Twilight Lands - Cover

Twilight Lands

Copyright© 2022 by Fick Suck

Chapter 4

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Orcs, elves, and hobbits are part of Jack’s daily responsibilities as the assistant manager at a hotel. The guests are demanding, the dragon is pressing, and Jack cannot get a decent night’s sleep. The first resort in the Twilight Lands, across the bridge from the human world, is a challenging job that most humans shun. Still, money, adventure and sex await the hardy human who dares to embrace the magic. A satire.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Teen Siren   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fairy Tale   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory  

“The new intern traveled all the way to the barns without incident, Mr. Assyrtiko,” Jack said. He stood in the doorway as the general manager looked down from his window at the pool deck. Soren will make sure he returns by the evening.”

“Good, good,” Mr. Assyrtiko said absently as he slowly turned back to his desk. “The new projections came down from the accountant while you were out. We are nearly in the black this month and our guest list is healthy and growing slowly through the end of the season. We may turn a profit this year just on bookings.”

“Our exports have us safely in the black,” Jack said. “We’re in good shape.”

“Our extra-legal exports are subject to the vagaries of customs officials and politicians with other agendas,” the general manager said. “Misguided humans speculate there are great fortunes to be made exploiting the resources of the Twilight Lands. Despite the safeguards, these speculators are still dangerous to our enterprise.”

“I refuse to worry about problems that we have already addressed with sensible and comprehensive safeguards,” Jack said. “I will keep my eyes and ears open, but I will lean into our staff and shaman-blessed walls to maintain the safety.”

Jack shuffled his feet. “One more item came up. We have a new orc on staff from one of the core clans. I’m going to speak with her now, but we may have to dismiss her because she is too dangerous.”

“Dangerous how?”

“She could fuck a human to death in one session,” Jack said. “This clan’s women have to maintain multiple husbands to keep up with their appetites. We have no one on staff who can accommodate her stamina.”

“What? You haven’t figured out a way to monetize her assets?” Mr. Assyrtiko said. “I am disappointed in you, Jack.”

Jack grabbed the doorhandle. “She is part of the magic, a significant part it seems. We respect the magic and in return, the magic fills our resort. Wish me luck.” Jack closed the door without waiting for a reply.

“The great Jack is intimidated by an Oza,” Annodomini said. “I was looking forward to your comeuppance, watching you crawl back here bruised and broken. Who broke the confidence and told you? When I find out who, I’ll make sure they’re beaten to a probiotic paste.”

Jack leaned over desk and got in her face. “The issue is respect for the magic, the core lesson you have apparently forgotten, Annodomini. I’m thinking of recommending a leave of absence without pay for you until your chieftain signs off that you fully embrace the magic and all its obligations. At this moment, I don’t think you will be able to return.”

Annodomini swallowed, saying nothing. She looked down at her lap as her wings curled in tightly. Jack left.

Jack poured himself another cup of coffee from the refilled urn. He took a sip, rolling the liquid around his tongue. Satisfied that he could trust the contents, he walked around the corner to the front desk. He watched silently out the front window as the great carriage, loaded with luggage on the back rack, lurched forward as four Clydesdale horses leaned into their task. When the carriage disappeared down the drive, Jack stepped up to the desk.

“The sight of the carriage departing is still impressive to me,” Jack said, “definitely better than the beer commercials.”

“You call that ‘American piss’ beer?” Liam chimed in. “God, what I wouldn’t do for a decent pint. I’d even drink a Guinness.”

Danica snapped her fingers twice to get Jack’s attention. “At least we are far beyond the debacle with the unicorns,” she said. “These horses look sharp, and they take command.”

“Live and learn,” Jack said, “which brings me to my visit at the front desk. Spin, I want to thank you for your invitation this evening. I am flattered and in awe that a woman of the Oza clan would extend such an important request to me.”

“Yes, my offer is significant, Jack,” Spin said with a wide grin that emphasized her lower canines.

Jack felt a bead of sweat gathering on his forehead. “May I inquire how many husbands your mother has?”

Spin chuckled. “Such a naughty question. Mommy has five husbands currently. However, Husband un and Husband deux are starting to look haggard and worn of late. I fear they will have to forego their rights sooner rather than later. Even Oza men have their limits.”

“As I learned this morning,” Jack said. “I was also reminded that any, uh, intimacy between us must be simpatico with the magic, and I fear that I did you a terrible disservice.”

He took a measured breath and released it. “I am not Oza, nor do I have any illusion that I could maintain the magic in any length or duration of your mother’s husbands. Spin, I cannot create magic with such a powerful being such as yourself.”

“Ah, you’re young and you’re strong; you would survive,” Spin said, twiddling one of her earrings.

“You could be correct,” Jack said, nodding, “but I would be terrified and in no manner would we be adding to the magic.”

Spin broke into tears. “I just wanted to have a little fun before I got married. Do you know how hard it is to stay in control when one is an Oza orc? My mother is well into her forties, and she still requires five men to keep her stable. She is like one of your new-klee-are generators, powerful and throbbing with energy. You could harness one of the moons to her ass and still have magic left over to rotate the day into night.”

“I’m only human,” Jack said.

“Born to make mistakes,” Danica sang softly from the corner.

Jack pointed his finger at her. “You are not helping, and you are dating yourself: 80’s British rock. Big, blown out blond hair? Really?” He turned back to the orc. “Spin, if you need several Oza men to maintain, then why did you come to the resort to work, Jack asked.

“I hoped your cock could change the magic,” Spin said. “Hemming and Vay said ‘you rocked their world’ and I thought that meant you changed the magic in them. If you could change the magic in me, then I could avoid the same fate as my mommy.”

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