The Chopper - Cover

The Chopper

by Ashley

Copyright© 2022 by Ashley

Erotica Sex Story: Sixteen-year-old Philip was delighted when his new neighbor's daughter, tiny little Josie, appointed herself his helper while he worked on an old pushbike. She was seriously cute and so, it turned out, was her mom. Even better they both seemed wonderfully careless when it came to giving him glimpses of their charms.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Coercion   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Daughter   Anal Sex   Analingus   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   .

I was working on an old pushbike in front of the double garage attached to our house. We had a perfectly good workshop next to the garages but it was a nice summer’s day and I’d decided to do it outside.

I was engrossed in my work when I saw, out of the corner of my eye, a little girl turn up. She stood there quietly for a few minutes watching me work.

“Watcha doin’?” she eventually asked me. “Trying to straighten this wheel,” I replied. “Who are you?”.

“I’m Josie. I live over there.” And she pointed to a house across the street, two doors down. Now she said it I remembered seeing someone moving in there about a week ago.

Up until four years earlier, there had been a big house like my parent’s over the street, but the owner had sold the plot to a developer. They’d built a load of smaller houses including some social housing, and Josie’s house was one of those.

“Hi, I’m Philip,” I told her.

I finished adjusting the spoke that had been giving me trouble and looked at her properly.

I was impressed. She was a lovely little thing but tiny, about 4’6” maybe 4’7” at most, with long curly blond hair and beautiful blue eyes. She was wearing a T-shirt but clearly wasn’t wearing, and didn’t really need, a bra; her breasts were just tiny cones although her nipples were quite visible under the shirt. She was wearing a pair of soft cotton shorts which helped show off her nicely rounded shape.

The wheel was running true now and I turned my attention to removing the chain cover.

“Can you pass me that adjustable spanner?” I asked her, and she seemed happy to help. When she bent over the toolbox I couldn’t help but notice how her shorts stretched really nicely over her little bottom and my cock started to get hard. I felt a bit guilty because she looked so young.

“How old are you Josie?” I asked her as she handed me the tool.

“I was fourteen last month,” she replied. “How about you?”

“I’m sixteen,” I told her, happy that I could continue eyeing her up without feeling like too much of a perv; fourteen was absolutely fine.

A lot of the fixings were rusty and it took a bit of fiddling, during which I had many opportunities to admire little Josie. Those shorts of hers rode up nicely and I could even see the outline of her slit which looked simply lovely.

We eventually managed to get the chain cover off, by which time our hands were covered in grease. I watched as Josie was about to wipe them on the front of her clothes.

“Don’t do that!” I told her. “You’ll get filthy and your mom’ll kill me.” It was nearly lunchtime so I decided to call it a morning.

“Come on, let’s get you home for your lunch.”

I let Josie lead me to her place, down the side path, and to the back door, where we found her mom in the kitchen.

“Hi honey, and who’s this?” she said, smiling at me.

“This is Philip, I’ve been helping him with his bike.”

“Is that right?” she asked me.

“Yeah, she’s been a great help but I’m afraid I got her all dirty.”

“Let’s get you both cleaned up. I’m Tammy by the way, nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too,” I said and it was very true; she was extremely attractive.

I guessed her to be about mid-thirties and very slim apart from her breasts which were quite large, and the cleavage she was showing in a V-neck T-shirt was brown and lovely. I could imagine what it would be like to put my face between them and the thought gave me a nice little chubby. She had the same blonde hair and striking blue eyes as her daughter.

We both cleaned our hands in the kitchen sink and then Tammy offered us a glass of coke. When she turned around to get the bottle out of the fridge I got a look at her beautifully shaped arse in a pair of really tight jeans and I was well impressed, and, when she leaned over to give me my coke, I got to see a bit more of her boobs and a little bit of her lacy bra. Mother and daughter had both now given me a nice stiffy and I really looked forward to seeing a lot more of them in the days to come.

The next day I was again working on the bike, trying to take the link off the chain so that I could remove a segment and take out the excessive slack.

The bike was a classic old Raleigh Chopper that had been my brother Pete’s. The bike was a Mark One from the late 1960s and had been secondhand when Pete got it. It’d been in the garage unused for years since my brother left home.

I loved tinkering with stuff and had decided to do it up as a surprise for Pete when he next visited. My dad had seen what I was doing and had offered to buy me a new one, which annoyed me, that was his answer to everything - throw it away and buy a new one. It came from having more money than he knew what to do with, I thought.

Josie came over to help again, this time wearing a pleated white skirt that came halfway down her thighs and again we both got our hands covered in muck and grease. It was still relatively early so I decided to clean up using the sink in the workshop. We went in and I scooped a big glob of Swarfega out of the can.

“Hold your hands out,” I told her. She took one look at the slimy green goo and turned her nose up.

“That looks like snot,” she complained, and I had to admit to myself that it did.

“Put your hands over the sink and I’ll do it,” I told her, and I stood behind her and worked the gunk into the grease on her hands. Every now and then her pert little bottom would bump into my crotch and I was soon hard again.

