Absence Makes The Cock Grow Fonder - Cover

Absence Makes The Cock Grow Fonder

by Master Jonathan

Copyright© 2021 by Master Jonathan

Romantic Sex Story: Michael a construction foreman is researching for an upcoming project in another city. At the local library, he meets Angela and they hit it off. When he gets back home from the construction project, he gets a very warm welcome home!

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Oral Sex   .

I met Angela at the local library while doing some research for work. I was the project foreman for a new twenty-story office building we were going to be starting in a new city, and I wanted to learn a little bit about the area before getting this three million dollar construction job off the ground.

I had found a few books on the area I was interested in, and then looked for someplace to sit and read through them. I looked around and found a quiet table next to the window so there was lots of natural light. I sat down and was looking through the books I had picked out when I heard a woman’s voice.

“Excuse me ... Is anyone sitting here?”

I looked up from my book and saw the source of the lovely voice. Angela Thompkins was a very beautiful, very sexy woman, about 24 years old. She stood about five foot four inches tall with long blonde curly hair down to the small of her back, blue eyes that sparkled like the sapphires they were colored as, and a delightfully curvy, voluptuous figure.

“Uh ... sure, I guess,” I said, completely at a loss for a smooth comeback to her question. She smiled sensing my awkwardness and sat down next to me on the reading area sofa.

“What are you reading?” she asked, trying to ease the discomfort of the situation.

“Oh, I am doing some research on St. Louis. My company has a project coming up there and I wanted to learn a little about the place first.

“Oh really? I’m from Columbia, Missouri. I’ve been to St. Louis a number of times. It’s only about 125 miles east of Columbia. Maybe I can help?” she said.

“That would be nice. I could really use a “local” perspective on my project,” I said.

“I’d be happy to. My name is Angela Thompkins,” she said, holding out her hand.

“Michael Williams, nice to meet you Angela. That’s a pretty name. It suits you,” I said getting my ‘smooth’ back finally. As Angela blushed a most attractive rose color, I took her hand and gently took it, not letting go of it immediately.

I looked at the small feminine hand in mine, She obviously took care of her looks, her nails were long and immaculately manicured. They contrasted well with my rough, working man hands.

“So what kind of project is this? What are you doing?” she asked.

“My construction company is building an office building in St. Louis. It’s projected to be twenty stories and take up a full city block with the six level parking garage next to it,” I told her.

“Oh my, that is some project! Well St. Louis is a fast growing place. It’s been a couple years since I’ve been back, but I still have family in Columbia and they tell me all the goings on around the area,’ she said.

“What brought you here to Atlanta?” I asked.

“I went to college here and once I graduated a couple years ago, I just never went back. I like the area here and I love the fact that the winters are so mild here! Missouri can get so cold in the winter. Guess that’s why it’s called Misery!” she giggled.

“Add a beautiful laugh to her score as well!” I thought to myself. I don’t know how the construction would go but the research was looking fine!

We sat there and talked and she told me about St. Louis, about growing up in Missouri and about what the people there are like. They didn’t call it the Show Me State for nothing. I would have to bring my best game to this construction if I was going to make a success of it. My A game wouldn’t be enough – I needed my A+ game! Apparently Missourians are not an easy crowd to impress!

We talked for a couple hours there in the library until it started getting late. The announcement that the library would be closed made our conversation come to an abrupt and unwanted end. I was thoroughly enjoying my charming research assistant’s company!

“Angela, would you like to go get some dinner?” I asked her.

“I’d like that,” she said with her trademark smile. So we went to find a nice restaurant and talk some more.

We got together a few more times before I was to head to St. Louis. What started off as a chance meeting in the library had become a nice friendship. We went to dinner and to the movies, and I showed her where I worked.

I was a perfect gentleman during our dates, I was getting ready to go away to St. Louis and I wasn’t exactly sure how long I would be gone. I didn’t want to start something and leave this beautiful creature hanging!

Finally the day came time for me to leave for St. Louis. Angela had asked if she could come to the airport and see me off, and it made me feel very good that she wanted to. We met at the airport each of us driving our own vehicles so she would have a way home. I took a cab to the airport so my car stayed safe in my garage.

After I got my ticket and we went through security, we walked to the gate my plane was due to leave from. We sat there waiting for the announcement to come, neither of us in a hurry for it.

“Michael, will you call me when you get to St. Louis ... just so I know you got there safely?” she asked.

“Of course, Angela. I will call you the moment I arrive,” I said.

