Coming Home — Book 2 - Cover

Coming Home — Book 2

Copyright© 2022 by Douglas Fox

Chapter 14

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 14 - Coming Home-Book 2 continues the story follow the coaching career of Kyle Martin and lives of his wife Penny and their children David, Jessie, Danny and Robbie. You will want to read Book 1 of Coming Home before you start this book. This picks up as the Martin family enjoys their annual vacation from football when the NFL almost shuts down before training camp. Instead of their normal vacation in Landenberg that they’ve done in the past fourteen years, this year the trip will be to Colorado.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/mt   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Rape   Fiction   School   Sports   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   First   Masturbation   Safe Sex  

Monday, December 15, 2031 – NovaCare Complex, Philadelphia, PA

Kyle Martin tried to reach Mark Markovich at Penn State around lunch time. The coaches missed each other. The two finally connected after the Eagles finished film review late in the afternoon.

“Coach, it is so good of you to call,” Mark said. “I hoped my message would reach you. You know how the NCAA recruiting rules work. I can’t call you direct.”

“I completely understand,” Kyle replied. “I am guessing with the indirect approach; I am not acting as a Nittany Lions booster today – not that I mind that role at all.”

“You are acting the role of a parent,” Mark replied. “I understand your son Daniel had a hell of a JV season. 8-0 playing JV and another two wins with his middle school team. He went 75 for 112 passing with 24 touchdowns, throwing only 7 interceptions and rushing to 14 touchdowns. That is impressive.”

“You have done your homework, Mark,” Kyle replied. He was only slightly surprised that Mark could rattle of Danny’s stats so easily. The invitation to call was not by chance.

“How tall is Daniel?” Mark asked, trying to be casual.

“5’-8” and 134 pounds at his last checkup a couple months ago,” Kyle answered. “He probably is taller now. He is showing too much ankle at the bottom of his jeans. Growing like a weed and eating like a horse would describe my middle son.”

“That same thing my parents used to bitch about with me and my brothers when were teenagers,” Mark said. “Have you and Penny sat down with Daniel to discuss college recruiting? I am sure the recruiting package Penn State sent was not the only one he received.”

“Hardly,” Kyle replied, laughing. “I believe you were college #3 to send him information, one of fifty-five that expressed their interest in him since his JV season ended.”

“You probably already know potential recruits and their parents are welcome to pay an unofficial visit to a school,” Mark commented.

“I do,” Kyle responded. “That is part of why I am calling. I wanted to know if the team would be responsive if Danny and I or Penny, Danny and I were to do an unofficial visit next month or in February, if that is more convenient to you and Bob.”

“Either would work,” Mark said. “With some notice, we could probably squeeze it in this month if need be.”

“I am sure you are up to your eyeballs in preparations for South Carolina,” Kyle said. “I am busy too, trying to eke out another win or two to keep my ass from getting fired.”

“You knew the life of a coach in the NFL when you took the job,” Mark laughed. “Do you want to set a date now?”

“I could do that,” Kyle suggested. He glanced at his calendar on his phone. “What about the weekend of January 15th? I will check with Danny and Penny and see if they’re up for the visit.”

“We can make the 15th work from our end,” Mark said.

“Good luck with the Gamecocks on Saturday,” Kyle added. “I’ll be cheering for our team, even if I am unable to make the trip to see the game.” The Penn State Nittany Lions faced with South Carolina Gamecocks in the FBS quarterfinals. If the Lions won, they would play in one of the semi-finals on New Year’s Day. Win again, and they would play for the national championship on January 10th.

“I will talk with Danny and Penny and confirm everything,” Kyle added before ending the phone call.

Monday, December 15, 2031 – Lincoln University Pool

Hunter Martin drew more than a few questioning looks when he walked into the locker room at Lincoln University. A few kids understood when Hunter sought out and greeted David, his nephew. Hunter changed into a Stanford swimsuit and followed the team out to the pool.

“Coach Bunting, may I present my uncle, Hunter Martin,” David said as he and Hunter joined Coach by the side of the pool.

“Hunter, it is good to meet you,” Coach Bunting said as he shook Hunter’s hand. “I have heard so much about you already that it seems like I know you. I’m Alan Bunting.”

“I can say the same thing, Coach Bunting,” Hunter said. “What’s planned for today?”

“After the kids do some laps to warm up, I thought we would concentrate on entries and turns,” Coach Bunting said. “I suspect you may benefit the kids most by improving those skills.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Hunter agreed. “You don’t mind me doing the laps too? I need to keep in shape for a meet on January 10th with Pacific University.”

