Nick Book II - Cover

Nick Book II

Copyright© 2021 by SmokinDriver

Chapter 29

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 29 - Nick has graduated high school and is off to college and beyond. The story might not make sense if you haven't read the first book. Enjoy.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Fiction   School   Sports   DomSub   Light Bond   Interracial   White Male   White Female   Oriental Female   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

I woke up alone in my bed and stretched. It had been awhile since I woke up without a naked woman in my arms or on my chest. I put on a pair of boxers and made a trip to the bathroom and then went out to make coffee. I was the first one up and looked over to see the gym bag sitting on the table. I was more happy than relieved. The money was all gotten through selling guns or racing the car. I was just happy that I could trust all three of the girls.

I opened the door to get the papers that were delivered each morning and sat down in my oversized club chair to read the English papers. I had the Wall Street Journal and USA Today. I had finished the WSJ and was about to start reading the USA today. I got up for another cup of coffee and as I was sitting down, I heard a toilet flush down the hall.

At least I knew that they were still here. Mizue and Preeda came out first both just wearing panties. Mizue put on a pot of water to make tea. Chikako walked out a minute later wearing one of my t-shirts. It was the same way all around the world. Chikako walked into the kitchen while Preeda came over and sat on my lap. She gave me a hug and said, “I love that bed. We all slept together; it was so big. It was the most comfortable bed I’ve ever slept in. It was only missing one thing.”

“What’s that?”

“I still haven’t ridden the bull. It’s something that all the girls at the club want to do and I haven’t been picked yet. I was hoping that last night would be my turn.”

As she finished saying that, I leaned in and kissed her neck. She kissed back and then stood long enough to drop her panties and straddle me as she came back into my arms and kissed me again. It was a bold move, but she spends every day dancing in a strip club and giving massages with many happy endings, some of which she uses her pussy to milk her clients. So being naked, having sex and being watched were all no big deal to her.

Rising up on her knees, she reached down and found my cock. She moved it through the opening in my boxers and lined it up with her slit. She pressed down onto my cock and after a few tries had me fully inside of her. She whispered, “It’s my turn to ride the bull.”

It wasn’t fast or hurried but seemed like every millimeter of my cock gave her pleasure as it passed into and out of her cunt. She moaned in pleasure as she rubbed her nipples on my chest as my hands rubbed her ass.

The two other girls started to walk into the room and Mizue said, “You slut. I told you that I wanted to ride the bull this morning.”

Preeda got off of me, turned around and sat back down with her feet next to my thighs and her pussy sliding back down my cock. “You can be next, my friend.”

There was a light knock at the door and before I could say or do anything, Chikako was off to answer it. I was hoping that it wasn’t my mom and dad stopping by for a surprise visit, but I heard Toni’s voice and relaxed. Preeda never stopped moving up and down as she leaned back against me. I watched over Preeda’s shoulder as Toni came around the corner followed by Mi and Dirk.

Mi laughed and said, “Toni you should learn Japanese, the girl said that he was busy.”

“Do you mind if we come in, Sir,” Toni asked.

“Not at all. There’s coffee and tea in the kitchen. I’m just spending some time with friends.”

“I leave you alone for a night and I’m replaced. I should be upset but I see that it took three of them to replace one of me so that makes me feel special.”

Preeda was into her fuck and was about to cum. Everyone was watching her pussy stretch around my cock as it went in and out of her pretty pussy. I think that I mentioned that the girls at the club are stunningly beautiful and Mizue and Preeda were both top shelf. Chikako was pretty in her own way, like a sweet high school girl.

Preeda moaned her pleasure. Toni had her shirt off and was taking off her skirt. Both Mizue and Chikako were rubbing their pussies as Chikako settled on the couch. Mi was next to Dirk and rubbing him through his pants.

I was on the bottom and all I could do was smile and rock my hips to make it better for her while I played with her nipples. Toni walked over to me and gave me a kiss before I moved my head and sucked her pretty nipple into my mouth. After that I lost track of what everyone else was doing. I had a girl on my cock and a Cupcake with my lips kissing her nipples.

When Preeda finally slumped back against me, she’d cum twice, Toni was laying on the armrest but also across my chest. I looked up to see Chikako being fucked from behind by Dirk on the couch while Mizue and Mi were in a 69 on the rug. As the fog lifted, people would finish, and then watch those that were still going until the orgy ended as it started, just randomly.

