First Time for Elise - Cover

First Time for Elise

Copyright© 2021 by Rachael Jane

Chapter 1: Nicole

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1: Nicole - A glimpse of life at the exclusive La Chatte Heureuse lesbian club. A rich young woman arrives of the island for an extended stay. Her choice to adopt a Bondage Slave lifestyle means Nicole must become intimately involved with the woman.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Consensual   Slavery   Lesbian   Fiction   Vignettes   DomSub   FemaleDom   Light Bond   Spanking   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

The three women waiting for me in room E524 look at me expectantly as I enter. Monique escorted them here about fifteen minutes ago and told them to wait for me. The delay in my arrival is a deliberate move to test the obedience of these members of the Slave caste. As Monique had anticipated, relaxing the rules governing which members of La Chatte Heureuse can come to the island has resulted in an influx of visitors. These three have never been here before. They claim to have read and understood our rules, but I suspect they have little idea of how they apply in practise. Only one of them has put on the standard open breast top and miniskirt which all those of the Slave caste must wear as a symbol of their caste. The other two are holding their La Chatte Heureuse issued tops and skirts as though they don’t know what to do with them.

All those of the Slave caste arriving on the island must make a choice between the three categories of Slave. The largest group are Field Slaves, who spend eight hours every day doing routine chores around the buildings and grounds in exchange for a generous discount on the charge for their stay. General Slaves are excused most of the heavy chores, but must pay extra for the privilege. The three waiting for me have chosen the Bondage Slave category. It’s the smallest and most expensive of the Slave categories. Their experience here is going to be one of submission, confinement and punishment.

Which is where I fit in. Once Monique realised that I’ve a talent for Shibari rope bondage she’s arranged for me to receive additional training. In exchange for which I am tasked with using my skill whenever it’s required. Like now. I study the trio waiting for me and note that none of them has obeyed Monique’s order and remained standing in line. They are a mixed bunch aged nineteen, twenty six and forty one. I collected that information, and much more, as part of my main duty as receptionist when they arrived by boat earlier today.

One of the women is wearing steel collar, which labels her as a ‘chattel slave’ to use La Chatte Heureuse terminology. She’s a slave who belongs to a particular Mistress who arrived with her. The other two have arrived here wanting a temporary Mistress for the duration of their stay. It’s a service La Chatte Heureuse provides for its members. It’s part of my receptionist role to find someone from the Mistress caste to take control of each unattached Bondage Slave for the duration of her stay. If I can’t find one, then Monique, Stephanie or I, as the only Mistresses on the staff, must fill the role.

“You were ordered to remain in line,” I snap in fake anger. “Obedience gets rewarded, disobedience earns a punishment. You two, get your street clothes off and put them in these bags. Except when you are naked, you must wear your Slave outfit for the duration of your stay.”

The two women who had ignored Monique’s earlier order to change their clothes look sheepish and belatedly change their clothes. That makes two black marks against those two. It’s too late for them to avoid a punishment as they will soon find out.

Although I know each woman’s real name from when I registered her arrival on the island, it’s not unusual for a member to use an alternative name during her time here. Consequently I carefully examine the name displayed on the necklace or collar of each Slave before referring to her by name.

“My name is Madame Nicole,” I say. “I am here to prepare you for your stay here. Slave Elise, stand over there.”

Elise isn’t her real name. She’s the youngest of the Slaves, and one of those who failed to change her clothes earlier. I have her fold her arms behind her back and I proceed to tie her in a chest tie. It’s a straightforward bondage tie which imprisons her arms behind her back and binds her chest above and below her tits. A simple cross loop along her cleavage and over her shoulders squeezes her well formed tits into an attractive position. I’m sufficiently practised at this sort of tie to have the task finished within a few minutes.

“As punishment for your earlier disobedience, you shall wear a ball gag until I’m satisfied you have learned your lesson.”

Elise is obviously new to this game and she seems nervous at the prospect of being gagged. But she doesn’t baulk when I order her to open her mouth, and she accept the gag without any fuss.

“Do you remember the safety code?” I ask once she’s bound and gagged. “Demonstrate the signal.”

Normally I wouldn’t remind any member of La Chatte Heureuse of the safety code. It’s supposed to be something every member knows by heart, but Elise is nervous and she’s a relatively new member. She blinks four times, which is the accepted signal when the Slave can’t say the universal safe word ‘pussycat’.