By the time she was clean, Josie actually seemed to be actively rubbing herself against me, and I really took my time rinsing her off.

“OK, you’re all done,” I announced when I thought I couldn’t get away with it any longer. The cheeks of her bottom had felt amazing rubbing against my erection. When Josie turned around I was very interested to see that she looked disappointed and was even pouting a bit.

“Isn’t it time you were getting off home?” I asked her. I really wanted her to leave so I could go up to my room and have a wank.

“Don’t you want to come and see Mom and have some juice?” she asked me. That actually sounded like a good idea now that she said it. Maybe I could get to see Tammy’s tits again before I beat off.

When we got over there Tammy was wearing a skirt just like Josie’s and, as she fussed around the kitchen, I got a few nice views of the tops of her legs, tantalizingly close to seeing her panties, but not quite.

Still really wanting a wank I quickly finished my coke, said my goodbyes, and left. As I passed through the gate I tried to shut it behind me but couldn’t make the latch work. I looked at it and found that the problem was that the post that the gate was attached to was leaning over a bit, which meant the catch wasn’t in the right place.

I thought that a wedge down the side of the post hole would sort it out. It was a bit of a bodge but it would probably last several years. I was on my way back to ask Tammy if she wanted me to fix it for her when I saw something through the kitchen window that stopped me in my tracks.

Josie was standing behind her mother who was bent over. I could see the bottom half of Tammy’s panties and she was stroking them and saying something to Josie over her shoulder.

My cock was hard again now, and I was astonished when they swapped places and this time Josie bent over. I could just see the bottom edges of her panties and was beginning to curse my luck, when Tammy put her hand on Josie’s back and pushed it down further. Now I had a lovely view of the lower half of Josie’s arse encased in tight, white cotton panties.

Amazingly Tammy still wasn’t happy and moved the edges higher so that half of Josie’s bottom cheeks were showing. She stood back and checked and then gave the thumbs up to Josie, who smiled and reached back to feel her own arse.

By this time the boner in my shorts was like a steel rod. When Josie stood up and the show appeared to be over, I rushed back to my room. I had an awesome wank seeing both Josie’s beautiful bottom and her mom’s in my mind’s eye as I did.

I was very confused about what they’d been up to, and couldn’t make any sense of it at all until later that afternoon. I was working on the bike again and Josie bent over to get a tool in exactly the same way that Tammy had shown her. I was even closer and the light was better, and I could Josie’s little arse cheeks in stunning detail, down the fine blonde, downy hairs on them.

I rubbed my rapidly hardening cock through my jeans as I gazed at her lovely little bottom jiggling right before me. It looked like for some reason Tammy had been teaching Josie how to best show off her bottom to get me all turned on, but why? I knew that she was underage, so if I touched her sexually then theoretically I would be breaking the law, but how would that benefit them? The only explanation that made any sense was that they could try to blackmail me, but I didn’t have anything. Then it came to me: it must be my dad’s money they wanted to get by blackmailing me.

I did some Googling and found some cases of false allegations of child sexual abuse where substantial amounts were paid out without the cases ever going to court. I was pretty sure that was what Tammy was up to but, for the life of me, I couldn’t think of a way to prove it, short of testing the boundaries of what she would allow me to do with Josie, and that could easily end in disaster.

It seemed I had a limited number of options: I could let them know I was on to their little scam, which seemed to have nothing to really recommend it. I could let things continue as they were and just enjoy looking at Josie’s lovely arse, which was a definite possibility. Or I could try to get something incriminating on either Tammy or Josie with which to counter any threats they made to me, which definitely looked favourite if only I could somehow manage to do it.

As I was technically a minor myself the best option seemed to be to play Tammy at her own game. If I could get evidence of Tammy doing something sexual with me that would be perfect, and possibly very enjoyable as well. That was when I realised that I had a secret weapon: my mate Steve who did the gardening for the couple next door to Tammy.

I gave him a call.

“Hi there Steve, can you talk?”

“Yeah sure, what’s happening?”

“You know the gorgeous blonde who lives next door to the place where you do the garden?”

“Yeah, of course.”

“I think I might be in with a chance there.”

“Really? You fucking lucky bastard!”

“I need you to do me a favour though.”

“Oh yes?”

“Can you ping me a text if you see her sunbathing?”

“No problem, as it happens I keep a bit of an eye out anyway,” Steve said with a dirty laugh.

“When you’ve done that I need you to take pictures of what happens afterwards. Is that OK?”

“Sure. Do you think you’re going to nail her right there in the garden?”

“You never know. Cheers mate. I’ll owe you one.”

“No probs, but I’m keeping copies of whatever I get.”

“Fair enough. See ya.”

The next stage of my plan was to get an old pair of shorts which I could still just about fit into, and split the seam up the arse by pulling them over my knee. It was harder than I thought and I had to get it started with a knife, but in the end, it was perfect and it would give Tammy a good view of my arse crack.

I had to wait two days before I got a text from Steve, during which time I kept a low profile. When I did finally get it, I put the doctored shorts on with nothing underneath, and fetched a toolbox from the workshop.