“I’m hungry,” I said.

Dirk laughed with Chikako sitting on his lap. “We came up to see if you wanted to go out to breakfast with us.”

“I would love to if my guests wouldn’t mind.”

Soon we were taking showers and getting dressed. I came out to see Toni talking to Mizue. There was a weekend buffet at the Hyatt hotel so we went there and they had food that satisfied their Japanese as well as their western customers. I ended up sitting next to Dirk and he said, “Life around you is never boring, Nick. I thought that you were out trolling high schools last night but Chikako is the youngest of the three and a freshman in college. She’s eighteen. She also told me that the age of consent in Japan is fourteen, but I wish she hadn’t told me that.”

“I don’t really know her. I met the other two at a club where I play cards. Chikako I picked up at a street race after I won. I won the race against an arrogant prick. I won the money and his girl came along for the ride.”

“How much did you win?”

“In the race? About twenty grand. At the card table a little over a hundred grand. It was a good night. How was the celebration dinner?”

“We had fun and blew off a little steam. Toni, Mi and I got together afterwards. It was a fun night. The prime rib is good. I think I want a second helping.”

“Go for it.”

The girls all chatted throughout the meal and afterwards we dropped Chikako at her apartment near her school. It wasn’t the university of Tokyo but another smaller college south of the palace. The other two girls had left bags at my place and I was going to drive them home. When we got to the eighth floor, Toni got off with Dirk and Mi. “We’re going to finish planning for Hong Kong. I’ll be up in a couple hours if that’s alright?”

“That’s fine. I’ll see you then.”

Up at the apartment, Mizue said, “Can I ride the bull before you take us home? We both have to be in at 6pm tonight.”

We went in and had sex in the bed. Preeda didn’t join us but there was a chair in the room where she sat and masturbated while she watched. Afterwards she climbed on the bed and cuddled into one shoulder while Mizue did the same on the other side. We were just talking about my age and Mizue asked if I was Yakuza or a gangster.

“No, I am a businessman. I own stores, restaurants and real estate. I own a company that makes software for computers. There are others that do most of the work but I’m not Yakuza.”

“Oh, I just thought that since you were at the club.”

“How did you two find the club?”

“We are both there because of our lives. They gave us things like money or freedom and now we work to pay it back.”

“What does that mean?”

Preeda said, “I grew up in a poor village in Vietnam. I was given a better chance at life here in Japan. They paid for me to get the papers. They pay for my rent. They pay for my food and I work for them. When I got here I had to choose. I could work in a laundry, I could work in a kitchen or I could work as a dancer at the club. Doing what I do, I’ll pay off my debt in four years. If I worked in a laundry it would be closer to five years.”

“How much do you owe them?”

“It was two and a half million yen when I started. It’s less than that now.”

“What about you, Mizue?”

“My dad was sick and we needed some money. He passed away and we needed a little more. I work there to pay back the debt. I owe them just over a million. I should be out of debt in a year.”

“The numbers don’t add up to me.”

“Rent in Tokyo is very high. The place we live also provides our meals. They keep our passports and other papers so that we pay them off instead of running off.”

“You realize that I gave you that much last night to hold while I raced the car and won more than that for less than two hundred fifty yen in gas. I’ll give you what you need to pay off your debts. Then you can live where you want and work where you want. I have many jobs if you don’t want to work in the club. I don’t know what they’d pay to keep you working there.”

“I would pay you back but wouldn’t want you to get into trouble.”

“Just say that we won money racing and you bet on me to win.”

“We don’t have money to bet.”

“You borrowed it. Tell them to talk to me if you have problems. I don’t know what to say about where you are or how you got there.”

“We chose where we are but the rules seemed to change as we went along. Each step had a little change and when we got to the end of the path we were pointed in a totally different direction.”

“Do you have a contract?”

“We have a piece of paper that says what we owe.”

“I won five million last night racing and much more than that playing cards. Pay off what you owe and use the rest of the racing money to get on with your lives.”

Two naked women were soon attacking me. It was an hour later that they were dropped off at their place. I wasn’t one to hide or deny what I did. I would rather face the music and move past things. Toni came up and I told her about what had happened. She seemed a little scared for me but understood that I needed to go to the club that night.