“And will you call me from time to time to let me know how things are going? I really don’t want to lose touch, we have had such good times lately,” she said.

“I will call you, Angela. I promise,” I said. “Oh before I forget, here’s a spare key to my place. Can you go by from time to time, just to check on things and make sure everything is okay?” She looked at me and smiled, “Of course.” About that time, the announcement we both had been dreading came over the loudspeakers and it was time for me to go.

“God I hate airports!” she said, “Someone is always leaving someone!”

We got up and walked to the gate door and then Angela stopped and turned to me. She threw her arms around me, pulling me close to her and kissed me ... and not just a friendly “take care” kiss – this was one hell of a kiss! She pressed her lips to mine and put her heart into this kiss.

As I kissed her back, I felt her melt to me holding me tightly like she didn’t want me to go. Finally she broke the kiss putting her cheek to mine and whispering, “Please Michael, hurry back to me.”

I was gone for almost a month, getting this project up and running and making sure the crews there in St. Louis knew what to do. But I didn’t need to stay there and see the project through to completion thankfully.

Even though the apartment the company set me up with was very nice, I was eager to get back home to my own home. As I promised Angela, I called her the minute I was in the terminal at St. Louis International Airport, and I called her a couple times a week after that.

When I got the go ahead to come home I booked the first flight I could back home. I called Angela to let her know and she was so excited.

“Oh Michael, that’s wonderful news! I haven’t seen you for such a long time and I’ve really missed you!” she said.

“Well my flight will be coming in about 4:00 am this Saturday. You don’t have to come to the airport though, I will just catch a cab home. I will come by later that day to see you though,” I told her.

“You’d better mister! I have been looking forward to seeing you again since you left!” she said, feigning sternness.

I arrived home that Saturday morning about 5:30. My flight had been unremarkable and it was good to be home. Using my regular key I went inside and was flabbergasted. Everything in my apartment was immaculate! That girl had come by and cleaned my entire house while I was gone!

I mean everything from the floor to ceiling was superb! The dishes were done and put away, the laundry was done, fresh sheets on the bed, the icebox had been cleaned of old food ... the place was a Home and Gardens showpiece!

I wandered through the house amazed at what she had done in my absence until I got to the bedroom. There on the bed was a small ornate envelope. I opened it and read the note inside:

“Welcome home honey, I can’t wait to see you!” and it was signed “Angela” with a kiss in her own lipstick under her name. I was going to have to thank her for all her efforts!

I grabbed a quick nap just so I wouldn’t fall asleep when I went to see her. I had slept some on the plane, but you can never really sleep good on one of those flights, besides, it was only a four hour flight. About 11:00 a.m. I headed over to her place. I had stopped by the florist to pick her up a rose and a bottle of wine. I pulled up to her apartment and rang the doorbell.

Angela opened the door and peeked through the crack. “MICHAEL!” she squealed, when she saw it was me. She threw the door open wide and quickly pulled me inside, shutting and locking the door again behind us.

She threw her arms around my neck and kissed me like we had been apart for years instead of just a month. I pushed her back against the wall and pressed against her, showing her that I had missed her as well.

With her arms locked around my neck we slid along the wall until we came to the small dining room table, where I set the bottle of wine and the flower down, not wanting to drop them. Once my hands were empty I put them to use wrapping them around her waist and pulling her to me. She moaned softly into my mouth and our kiss deepened.

Our kiss ended and she hugged me close. “Oh Michael, I have missed you! I thought about you all the time, wondering how you were doing,” she said in my ear. I smiled at her soft words. Truth be told I had missed her and thought of her a lot as well.

“I missed you too, Angela. I was very happy when they told me I could come home. I wanted to see you as soon as I could,” I said. “You look beautiful.”

“Thanks, Michael, I was hoping you would like this dress,” she said.

I handed her the rose and she took it, blushing and smelled it. She went to the cupboard and found a vase for it putting it in water. I watched her from across her small kitchen ... she was a sight for sore eyes!

She had a sexy little red velvet dress, cut a bit higher than mid-thigh and hugging her hot, curvaceous body. The dress was cut low in the front and scooped deep in back nearly to the flare of her ass. It was smoking hot and she did it justice too!

Once she had put the flower in some water and had set the wine on the counter she came over to me Holding me again. We kissed some more and I could feel her melt into me. “Oh God Michael...” she moaned as we held each other. I knew how she felt ... I felt the same way. So I made the first move and put my face between her ample tits kissing them each.