I checked on the way to Tammy’s back garden that the gate was still broken and carried on around the back.

“Hi Tammy,” I said as I approached her, then put the toolbox on the ground and moved a bit closer. She was wearing a small black bikini and all the bits I could see were a lovely brown colour and glistening beautifully.

“Hi Philip, what are you up to?”

“I noticed your gate doesn’t shut properly. Would you like me to have a look at it for you?”

“That’s very kind of you. If it’s not too much trouble, that would be great,” she replied, sitting up a bit. I turned around and bent over at the waist, opened the toolbox, and started to rummage around inside.

“Er, Philip?” Tammy said after a little while.


“Do you know you have a split in the back of your shorts?” Tammy asked, chuckling. I clutched at my ass, and felt around the hole, before covering it with my hand.

“God, I wonder how long I’ve been walking around with my arse hanging out.”

“I’ve got an emergency sewing kit in my bag if you want me to mend it for you?”

“Would you? That’s so nice of you.”

I stood there for what seemed like ages as Tammy’s hands did wonderful feeling things to the back of my shorts. Every now and again her fingers would brush against the bare skin of my arse sending shivers up my spine and making my cock as hard as anything.

“I can’t do anymore like this. You’re going to have to take them off,” Tammy told me.

“I can’t, I haven’t got anything on under them.” Like she didn’t know that already!

“Stick your hands down the front to cover yourself up and I’ll pull them down. It won’t take five minutes. Don’t be a big baby.”

I undid the button and pushed my hands down to cover my now very erect cock and my balls, and Tammy pulled them down and off over my feet.

I watched her bending over my shorts stitching up the seam. I noticed that as she worked she kept glancing up at my nearly naked lower half. Her position gave me a lovely view of her breasts wobbling as she worked and I could see that her nipples were hard under the thin material of the bikini top.

“There you are all done. It’s not perfect but it’ll at least keep you decent,” she said to me, and reached out with them to give them back to me. I removed my hands from my groin and reached for the shorts. When my cock came up into view she seemed mesmerised by the sight of it and, when I took the shorts from her, her hands remained outstretched almost as if she was reaching for my erection.

I was pretty convinced that if Steve had got that shot it would be enough, but I continued to stand there in the hope that Tammy might want to take it further. She looked at my cock twitching away right in front of her for a good long time and I could see from the way her tits rose and fell that her breathing was very rapid and her face was becoming flushed.

“Maybe you’d better get dressed Philip, before I do something I might live to regret,” she said, a little ruefully. I pulled my shorts back on and, impressively I thought, managed to fix her gate by hitting a wedge down the side of it twice with a mallet before rushing back to my room for another well-earned wanking session.

There was a message waiting on my phone when I’d finished, with a picture attached. It was absolutely perfect: It showed me with, if I said so myself, a rather nice hard-on and Tammy reaching for it. She was leaning forward a bit and her mouth was open slightly as if she was about to give me a blow job.

‘tuf luk, sur ud get a bj’ Read the message.

‘its gr8. cheers. i o u’ I replied.

First thing after lunch I was out working on the bike again. This time I was carefully removing the old peeling and scratched decals. Amazingly, new ones were still available and I’d bought some on the net.

It wasn’t long before little Josie appeared, this time wearing a short yellow summer dress. I’d carefully positioned the toolbox as close to me as I could without quite being able to reach it.

“Could you pass me that red plastic scraper please Josie?” I asked her.

She bent over just as Tammy had shown her, and the view was incredible. Tammy must have been out shopping because the panties that she had on hardly covered her bottom at all. They were lemon coloured to match her dress and the expanse of her little white arse cheeks on show looked absolutely gorgeous.

“That’s a very pretty bottom you’ve got there, Josie, I don’t suppose there’s any chance I could touch it, is there?” I asked, feeling much braver now that I had some power in the situation. Josie stood up and turned around giggling prettily and covering her mouth with her hand.

“We could go up to my room? Mommy doesn’t mind if I take boys up there,” she said, and gave me a sweet smile. I bet she doesn’t, I thought, then later she bursts in with a camera!

On our way up to Josie’s room there was no sign of Tammy anywhere. When inside I checked the door and there was no lock, which wasn’t really a surprise.

Josie was waiting expectantly in the middle of the room and I went to her and gave her a cuddle and a kiss while I felt up that lovely little bottom through her clothes. I could tell by the way that she was wriggling and giggling that she was enjoying it a lot.

I squatted down, reached up under her dress, pulled her panties down to her ankles, and helped her to step out of them, taking off her shoes at the same time. I put my hands up under her dress and for the first time in my young life, I stroked a pair of naked female buttocks. If anything they felt even better than I’d imagined; soft as silk and so warm and curvaceous, but I knew her naked pussy was inches from my face beneath the dress.

I realised that at any second Tammy could burst in the door, and I really didn’t want that to happen yet. When I stood up Josie seemed very happy and was smiling at me. I kissed her some more before turning back to the door.

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