I called Yuto and after some small talk said, “Yuto, I need to go to the club tonight and I want you with me. Can you pick me up?”

“What’s going on?”

“I did something today. After I did it, I started to think about it and may have screwed up. I didn’t know at the time but not knowing how things work here, I might have screwed up.”

“Why don’t I come over now and we can talk. After that we can have dinner and then go to the club.”

“I’ll be here.”

“I explained about the girls walking out at the same time as me and then them being in my bed this afternoon. We were talking about how I got here and then asked about them. It seems that both owed money to someone and are working to pay them back. I had just won five million yen with them betting on a car race. I said, to take the winnings. To me it was less than twenty percent of what I’d won at cards and I was about to complain about finding more room in my safe.

“After they got the winnings and were on their way, I started thinking that someone was making more than what it cost to take care of the girls. I might have stepped into something.”

Yuto said, “I try to stay out of that shit. I try not to kick someone when they’re down. There are too many companies making millions that can share. I’ll come with you tonight but that is one of the reasons there is no cash or tipping at the club. You settle your bill in the office and not at the bar or massage rooms. Poker is a little different but still no tipping the servers or dealers. You may have to say you’re sorry but let’s not make this a habit.”

There was a chance that he saw through my acting job but he didn’t say anything or ask me directly. There was no yelling, screaming or threats. I was told that it cost the club some revenue and that fraternizing outside of the club was frowned upon and giving them money wouldn’t be looked at favorably.

That night, I skipped the massage because I didn’t want anyone to say anything good or bad. I did gain an understanding of how this was being done. It wasn’t a snatch and grab but a step-by-step process that was somewhat voluntary but highly manipulated. They did get out of their immediate situation and had the hope for something better but at a price much steeper than they could imagine.

I didn’t win at the card table. I just didn’t get any cards. I lost every hand that I played and watched my stack dwindle a few chips at a time. I bought it back in a second time when my first stack ran out. When my second stack was gone, I wished everyone a good night. I knew that poker was a game of skill but there is an element of luck that shows the worst player can win any hand with the best cards.

Toni was at my apartment and asleep in my bed. When I laid down beside her she woke up and moved into my arms. “Are you okay? I spoke to those girls today and what they were forced into was nothing but slavery. You freed them. I was worried about you.”

“It isn’t something that I can do over and over without putting myself in danger but these two will get out of the trap. I was verbally warned and Yuto stood up for me. Sometimes you get lucky and this time I did.”

“We will spend time in Hong Kong relaxing some and get away from here for a while.”

It took awhile to get to sleep. After tossing and turning for a while she went down on me and sucked me until I came. She swallowed and then crawled up on my chest and held me close.

The following day, I let Toni hang out with Dirk and Mi. I went over to the embassy and met with Kari. I told her about my first contact with the human trafficking. At least from what I saw it wasn’t going to be as easy as I thought. When you think of someone in that position, my first thought was someone being taken against his or her will; someone kept on a leash or locked in a cage. The ones I met were doing it voluntarily. I didn’t know what it was like where they came from, but they were willing to sell their soul to get out.

It was the holding of their documents, forcing them to pay higher prices for their rent and food. Paying them less than others to do the work. If done right, they could have a loyal and willing slave for years. The ones I saw were also old enough to make those decisions even if they didn’t have all the facts before they started.

Kari took a lot of notes and when we were done she said, “It could just be that the people at the club bought or paid for the girls and weren’t even a part of the group that brought Preeda over. Just keep your eyes and ears open and I’ll report on what we found. The original report was about people trying to escape communist China and moving into Chinatown. If the same pattern is used, then the victims would hide instead of coming forward to stay in the country. Thanks Nick.”

After talking about the girls, I mentioned going over to Hong Kong for a few days. Kari said, “See if Yuto knows of any of the Triad gangs and if there is any way of getting an introduction.”

“I’ll mention that I’m going and see what he says.”

I drove over to see Yuto. He invited me into his office. “That was some shit over at the club. They’ll be fine. No one expects everything to run perfectly. There are always more girls willing to work.”