“Of course,” Coach Bunting agreed. “By the way, I would like you to go by Coach Martin while you are helping out.”

“Cool!” Hunter replied, grinning. He slapped David on the back. “Now I have something to tease your dad about on Christmas Day. He isn’t the only coach in the family.”

Coach Bunting gathered the team around him. “I want to introduce Coach Hunter Martin, who will be helping out for a few weeks. Coach Martin is David’s uncle, a nationally ranked swimmer for USA Swimming and a member of the Stanford University swim team. Please give Coach Martin the same respect you give me. I believe he has a lot to teach you to make you better swimmers.”

The team gave Hunter a round of applause. “OK, now it is time for laps. In the pool, everyone.” Just before David dove in, he noticed an Avon Grove student with a Go-Pro camera filming practice. That was not normal. While he swam his laps, he realized Coach Bunting was planning for future years, when David and Uncle Hunter would not be available to improve the team’s techniques.

The team seemed to listen when Hunter drilled them on entries and turns. David could see improvements just with this one session. Hunter planned to help for the next six practices and then be there on December 23rd for their meet with Henderson High School.

David waited in the parking lot when practice was over. “What did you think Unc?”

“Your team has some promise,” Hunter responded. “That one freshman, Mike ... uh ... what was his name?”

“Mike Harris.”

“Mike has some talent as an athlete,” Hunter said. “He could develop into a top swimmer. What’s his background?”

“Mike is like us,” David laughed. “He’s second-generation athlete. It is genetic. His father is Dylan Harris, one of the quarterbacks on Dad’s team.”

“May I remind you, I am a first-generation athlete in our family,” Hunter said, giving David a wink.

“You know what I mean,” David retorted. “You grew up with athletic talent and had some very large footsteps to follow after Dad and Uncle Andy.”

“That I do,” Hunter acknowledged. “That is something you understand quite well too. You can work around those large footprints if you choose your own path. Is it football for you or something else?”

“My last football game was last month,” David replied. “Is it swimming? Maybe. I am leaning towards sprinting. Once I beat Dad’s old state record in the 100m, I am blazing my own trail ahead with sprinting.”

“Good luck with that,” Hunter said.

“Thanks for helping out, Unc,” David said as he started to climb into his minivan. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“You’ll see me in about ten minutes,” Hunter laughed. “Your mom invited me to have dinner with your family while I am helping coach your team.”

Tuesday, December 16, 2031 – Martin Home, Landenberg, PA

David’s phone buzzed. He was working on homework. The phone reported it was a text from Sara at 7:49 PM.


He checked. He had missed the email from UPenn that arrived about fifteen minutes ago. He opened it. The University of Pennsylvania congratulated him on his acceptance into the Wharton School to start in the fall of 2032. David stared at the message on his phone as relief washed over him. His future was set for the next four years. He and Sara would go to Penn together. Hopefully the relationship they were building would last.

David headed downstairs to find his mom. “Penn emailed me,” David proudly announced. “I am in. Tell Dad to open his wallet. He is going to need write a nice big check for the university.”

“You’re in?” Penny said as she stood up and hugged her 6’-2” son. “That is fantastic news. How did Sara do? Is she in?”

“That’s the best part,” David gloated. “She found her acceptance email before I found mine. She is in too.”

“Did Penn give you any details?” Penny asked.

“The email said more details and forms to fill out will follow by snail mail,” David replied.

“I will text your good news to your father, unless you want to,” Penny suggested. This was a Tuesday night and Penny knew Kyle would not be home before the rest of the family went to bed. In an NFL week, Tuesdays were the players’ day off and the coaches’ day to prepare the game plan for the next game. Kyle and his staff would be working late into the night to get ready to play the Green Bay Packers on Sunday.

“I know you have a term paper due, what ... on Friday?” Penny commented.

“I’m in at Penn?” David laughed. “Does my homework matter anymore? I’m in!”

“A term paper for AP European History?” Penny retorted. “AP European History for college credit? Yes ... I think homework still matters.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” David agreed. He headed upstairs to continue on his first draft of the term paper about the Habsburgs and the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the Nineteenth century.

Thursday, December 18, 2031 – Martin Residence, Landenberg, PA

Kyle made it home from NovaCare a little after nine o’clock that evening. His Eagles faced the Packers on Sunday at the Linc, so there was no need to rush preparations and work late in the evening. He found Danny sprawled on the couch watching video on his tablet.

