Man of Shadows - Cover

Man of Shadows

Copyright© 2022 by QM

Chapter 32

It was, as ever, a wonderful visit for the Elves, particularly for Remelle who was tutored by Pelegard in using his new god-given powers. All good things come to an end though and the Elves had returned, leaving Darras with the four gods who, it appeared, wished to go over in more detail what the shadows were up to.

“Our brother truly crossed a line here,” was the opinion of an irritated looking Osruit as they sat in the shade under the pergola.

“He did. However, this explosive was known of in the past, so that will be his excuse,” Erren replied thoughtfully.

“It was?” Darras asked.

“By the first ones,” Pelegard informed Darras. “That said, information that died with that race is not really supposed to be used, as yet.”

“Used complete,” Doriel countered. “Our brother is using sophistry to get around this by dropping hints to a very smart Elf.”

“True,” Pelegard chuckled. “I completely missed Remelle due to his real profession and location. Who would have thought I’d have a farming expert worshipping me?”

“I suspect he doesn’t often visit one of your temples,” Erren pointed out.

“He doesn’t, though often has the local smithy aid him with plough designs and other farming implements.”

“Even his attempts to ‘invent’ dynamite were driven by a need to clear more land,” Darras chuckled.

“Well, I’ve given him the ability and skills to do that with magic,” Pelegard replied thoughtfully. “We can consider that our response to the actions of our brother.”

“Agreed,” the three others murmured.

“He’ll likely object,” Doriel pointed out.

“Shouldn’t meddle with things that aren’t meant to be,” Osruit countered.

“That’s true, though expect the usual posturing and bluster disguised as justification.”

“You’ll have a meeting?” Darras asked, a little confused.

“Not in the sense of actually meeting each other,” Erren replied. “But yes, we do converse at times.”

“He may avoid the subject. We currently outnumber his support,” Osruit shrugged.

“Not really in his nature.”

“I suspect he may though,” Pelegard replied thoughtfully. “I doubt Darmela for one would enjoy its introduction to the likes of Rachtelin.”

“Yes, it’s only the King’s Council holding the anger of their northern Baronies in check,” Doriel agreed.

“A work in progress,” Erren pointed out. “Our main purpose is figuring out what our brother and his followers will attempt by way of revenge.”

“His servants will go directly after Darras here,” Pelegard opined. “Expect an obvious crisis that you must respond to and the unleashing of something from Ventris upon Darras.”

“A Vampire then,” Osruit sighed. “It’s the only possible hidden choice they’ll have.”

“I take it a vampire is not like the one from the legends of my world?” Darras enquired.

“The physical attributes are the same,” Erren replied. “Humanoid, incredibly strong, averse to sunlight ... though that is more from the fact it can’t easily move around in the day without it being obvious what it is. It kills and drains the blood of its victims, though does not need to feed more than once a month.”

“What does it do in the rest of the time?” Darras asked.

“Sleeps, mostly,” Erren chuckled. “Not in coffins though, nor are they bothered by holy symbols holy water, garlic or any other of the myths surrounding them. Essentially they are deadly killing machines which take joy in the hunt of their victims.”

“Like to play with their food then?” Darras enquired with a grin.

“Heh,” Pelegard chuckled. “True, but not fun for the one being stalked.”

“So, how do I kill one, if facing it? Stake through the heart?”

“That will kill most things,” Doriel giggled. “You need to face it, if you must, in an area where its strength and speed are not going to be a major factor.”

“Not in an open field then,” Darras nodded.

“Yes. You’d be a dead man walking if one caught you out in the open.”

“I see,” Darras nodded, considering a few possibilities. “Anything else they could throw at me?”

“Were animals, though their powers and abilities are controlled by the phases of the moon,” Erren replied.

“The other dangerous ones they have ... and they have a good few of them, would not manage too well trying to infiltrate normal Kingdoms.”

“There are shapeshifters,” Pelegard pointed out.

“Yes, but they aren’t that deadly ... not to Darras that is,” Erren replied.

“That’s true, plus I note he has a pretty good poison resistance,” Pelegard nodded.

“Enough to get him to a temple or gateway, yes.”

“Or, if near woods or fresh water, my and Osruit’s people would help,” Doriel added, getting a nod from Osruit.

There was a flickering on the lawn and Crannok and Hallis appeared, along with a woman Darras had not seen before, but he suspected was a god.

“Serulon, this is a surprise,” Erren greeted the stranger. “Your neutrality in all matters is legendary.”