“I kind of feel bad for them but they all seemed to have chosen that life either because they thought it was better or by accident. I feel bad for them, but I can’t rescue all of them and don’t have enough beds to put them all up at my apartment or the strength to service them all.”

“You or me both. Some work in brothels. It’s like any job. Some have good bosses and some have bad bosses. Some of these girls are treated well and some not so well.”

“Speaking of brothels. I am heading over to Hong Kong for a few days. I may or may not want to visit a brothel but was wondering if you’ve been there before, what you did for fun and some places I should go.”

“Hong Kong is an interesting city. It’s a city of haves and have-nots. The difference between the rich and poor is easy to see. The people trying to escape the mainland means low pay but out from under China’s thumb. They speak Cantonese but with them being a territory of Great Britain, almost all business is done in English and most people speak English.

“There are clubs like the one here that I can get you into for women, drinks and gambling, mostly poker, Baccarat and dice. They have more drugs available, if you want to have a fun time.”

“I don’t have plans to work there unless you think that they’re in a position there to open restaurants and stores like I did here.”

“There’s a contact that I have there. Chan. I’ll give him a call and you can meet him while you’re over there.”

After giving Yuto the information of the hotel and flight plans, I went back to my apartment. Toni was down with Dirk and Mi, getting things ready for the trip. I knew we were leaving early so I went ahead and packed my bag and then went up to check on the club. Rodney was sitting alone at the bar and drinking a beer.

“How are things my friend?”

“Hey, Nick. Things are going well. This place is ready to open. We have another week of training for the staff and should be ready for the grand opening in a week. We’ve sent out invitations to the local businesses, the people in the building and friends. Mi said that you were going out of town this weekend and part of next week but should be back for the opening.”

“It looks nice.”

“I’m sorry we had to steal your patio but this setup will be a big draw for the members. We have the heaters for the cooler months. If it snows it will just be something to look at. The menu will be a step below Yuto’s place but still something memorable. We have a happy hour planned for the after work crowd. It will start about three so after the lunch crowd clears out and we get a chance to reset, then we’ll start to pull them back in.”

“I’ve seen the numbers and you and Randy have been hitting the nail on the head so far with your concepts and price points. Sales are above expectations. I think you and your brother are doing well.”

“I doubt that others would give us the same terms that you did but we really have enjoyed building this more than we thought and it has gotten us out of our rut of just counting money back home. It’s made our entire management team step up and do their jobs. It’s been good for us all around.”

“I’ll look at some places in Hong Kong while I’m over there. But only if you are interested in helping out.”

For a moment he just stared at me to see if I was serious. “Maybe.”

“After seeing how easy it was, maybe I should ask for a better deal?”

“Hong Kong isn’t Tokyo. Let me talk to Randy. He’s flying back for the opening here. Unless you need to know today.”

“No commitments today. But what would you say if the opportunity was there?”

“I’d be in favor of it and I think Randy would say the same thing. We’ve enjoyed it here and the times our wives have come over, they see the work we’ve done and the added income. They’re proud of the work and proud of us being recognized outside of our own string of restaurants.”

“Then I’ll see what I think, and we can go from there. Would you be willing to go to forty percent for the first five years and then step-down ten percent a year for the next three?”

“I’d have to talk to Randy, but it isn’t a big step down and we have the process built and in place. We still have some stores to open here but have the team in place to run it.”

Later. Toni came up to be with her daddy. She was in a horny mood and I used the toys on her before I used her myself. She was ready to throw in the towel before I let her go to sleep. She was still tired when the alarm went off and slept on the plane. The flight wasn’t too long and customs were easy on me when they saw my diplomatic card. I was waiting when Dirk, Mi and Toni made it through. Mi spoke Cantonese and came along as an interpreter.

We checked into a nice hotel. I had a suite. It was a habit that I now had from traveling with Mom and just made trips more relaxing. I had only been in the room for ten minutes and was just finishing unpacking when the phone rang. I expected it to be Dirk, but it was a man asking if I was Nick.

“This is Nick.”

“I’m Chan. Yuto said that you wanted to meet up with me. Are you free tonight?”

“I can be. When and where did you want to meet?”

“I’ll send a car for you at 6pm. We will have dinner and then go from there.”

“I’ll be out front. I’ll have on a blue shirt and a sports coat but just look for the six-foot three guy with sandy blonde hair.”

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