“Got a few minutes, buddy?” Kyle asked as he watched his middle son watch a YouTube video.

“Sure, what’s up, pop?” Danny asked brightly, setting down his tablet.

“Homework all done?”

“Of course,” Danny grinned. “No electronics in the evening until my homework is done. I know the rules and have no interest in facing the wrath of Mom.”

“Wise man,” Kyle responded. “I wanted to talk about all the recruiting literature you’ve been receiving. Have you made time to look through it?” He pointed towards the six-inch high stack of oversized envelopes full of recruiting information sitting on the table beside the TV. The current count of universities selling Danny on joining their football team numbered fifty-five.

“A few,” Danny allowed. “It would take months for me to go through all of these. Alabama’s came first and I’ve looked over it. Of course, I looked at Penn State’s information too.” He tapped the number 15 on the front of the replica Penn State jersey he was wearing. His cousin Noah gave it to him for his birthday last summer.

“Fifty-five universities pursuing you, trying to convince you to join their football team four years from now, that is some heady stuff for an eighth-grader,” Kyle said. “You mother and I would like to see you enjoy as normal a time as we can as you grow up. Given our family’s wealth and my fame, I know it isn’t easy being Danny Martin. We want to help you stay grounded to our roots. The Martins and the Edwards are just plain, normal people. Your mother and I do not want you to lose that connection to our family’s roots.”

“I get that, Dad,” Danny agreed.

“Enjoy Scouts, date some girls, have some fun like any other teenager,” Kyle continued. “I do not want this college recruiting to absorb your time and energy. There are more important things for a thirteen-year-old to be doing than worrying about what college you go to in four years.”

“OK ... and?” Danny asked.

“Coach Meyer and I came up with an idea that may tamp down on the over-the-top recruiting you are facing,” Kyle explained. “How would you feel about making a visit to Penn State next month, after my season is done?”

“A visit to Penn State?” Danny laughed. “Hell yeah!” Danny blushed when he realized he had cursed in front of his dad. Kyle dismissed his son’s concern with a wave. “The apple does not fall far from the tree, Dad. I’ve been a Penn State fan all my life. Would this be a football visit?”

“This would be an unofficial football visit,” Kyle responded. “You would meet with some of the coaches and get to know them. They will look you over and see what they think of you. If they like what they see, they may make a verbal scholarship offer.”

“That would be cool,” Danny exclaimed. “Very cool!”

“You played extremely well this season, as evidenced by all the interest you have drawn from colleges,” Kyle cautioned. “Understand about a verbal offer. A verbal offer is contingent on you playing well over the next three or four years. Penn State could withdraw the offer for any reason. If you accept their offer of a scholarship and commit to play at Penn State now, you are not legally obliged to follow through with that commitment until you are a senior in high school and sign a letter of intent.”

“If they offer me a scholarship that isn’t really an offer, and I accept this offer, but don’t really have to follow through and actually show up at Penn State, what is the point of all of this?” Danny asked.

“The point is to discourage other universities from absorbing too much of your time over the next two or three years on recruiting,” Kyle explained. “You can concentrate on becoming a better player. You can do all the fun things teens do without worrying about choosing a college now. Trust me, if Penn State puts out a press release saying they offered you a scholarship and you commit to coming to Penn State, every college recruiting website from here to Hawaii will be reporting on your decision.”

“That will stop them from recruiting me?” Danny asked. “What happens if I change my mind in a few years?”

“If you play in the future the way you played this season, they will beat down your door if they think they have a chance of convincing you to go to their university,” Kyle replied. “This will not stop them from recruiting you, but it may discourage them some. Why would they not believe it if you committed to Penn State? It’s a family thing. We all go to the Nittany Lions – me and your cousins.”

“And Uncle Andy?” Danny teased.

“Special case,” Kyle laughed. “Don’t you go pulling a boneheaded stunt like he did and get your girlfriend pregnant when you are fifteen.”

“I am not planning to,” Danny replied. “What’s next to set this visit up?”

“Get me any dates your troop is busy in January,” Kyle said. “I will set things up with Coach Markovich for a free weekend that month.”

Danny reported back to his dad a few minutes later. His troop was attending the council’s Klondike Derby down at camp on the weekend of January 24-25, 2032. Kyle called Mark Markovich back the following day and set up Danny’s unofficial visit for January 17-18, 2032.