“I remain neutral. I am simply here to balance the scales after learning about the actions of our brother,” the stern-looking woman replied.

“Already been done,” Pelegard answered. “The forbidden lore remains forbidden and the one enticed into learning it was granted earth magic.”

“Interesting,” the woman commented thoughtfully. “May I see this agent of yours, Erren?”

Darras stepped forward at Erren’s nod and greeted the woman respectfully. “I am Darras, agent of Erren, Serulon.”

“Not quite what I was expecting,” the woman replied, more in the way of thinking out loud. “Still, he matches in ability what our brother brought about.”

“And what has my brother wrought?” Erren asked, eyes narrowed.

“You will discover that in due time, sister. I will report to the Allfather that this world remains in balance,” Serulon replied and simply faded away.

“Er ... who was that?” Darras asked.

“Serulon, goddess of judgement and the one who reports to the Allfather,” Crannok replied. “Sorry about that, Erren. She turned up and ... well, insisted.”

“How very like her,” Erren replied, looking thoughtful.

“Yes,” Hallis agreed. “She wanted to know about my Healers Guild and the help they gave Darras too.”

“I take it she can be a problem?” Darras asked.

“All we gods and goddesses have a part to play in ensuring this world follows certain rules and dictates set out by the Allfather,” Erren replied. “Different worlds, different rules too. Serulon, for all she doesn’t have a great deal of power, is the one with the ear of the Allfather and can judge what we gods do.”

“And the Allfather will act upon it too,” Pelegard added. “It’s why the first ones moved on when Serulon judged them worthy ... or ready. I’d hardly say they were worthy of anything.”

“They built a mighty civilisation, at peace with itself too,” Erren replied. “That’s why.”

“Only by killing off any rivals!”

“Yes, that aspect of their civilisation was not so great,” Doriel agreed. “But that was for Serulon to judge, not us.”

“True and they are long gone. Good riddance!” Pelegard grumbled.

“It does appear my brother has a Darras equivalent though,” Erren added thoughtfully.

“Yes, though not proactively,” Doriel nodded. “Unlike you with Darras.”

“True, I suspect he or she is more of a strategist,” Osruit replied.

“Does appear that way,” Erren agreed. “Considering we do know that these shadows are acting to a plan of some sort.”

“Yes,” Darras replied. “Initially they are being sent out to be trained in manipulation which is why their actions appear random and malicious. Then and only then are they given specific tasks.”

“Unless there is some urgency, as happened in Alvastros, I believe you are right, my Darras,” Erren agreed, as did the others.

“Yes, Alvastros was very out of character,” Darras acknowledged. “I suspect an opportunity arose and a passing shadow took advantage of it, unsuited to being possessed as Collana was.”

“More than likely,” Pelegard agreed.

“Question is,” Darras asked. “What now?”

“I need you to visit Caragryth. It’s a Lizard Kingdom, and for you to deal with a shadow causing their leader to make poor decisions,” Erren replied.

“He’ll need to be careful,” Osruit warned. “They were once quite stable and accommodating to trade, but no more.”

“Yes. They still trade, but the populace has become increasingly hostile to outsiders,” Doriel agreed.

“This shadow is at the root of that,” Erren replied. “It’s had five years to worm its way into power.”

“It will have gained greatly in power then,” Pelegard replied thoughtfully.

“Yes, though I believe my Darras is ready to deal with such.”

“He’s certainly resourceful enough,” Doriel agreed.

“He is,” Erren nodded. “But this will be no easy task.”

“The people of the woods will aid him,” Doriel confirmed.

“As will the people of the fresh water,” Osruit added.

“Good. Glad of your support,” Erren replied graciously.

“Would there was more we could do,” Hallis added, indicating Pelegard and Crannok.

“Your support in other areas is appreciated,” Erren replied.

“My guilds are now under instruction to report odd events to Amina and hence to you,” Crannok informed Erren.

“As is mine,” Hallis added.

“Smithies do now gather information and I do have support in Caragryth, though not ardent support, such is the way of the Lizardfolk,” Pelegard informed Erren.

“So we cannot rely upon them?” Erren enquired.

“I do not know,” Pelegard replied. “I’d only have Darras use them if left with no other options.”

“Understood,” Darras nodded.

“Allies?” Doriel asked.

“None that will blend in well,” Erren replied. “The Lizardfolk will trade, but will not associate with the other races.”

“As I feared,” Doriel acknowledged. “You will have to be very careful, Darras. Some there may even regard you as food, despite their King’s edicts.”

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