Once I’m satisfied that she’s okay, I move onto Slave Suzy. In just under a quarter of an hour I’ve all three Slaves bound in a chest tie, and the two being punished suitably gagged. I’ve varied the ties where appropriate. Suzy has large tits which can accommodate a three strand tie around each tit. The tie squeezes her tits our further and increases the erotic sensation such a tie creates for the Slave. The tie is less effective on those with smaller tits as the rope tends to slip off.

We’ve another hour or so before the welcome party for the newly arrived Mistresses and Ladies winds up. Slaves aren’t treated to a party, but they are nonetheless made welcome to the island and given a chance to socialise. In the case of Bondage slaves, the welcome is an induction into the lifestyle they’ve chosen to experience. I let the three of them savour the effects of their bondage for a few minutes.

“If any of you wish to change to another category of Slave for the duration of your stay here, then you need to say so before you leave this room,” I say. “There’s no shame in changing your mind, but once you leave this room your choice to be a Bondage Slave is final until it’s time for you to leave the island.”

Strictly speaking a Bondage Slave would be allowed to transfer to a different category at any time if she was really in distress. But La Chatte Heureuse doesn’t advertise the fact in order to discourage members from constantly wanting to change category.

I pay particular attention to Elise. She’s not only the most nervous of three women, but she has booked to stay here for five weeks. It’s an unusually long stay for someone who is making her first visit to the island, and it’s a long time for an inexperienced and unattached woman to endure the rigours of the Bondage Slave lifestyle. I secretly hope that she’ll change her mind and opt for one of the less onerous Slave categories because I’m not sure if I can find an unattached Mistress willing to take charge of her for five weeks. Splitting the duty between two or more Mistresses is always a poor alternative but sometimes it’s unavoidable. I remove Elise’s gag so that I can ask her if she is sure about her choice. But Elise is determined to stick with her decision and I replace her gag.

I have the three of them stand in line for about ten minutes before I remove the gags and I allow them to talk among themselves. None of them want to change their choice so I study the list of unattached Mistresses to try and identify suitable matches for the two in need of pairing. I don’t know any of the newly arrived Mistresses beyond their profiles I read just before their arrival. Not all Mistresses want to be paired with a Bondage Slave they don’t know, so the choice is limited. Added to which, some members prefer an older or younger partner, while others, like Elise, prefer someone of their own age. It’s not always possible to align Mistress and Slave perfectly, and most members accept that they need to show a degree of flexibility. Nevertheless I do my best to meet everyone’s expectations.

As I feared there’s no unattached Mistress in Elise’s preferred age range who is staying on the island for all of the next five weeks. The best I can do for her is Madame Zoe who is tens years her senior, and is available for the next two weeks. After that I’ll have to hope an unattached Mistress is available from the arrivals due that week. If I match Zoe with Elise, it means having to find an alternative Mistress for Suzy, who would otherwise be a good match with Zoe. I gradually accept that I will need to be Elise’s Mistress for the duration of her stay. Stephanie and Monique are both quite a bit older than Elise’s preferred age for a Mistress, and Stephanie already has two Bondage Slaves in her care.

I find the prospect of having my own Slave for five weeks rather exciting. I’ve taken on the role of Mistress to a Bondage Slave before, but never for more than a few days. It will mean extra work for me, but nothing I can’t cope with. There are plenty of members from the Ladies caste who can temporarily watch over Elise while I’m busy with my regular duties. I just hope Elise realises that she’ll be a regular guest in the dungeon cells.

The final step in the pairing of Mistress and Slave is for both parties to consent to the pairing. Elise has no hesitation in accepting me as her Mistress, and my consent is a formality. With the preliminaries complete the onus is now on me to exercise my control over Elise’s life for the next five weeks. Although I’m relatively new to the task, I’m not without some experience, and Monique and Stephanie are more than willing to advise me when I need guidance. The prospect of breaking in a novice Slave keeps sending a small thrill through me. But I mustn’t rush things. We’ve plenty of time to explore and enjoy our time together.

“How much experience have you had in the BDSM scene?” I ask Elise once the other two Slaves have left with their Mistresses.

“None at all, Madame Nicole,” replies Elise. “My girlfriends used to tie me up when we played together, but it was nothing more than childish games. Nothing like this harness you’ve put me in today.”

“Hmmm ... Well this chest tie is only for starters,” I say as I check that the ropes aren’t restricting her circulation.

An experienced Slave would know to use her safe word if she detected a problem, but I can’t be sure that Elise would realise if her circulation was becoming impaired. It puts an extra layer of responsibility on my shoulders, but I’m okay with that.

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