Saturday, December 20, 2031 – Christian Steele’s Home – Lincoln University, PA

“I’m glad you agreed to be my date for Christian’s party,” Joe Worden said. “I expect we will have a fun time. Christian’s parents are away and he throws epic parties.”

“I had fun with you at the movies last Saturday night,” Jessie replied as Joe pulled his dad’s Lexus alongside the Steele residence. Jessie had enjoyed her date with him the previous weekend. He was polite and fun to talk with. He was a good kisser and not grabby, like too many boys. She allowed him to feel up her chest, over her blouse during the movie. He hadn’t made any attempt to get in her pants.

Word around school was that Joe treated his dates well. He also reportedly was experienced in bed. He also was well endowed. Jessie expected to confirm the rumor herself, if things worked out right at the party.

Joe escorted Jessie across the yards to the Steele residence. Christian, a senior she recognized but really didn’t know, answered the door.

“Joe, welcome!” Christian gushed as he found his friend. “My ... you brought a lovely date tonight.”

“Jessie, this is Christian Steele, our host,” Joe said as the two teens stepped inside. “Christian, this is Jessie Martin.”

“You’re David’s sister, aren’t you?” Christian asked as he shook Jessie’s hand.

“I am,” Jessie allowed.

“This is my girlfriend, Alyssa Richter,” Christian added. Jessie and Alyssa exchanged greetings.

The Steele’s home was a bi-level. Half a flight of stairs in the foyer led down to the finished basement family room. Another half a flight of stairs led upstairs to the first floor.

“Beer, other drinks and munchies are upstairs in the kitchen,” Christian indicated. “There is room to sit and talk...” he laughed. “ ... or other things, there is plenty of space upstairs. I cleared the floor downstairs in the family room for music and dancing. Bedrooms are on the second floor, if you feel the urge. Enjoy yourselves.”

“Thanks, Christian,” Joe replied. “Beer?” he asked Jessie.

“Sounds like a good start to the evening,” Jessie agreed. They headed upstairs to the kitchen and grabbed beers. The pair headed down to the basement to enjoy talking with their friends and to do a little dancing. Jessie nearly ran into Allison North as she headed down the steps from the foyer to the basement.

“Allison!” Jessie exclaimed.

“Jessie!” Allison responded with a big grin. “I didn’t know you were coming to this party.”

“I didn’t know your parents would allow you to come to a party like this,” Jessie responded. Jeremy and Kathy North were capital “C” Catholics. Allison and her eleven-year-old sister Katie were sweet little girls to Jeremy. Have his precious, innocent daughter come to a high school party where kids were drinking, making out and even going upstairs for sex? God forbid.

“Why not?” Allison grinned. “My boyfriend is hosting it. Why wouldn’t I come?”

“Your boyfriend?” Jessie smirked. Allison having a boyfriend had to drive her dad crazy too.

A shorter boy, around 5’-4” tall and maybe 110 pounds came up behind Allison and put his hand around her waist. He looked like a shorter, younger version of Christian Steele. Allison introduced her boyfriend to Jessie and Joe. He was Christian’s younger brother, Jacob. He was in ninth grade with Allison. They made an odd pair. Allison, inheriting her father’s height but her mother’s slim build, was 5’-8” already and around 120 pounds. She towered over Jacob, whose unshaved dark peach fuzz on his upper lip reminded everyone of his youth.

Jacob and Allison headed upstairs while Jessie and Joe headed downstairs.

“You seemed surprised to see your friend,” Joe commented as they downed their first beers for the evening.

“Allison’s parents are extremely religious,” Jessie explained. “I am surprised they allowed her to come to a beer party.”

“She is kind of young for this crowd,” Joe agreed. The partygoers were mostly juniors and seniors, with a couple of sophomore girls Jessie knew ... and two freshmen, Jacob and Allison. “I guess it will be fine. Jake’s a good kid, if a bit of a pest when he was younger. I know him a little through Christian.”

Jessie and Joe finished their beers and danced a bit. They took a break and leaned against the wall and made out as they enjoyed the music. Jessie learned Joe was a good conversationalist on their date last weekend, as well as a great kisser.

“I’ll grab you another beer,” Joe offered when they took a break from deep kissing. He headed upstairs. Jessie noticed Jacob Steele head upstairs a moment after Joe left. Allison saw Jessie and headed over to join her family friend.

“Is this your first high school party?” Jessie asked. “I can’t get over your parents allowing you to come to a party where beer is served.”

