looking down onto the table. For the first time, I detected a little nervousness in her.

“Okay, NOW I’m ‘Blue’, did you just divorce Joe?” I said and chuckled. Joe looked a little disturbed, but who cares. I need to salvage the situation quickly. “Mai-Loan, where’s your gun?” Mai-Loan looked at me a moment and then slowly reached under the table. She came out with the gun in her hand, turned it around, and gave it to me.

I took the little PPK and right before everyone at the table I stripped the firearm. I took the barrel in my hand and stood up. “Excuse me a moment,” I said and walked out of the kitchen. I went to my study. There were a few people in blue crime scene protective gear milling around.

I walked up to my desk and opened my safe. One guy tried to stop me, but I just brushed him aside. I took out my own Walther PPK, next to my 9-millimetre, closed the safe, and went back to the kitchen. I have been a fan of James Bond 007, for years, therefore, when I got hold of a Walther PPK, I bought one.

Back in the kitchen I dissembled my own PPK, changed the barrels, and reassembled my PPK. I handed it to Laura.

“There! That’s a legal firearm. That’s your backup gun. If Forensics checks the serial number, it’s registered in my name. If they check the barrel, they will find it fired the projectiles that will match with those taken out of the bodies in the study. Problem solved,” I said. Laura wordlessly took the little gun, her eyes as big as saucers.

“You’re tampering with evidence,” Joe said.

“AND you never helped a colleague before in your life,” I said.

“Yes, Brigadier,” Laura said. “Together we stand. One for all, all for one!”

“Amen! Servamus et Servimus. To protect and to serve.” Charley said from the door of the kitchen, leaning against the door frame.

“Seems like you have a band of friends you can rely on Chao! I mean, Mai-Loan.” Joe said, shaking his head.

“And don’t you forget that,” I said. Mai-Loan looked up and for the first time, I saw emotion showing on her face and in her eyes.

“I never thought! I never thought that! it could be true. I never had friends. Not friends like THIS!” Mai-Loan said, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. Laura took the roll of paper towels and placed it on the table. She then tore off a piece and handed it to Mai-Loan.

“Sorry, Mai-Loan, I just wanted to get some ideas from you to put in my report. I didn’t count on the lawyer here to hijack the investigation. Maybe I should just give HIM the report to complete.” Joe said. He got up. “Let me get back to work!” After Joe left, I looked around the table at the three girls sitting there.

“I am tired,” Mai-Loan said. Just sitting with bowed head, tracing the pattern in the wood of the tabletop.

“Go take a shower and turn in for the night,” Laura said, touching Mai-Loan’s hand.

“NO!” Mai-Loan said. “I am tired of all this ... This Dark Angel business ... After taking out Ludwig ... I think I’m done... “ Her shoulders slumped, and she looked up at me with moisture shining in her eyes. Mai-Loan looked fragile and small sitting there.

“Mai, you can crash here for a while. Laura and Tracy will enjoy having you here... “ I said, as Laura and Tracy, each took one of Mai-Loan’s hands.

“Yes. Stay here for a while. We’ll love having you here!” Laura said.

“Oh, yes, you can teach me Vovinam, with and without weapons!” Tracy said looking hopeful. “Especially the flying scissors move!”

“Tracy,” I said! Laura just looked at Tracy.

“Tracy, it will be an honour for me to teach you. If, Poppa-Don and Laura-Mum, agree to it.” Mai-Loan said.

“Good! Me go take me shower now. Me tired too.” Tracy said and got up. She skipped out of the kitchen. What a recovery. Laura got up too and started to clear the empty mugs.

“ ... And I haven’t said anything yet! Not yes or no. TEENAGERS!” I said, sighing.

“ ... And nobody ate any of the sandwiches I made ... G mph!” Laura moaned. I reached out and took a sandwich, egg Mayo, my favourite. Mai-Loan took one too.

“Ah, gee! Thank you. You two make my day!” Laura said.

“How? By taking out Ludwig ... or eating the sandwiches?” I said, munching away. Now, why did I get swatted with the kitchen towel? “Ouch!”

It was after twelve the night when the Forensic Guys got through with whatever they were doing in the study. Everything got quiet as the last cars departed. Aubrey and Charley finished the rest of the sandwiches made by Laura. Then they also grumbled some excuse and retired for the night. Although exhausted, I did not feel like sleeping. I had too much on my mind. I went out and sat down on the dark patio. Furthermore, I lit my pipe.

Puffing away on my pipe, I saw the moon rising over the hill, a little way, in front of the house. The moon casting its silver light over the landscape. Not a cloud was visible in the sky. It was a perfect, quiet night. Only the crickets cricking away in the moonlight.

