Exposure - Cover


Copyright© 2023 by aroslav

Chapter 27: Patron

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 27: Patron - Fresh out of high school, Nate is ready to face the world as he heads to college in Chicago. Before his summer is over, though, he has more models to photograph, both in Tenbrook and in Chicago. He has five girlfriends to keep satisfied. And he has his share of heartbreak to face. Then there is the unexpected trauma of going to school in Chicago in the fall of 1968. Nate’s principles and commitment will all be tested before he finishes the next eighteen months.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Historical   School   Harem   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Massage   Oral Sex   Pregnancy  

THURSDAY AFTERNOON, I had all three of my Chicago assistants in the studio to help with our new model, Adrienne Baudelaire. I was told Adrienne was sent by a patron for a personal set of photos. I wasn’t sure what that meant, but it became clear pretty quickly that she was there for me to mold in any way I saw fit.

The woman who arrived at two o’clock was elegant, sophisticated, and beautiful. She was blonde with hair that hung in curls to her shoulders. She entered the studio in a nice blue mini skirt that flared out a little and a white lace blouse that clearly showed her bra beneath it. She wore high heel sandals that shaped her bare legs nicely. Her makeup was exquisite.

Cassie had taken her model release and told me it was a five-year hold contract. My assessment was that these photos would be worth holding for five years if I got a good one and I’d be trying to find the right place to release it when the time came. Since I didn’t see the model release, I estimated that the sophisticated young woman was in her late twenties.

“Welcome to Attic Allure, Adrienne. I’m Nate,” I said. “I see you have some changes of outfit with you. Let’s go behind the privacy screen to get them hung and talk for a few minutes.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Nate. What an interesting studio,” Adrienne responded as we went behind the screen.

“We try to set scenes and add interesting props depending on how the model seems to fit.”

“I’m sure I’ll fit best when naked,” she said. I detected a slight accent that I thought might be French, though her English was excellent.

“Adrienne, I ask this question of every model who arrives, so please don’t think I am singling you out. Are you here of your own free will or are you being coerced into having photos taken of you?” I asked.

“My sponsor asked me to come and have a series of photos taken by you, specifically. He is not forcing me in any way. I find the prospect to be ... stimulating,” she said.

“And what type of photos are you looking for?”

“My sponsor would like a private album of intimate photos. I find that attractive as well. He will pay for as many photos as we take that are of quality for an 8x10 premium album, but will also pay for archival quality art prints if we manage some of those in a considerably larger size. Whatever we decide between the two of us are the best and most appropriate photos, we will want two of so I have a full copy of the album as well,” Adrienne said.

“Are you happy with the idea of these intimate photos?” I asked.

“I have seen a number of your artistic photos and it thrills me to think that I might one day be enshrined in such an image. Oh, and though we have set a five-year exclusive on our agreement, it does not exclude you displaying select prints in your personal gallery, just not displaying for the general public, selling, or distributing them.”

“Okay. Let me take a good look at you so I can consider what kind of poses would be best.” I stepped back and looked her up and down.

“Do you wish me to undress?”

“No, that’s not necessary at the moment. I’m sure we’ll get to that eventually.”

“You do not like my looks?” she asked as I turned her so I could look up and down her back.

“Please, Adrienne. I cannot imagine that you are unaware of your beauty. You have taken great care with how you are dressed and made up. You have expressed a willingness for intimate photos, which will bring the two of us into intimate contact. You are a beautiful woman. You must know that,” I said.

“Forgive my vanity. A woman still likes to hear it.”

I turned her toward me, putting my hands on her shoulders. She straightened. Even with her high heels, she was a good four or five inches shorter than me. I lifted her hair and let it fall through my fingers.

“Lovely. Soft and slightly fragrant but not overwhelming. I believe the color is natural. If not, please don’t tell me. It graces your oval face. Eyes, perfectly aligned with the top of your ears. Distinct cheekbones. Straight nose. Straight white teeth. Lush full lips. Very kissable,” I said as I traced each part of her face with my fingers.

I moved down from her face to her shoulders and stroked down her arms to her hands as I continued my description of elegant fingers and expert manicure. I moved to her waist and began slowly sliding my hands, first down to her hips and then up to her breasts.