“My parents...” Allison giggled. “No, your parents and mine aren’t nearly as straight as you might think. I have overheard your mom and dad, my mom and dad and Uncle Ed talking. They did some pretty wild things when they were growing up.”

“You think?” Jessie asked skeptically.

“I am pretty sure,” Allison responded. “Daddy was adamantly against me coming to this party until Mom whispered something to him. He smiled and chuckled about whatever it was. He allowed me to come here, but I needed to promise if anything bad goes on, I would call him or Mom and they’d come and get me – no questions asked.”

“I have the same arrangement with my parents,” Jessie said. “Thankfully I haven’t needed to be rescued yet.” Joe showed up with the beers. Jacob wasn’t far behind with two bottles for him and Allison. “Maybe we’ll talk more later.” Allison and Jacob drifted off. Joe and Jessie enjoyed their cold brews.

Joe and Jessie danced. One slow dance followed another. Jessie felt Joe get hard. Feeling frisky, she rubbed herself against the bulge in the boy’s jeans. She realized as she rubbed against it, that Joe had his hard-on trapped sideways along his body, instead of straight up. Jessie followed the bulge with her hip. It just kept going and going. Joe was packing! Jessie gushed at the thought of feeling this big cock stuffed into her needy hole.

Jessie’s rubbing drove Joe’s thoughts of sex along too, not that he needed encouragement. He was pleased that a couple beers were enough to get Jessie hot. He decided to lower her inhibitions further when the song ended.

“Want another beer?” Joe offered as they stepped off the dance area.

“Two is enough,” Jessie said. “I’m good.” Joe hid his disappointment at that.

“Um ... how about an iced tea?” Joe offered.

“Sure, that would be great,” Jessie agreed. Joe returned a minute later with two glasses of iced tea. She took a large gulp. “Wow! That has some zing to it.”

“That’s the citric acid in it,” Joe explained. “It is a lemon cooler iced tea.” Joe knew better. This actually was Twisted Tea, a 5% alcohol drink. It was tasty and went down smooth, so Jessie didn’t suspect a thing.

The pair finished their glasses of “tea.” “Do you want to dance?” Joe asked. “Or maybe find somewhere quieter and cuddle?” He gave Jessie a hug and a quick kiss on the lips. “Maybe pick up where we left off last Saturday night.” The make-out session in the dark theater had been fun.

“That’s a plan, big boy,” Jessie gushed. She reached down and groped Joe’s hard-on. The two headed upstairs, finding space on the couch in the living room. They embraced and started making out. Joe was delighted. His plan to get Jessie drunk and horny was working. His chances of getting laid were skyrocketing.

The two horny teens made out, not caring who saw them. Joe felt up Jessie’s titties. She was giddy with excitement. Her hand explored the outline of the bulge in Joe’s jeans. This boy was big. No doubt at all. Jessie wanted to see his dick, and more particularly, to be stuffed by the large appendage. Tonight was going to be fun.

Joe was pleased with the progress of his seduction. The alcohol seemed to be lowering Jessie’s inhibitions. It felt nice when she fingered his erection. Maybe one more drink would do the trick and get her to spread her legs and permit him to fuck her.

“I’ll get more iced tea,” Joe offered. Joe hopped up from the couch. “I’ll just be a sec.”

“Um ... OK,” Jessie allowed. She would have preferred to continue kissing. Joe was back thirty seconds later with two tall glasses of tea. They downed them quickly. They set their cups on the coffee table and went back to swapping tongues. Soon Jessie was squirming from the divine stimulation Joe was giving her titties.

“Could we go upstairs for more privacy?” Joe suggested. Just then Jessie’s fingers stopped outlining his erection and rubbed it through his jeans.

“Good plan, stud,” Jessie responded. Joe sprang up and pulled Jessie along. He knew how this night was going to end. His dick buried in some sweet pussy. The horny teens headed upstairs, finding an empty bedroom on the third try. Some models and toys were stacked on shelves, making the room appear to belong to a younger child. A poster of Paisley Burnett, the twenty-year-old pop singer sensation and wet dream to the pubescent younger teens, adorned the back of the door. This was undoubtedly Jake Steele’s room. He wasn’t far removed from being an innocent child, but the poster and Sport Illustrated Swimsuit edition on his nightstand indicated Jake had discovered girls – more particularly, he had discovered Allison North.

Joe locked the bedroom door and turned to find Jessie standing behind him. He steered her backwards towards the bed as she unbuckled his belt. Jessie unbuttoned his pants and pulled them and his boxers down as he sat her on the edge of the bed.