I thought about the last month. How things started with me finding Tracy. How the shit started with Ludwig. Andre and Cecilia ending up with six teenage girls. How I ended up with a fiancé AND a daughter. My life DID change quite different from what it was. Although not official as yet, but I have no doubt that Tracy will become my adopted daughter. Joe will see to it. Or at least, do what he can to let it happen. There is no way I am going to let Tracy go back to Ireland.

And Laura? She seems to be the missing piece in my life, the piece I didn’t know I missed. Oh, how I love that girl. Tracy too. I love her too. Love her like a daughter or love her as a girlfriend. So impossibly young Tracy. She’ll be fifteen in June. Still too young. Although I suspect, Tracy has other ideas!

“Can’t sleep either?” A soft voice from the front door. Mai-Loan.

“Hi there,” I said. “Just getting some fresh air...”

“Plenty of fresh air out here.” She said and sat down on the patio chair across from me.

“I was sincere in my invitation, Mai.” I said,”You’re welcome to stay here for as long as you like.”

“And if I want to stay ... forever?” She softly asked.

“Then you stay forever. I can live with three women telling me what to do, or not to do.” I said, blowing out a cloud of smoke. “Life won’t be so quiet and dull out here.”

“We can get some cows too. I love cows. They got these soulful eyes.” Mai-Loan said.

“We’ll get cows, maybe a bull too,” I said.

“Serious Don. I need to settle down. Else I won’t make it to thirty-five...”

“What happened in your life, Mai?” I asked.

“Too much, Don. Too much. My older sister got involved with Ludwig. Or she got involved with someone who got her involved with Ludwig.” she said. “Mind if I smoke a peace pipe too?”

“Go ahead,” I said. Mai took out a packet of cigarettes, got one out, and lit it with a brass-coloured Zippo. I thought it being still some reminiscent of her wild life as the Dark Angel. Mai blew out smoke.

“Ludwig had sexually exploited Ai. That was her name, Ai. He sold her out to whoever had money to pay for prime Asian Street Meat! When she wanted out, he had his cronies raped her ... then told her she could go. She didn’t get far ... His dogs!” Mai was sobbing now, the cigarette forgotten in the ashtray. She tried to hide it, but the tears were streaming down her face.

I got up and went around the patio table to the back of her chair. I hugged her from behind. Not only that, but I felt like going to the morgue in the city and pump another thirty rounds through Ludwig’s already dead body.

“It’s over now Mai. It’s in the past. You did avenge her. Let her go now... “ I said,”It’s time for Mai-Loan now. Let Ai rest. You both need it.”

“She would have been thirty-seven now ... this summer,” Mai said, holding on to me. I stood like that, bent over, still holding Mai in my arms.

“I went after him. I prepared myself for getting him. I joined up with the Vietnamese Police, worked my way up, all the while tracking where Ludwig Hertz was. Likewise, I found a lot of girls and even boys, being exploited like that.”

“When the time was right, I formed the ‘Angels of Redemption,’ girls with the same ideas as mine. We worked together. Finding worms like Ludwig, then eliminating them. I suppose you could call me an assassin, a Bravo, Hitwoman. I prefer to be called, an Equaliser...”

“I prefer to call you Mai-Loan. Plum flower beauty ... You just retired Mai,” I said.

“YES! You just retired. You can tend the cows; I’ll tend to the horses. Tracy gets the chickens.” Laura said from the door.

“And me? What do I tend to?” I asked.

“You can tend to the Sky-horsey’s ... and US!” Laura said. I had an image of the three of us on the farm. Three beautiful women and me ... How horrible can life get?

“Let’s go turn in for the night,” I said. Laura hugged Mai. We all three walked back into the house, arms hooked into each other, Laura in the middle.

Laura and I got to the bedroom. Laura placed her finger on her lips. Motioned me to be quiet. Tracy was stretched out in the bed, fast asleep.

I thought to let the kid sleep with us tonight. Ruff day and all,” Giggle. Laura whispered.

“Yeah, good idea. Who sleeps in the middle?” I whispered back.

“YOU, Poppa-Don. And why are you two whispering? Me not sleeping. The ‘KID’ is waiting for the ‘OLD’ people to come to bed!” Tracy said, sleepy-eyed, and turning onto her back. Laura giggled. I just kept quiet and went to take a shower. Laura, already showered and in her pyjamas, got into bed on the left side. The “old” People, my foot. Someday I’ll show her “OLD” people.

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