Angela had huge tits but they were soft and ripe. And as I was to find out, very sensitive. She tossed her head back as my hot mouth kissed each creamy globe. Seeing how she liked it, I reached into the deep v of her dress scooping out the fleshy globes freeing them from their velvet prison.

Luckily for both of us, she wasn’t wearing a bra (was she planning all this? I wondered) and once her tits were released, I could see just how marvelous they were. Angela had 34DD tits soft and creamy with thick, rosy nipples and the biggest areolae I’d ever seen! Her nipples stiffened in the cool room air and stood tall, begging for me to suck them.

After kissing her mouth and trailing kisses down her neck and chest, I started licking one bare nipple and fondling the other one. I curled my fingers into the fleshy titmeat as Angela pulled my face deeper into her tit, pushing more of it into my mouth. I began nipping and chewing on her nipple while I rolled the other between my fingers. Angela moaned and leaned back against the counter.

Angela squealed with delight at the feel of my rough, wet tongue against one sensitive nipple and my fingers pinching and tugging on the other. She hefted her massive mammaries, thrusting her nipples to meet my mouth and my hand.

After licking and rubbing for almost a minute, I switched so I was licking the dry nipple and my fingers were pleasuring the other. Angela squealed again, delightedly, and started squirming from the pleasure her nipples were receiving.

I licked and sucked and chewed on her hard aching nipples as I could feel her passion growing. Her moans and squirming grew more and more desperate as I feasted on her. Finally she couldn’t take it any more.

She pushed me back gasping “Wait ... please...” she said as she tried to catch her breath. I stood there in front of her as she panted, leaning back on the kitchen counter for support.

When she had rested enough for her knees to support her again, she took me by the hand. “Come with me,” she said, and we headed for her bedroom and the delights she had waiting there for me.

Angela took me to the side of her bed and began undressing me, punctuating her actions with kisses as she removed my jacket and shirt. Once she had me shirtless, I stopped her, wanting to do a little “unwrapping” of my own.

I kissed her neck below her earlobe, then down a few inches, then right where her neck meets her shoulder. As I kissed her, I slid the straps of her dress off her shoulders, kissing where they once lay. Once both straps had been slipped off her smooth soft shoulders, Angela shimmied out of the dress, letting it puddle around her feet on the floor.

Standing there in nothing but her panties heels and stockings, I leaned forward to kiss her again. This time though my hand slid down her tight stomach to her soaked panties. I covered her mound with my hand “Is this for me, baby?” I asked.

“Yesss...” she hissed as she began grinding her pussy against my hand.

“You’re so wet ... your pussy is soaked!” I said taunting her.

Please ... go inside. Touch me ... inside...” she moaned as she grabbed a tit, pinching her hard nipple. I slid my hand under the waistband of her panties and began toying with her pussy. She gasped at first, feeling my fingers at her entrance but then her kisses became more passionate and more desperate.

She kissed me like she wanted to devour me, and I returned her kiss with equal enthusiasm. I toyed with her dripping pussy, fingering her clit and rubbing her swollen pussy lips. I dipped a couple fingers inside her, rubbing against her g-spot and splitting my fingers on either side of her clit.

From the intense pleasure her pussy was giving her, Angela’s lovely body, creamy white and freckled, twisted and squirmed more and she cooed her pleasure, pleasing my ears and pleasing my mouth with her kisses.

I spun the girl around and laid her on her back on the bed. I reached down and pulled her soaked panties off of her, tossing them to the floor without looking or caring where they landed. Then I resumed fingering her pussy, not wanting her to cool even a little bit, as she whimpered and purred her pleasures.

She laid back and spread her legs readily offering herself totally to my caresses. I fingerfucked her, making her pussy drool happily and making those sexy, squishy sounds a wet pussy makes. Angela began to maul her wondrous tits, clawing at them and pinching and tugging madly at her nipples. I could see she was on the verge of her first orgasm of the night.

“Ohhh fuck, Michael, I’m going to cum ... I’m... FUUUUCCCKKMEEEE!” she screamed out as it hit her like a freight train. With nothing to hold her down, Angela began bucking and pitching like a wild mare at the rodeo.

She bucked and twisted and rolled around on the bed like she was being electrocuted. She clawed and the sheets, raking the fabric with her long nails and trying to find something stable to cling to in her wildly spinning world.

I continued to rub my fingers across her clit even as her orgasms hit wanting to draw it out and prolong the delicious ecstasy she was feeling longer. Her hypersensitive clit kept sending her brain signals and I could see she was going through chain orgasms, each orgasm coming on the heels of and building on the previous one.

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