Joe’s big erection sprang free as the boxers dropped to the floor. He must have been seven inches long, about the same length as Adam Morrison’s. His dick was thicker than Adam’s, probably as thick as Mike Johnson’s. It probably rivaled Mike Johnson’s dick. Jessie couldn’t be certain since she never laid eyes on Mike’s dick when he took her in that Rocky Mountain meadow last summer. She just knew from the way it stretched her that his dick was large.

Jessie eyed the big dick, surprised to find the head covered with foreskin. She had seen pictures of uncut dicks, but this was the first she had seen one in real life. She wrapped her hand around his shaft and pulled Joe closer. Joe stepped out of his jeans and boxers as he stepped closer to the bed.

Jessie stroked her hand down his shaft, pulling the foreskin down to reveal a large, reddish-pink mushroom shaped dick head. On impulse, she bent down and sucked the head into her mouth.

“Jessie???” Joe gasped in shock. “What...” She swirled her tongue around his dick head. She felt Joe shudder from the rush she was giving him. “ ... the fuck?” Joe saw the twinkle in Jessie’s eyes as she looked up at him while continuing to suck his knob. Joe relaxed and allowed her to continue. Why not? What sane guy ever refused a blow job when one was offered?

Jessie sucked and licked the big head while she used her hand to stroke his shaft. Joe was so big around that her thumb and fingers couldn’t meet as she fisted his shaft. Joe’s T-shirt bunched up on top of Jessie’s head as she worked. Joe put his hands on the back of her head, to guide and encourage her as she sucked him off.

Jessie enjoyed playing with this big tool. She couldn’t be certain if she needed to get Joe off to give him better stamina when he stuffed her with this monster, but it couldn’t hurt. Adam had good stamina. Matt needed the pre-fuck blow job to make him last long enough for her to have fun. Maybe a sixteen-and-a-half-year-old junior didn’t need this, but why chance it? Jessie wanted to make this sex last a good long time.

Two and a half minutes later, Jessie felt his balls contract and then his shaft throb as he prepared to come. She suctioned his head into her mouth and prepared for the blast. Half a tick later the big dick belched its white cream into her mouth. She swallowed frantically but couldn’t contain all the come. Some dribbled out of her lips and down her chin before Joe finally stopped ejaculating.

“Oh!” Joe gasped. “Wow! Oh ... that was great.” Jessie released Joe’s dick from her mouth. The tumescent dick drooped. She used a finger to wipe the come from her lips and chin. She licked the finger clean before standing up beside Joe.

“You’re very talented,” Joe said. He reached down for the button of Jessie’s pants. “It’s your turn for some fun.” Jessie allowed him to pull her pants and panties off. She sat down and slid to the center of the bed. Jessie’s legs were spread, and she started to unbutton her blouse. Joe climbed between her legs and crawled over top of her. He finished unbuttoning her blouse and pushed the garment to her sides.

“The clasp is in...” Jessie began. Joe unhooked her front-clasp bra before she could finish explaining. The two cups were pushed aside like her blouse. This boy did know his way around women’s clothing. ‘This is a good sign,’ she thought as Joe fondled her, a hand on each breast.

Joe felt her up for twenty or thirty seconds before sliding his left hand down her belly. He identified her clitoris and then stroked his finger down her slot. She was dripping wet with excitement and expectation of being reamed by his big dick. Joe inserted one then two fingers into her hole. No hymen, he noted with a smile. No surprise from her reactions, this chick was no virgin. Joe figured his odds of screwing were approaching 100%.

Joe leaned down to kiss Jessie. His upper body weight rested on his elbows, at Jessie’s sides. He slipped his arms under her shoulders and reached up to put his hands on the top of her shoulders as he kissed her. The two tangled tongues as the mating dance continued.

Jessie felt Joe’s chest press down on her chest. His dick, engorged and hard again, slid into her slot. Joe rubbed it up and down as they deep kissed. She wrapped her arms around Joe’s back. Joe squirmed and rubbed his big tool against her dripping slot. After half a dozen strokes his dick disappeared.

Joe broke the kiss and stared down at Jessie. She felt the knob of his dick press against her hole. “Ready?” Joe asked quietly. He thrust forward sharply.

“Yeeee ... ssss...” Jessie gasped as he impaled her on his erection. God, this boy stretched and stuffed her like never before. Joe pulled almost out of her pussy before plunging that immense dick into her again.

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