“I love your narrow waist. It gives you a true hourglass figure. Do you know that many young women, even when at ideal weight and fitness, do not have a significant indent in their waist? Your waist instantly draws the eye down to the roundness of your hips and bottom. But perhaps the crowning glory of your shape is the perfect shape of your breasts. Your bra is not so heavy and padded that I cannot feel the soft firmness of the flesh it supports. A perfect size for your frame.”

I left off feeling up her breasts and knelt to look at her legs. I ran my hands up from her ankles, pushing her mini skirt higher, but not invading the heat of her pussy.

“When we get you out of your shoes, I’ll still want you to point your toes in some of our shots. Your calves are beautifully shaped, not having a ridge of definition between the ankle and the bulge of your muscle. It’s a smooth curve that comes in at the knee, much like your waist divides your torso. You have firm elegant thighs, once again, fit but not bulging with muscles.”

I stood and faced her, placing my hands on her waist and looking into her blue eyes.

“You have a perfect shape and body,” I whispered. “Are you as beautiful inside as out? Will you reveal the true beauty that will allow me to create a work of art in our photographs? I will have you clothed and nude and draped and exposed. But will I see the real you?”

She was breathing more deeply after my exploration of her body with my hands and my descriptions. She looked up at me and her eyes drifted closed as her lips parted slightly and were lifted toward mine. I brushed them with my lips and stepped back from her. She didn’t move.

“Leanne, we’ll need a fitted top, off the shoulder and sleeveless, with a long skirt that has lots of layers or strips. Cassie, we’re going to use the fan in the second set. Theresa, please bring down the light blue backdrop and set us up for a portrait. I’ll need blue fill light from the back.”

I turned back to Adrienne and she was blinking as if a little bewildered. Perhaps she expected to be ravished after my narration and handling of her body.

“Now, let’s see what else you have brought,” I said. We opened her bag and as she removed items, I hung them on the clothes rack. There were negligees, a little black dress, three different bra and panty sets, an evening gown and two swimsuits. She’d brought four pairs of appropriate shoes for the different outfits. I could see possibilities in each of the outfits and mentally adjusted my expectations to a long night.

“We’re going to begin with a simple portrait so we can get comfortable working with each other,” I said.

“I’m already beginning to feel comfortable in your hands. You have a gentle but not tentative touch. I look forward to feeling more of it,” she said.

A very long night.

The portrait session went well. As I positioned her and took pictures, either with the Linhof or the Hasselblad, I noticed that she leaned into my hands. It wasn’t heavily, but as if attracted to the touch. I learned to touch the front of her shoulder if I wanted her to shift forward, and the back if I wanted her to shift back. I got several very good portrait shots. The backlighting shone through her blouse and made the lovely bra stand out.

I was intrigued enough by the lacy bra that I took her blouse off while she sat on the stool and photographed her in just the bra.

“Let’s do a topless portrait as well,” I suggested as I reached to unfasten the bra. I quickly realized that it had a front closure, much as Patricia’s bra had when she’d returned from Chicago alone after her last time with Tony. That gave me pause, but I liked it and held her breasts as I unclipped it. Just as she had done with any other part of her body I had touched, she pressed her boobs into my hands. When they were uncovered, I caressed them and rubbed at her nipples a bit to bring them fully upright.

There was something different about her smile now that she was topless. I wouldn’t quite say predatory, but certainly self-satisfied and a bit more seductive. She certainly had good reason to be proud of those beautiful breasts. They had areolae the size of a silver dollar and long thick nipples that swelled beneath my fingers.

“Beautiful,” I whispered as I kissed the back of her neck.

When we finished the scene, I led Adrienne back behind the privacy screen and unzipped her skirt so she could step out of it. Leanne arrived with the costume I requested and I started working on Adrienne, pulling the top around her, and fastening it in back. I tucked her boobs into it, barely getting the nipples covered. The brief top barely covered her navel at the other extreme.

As I fastened the top behind her, I saw a tattoo running down her spine. I’d noticed it when I took her bra off, but was busy with the sensation of her bare breasts in my hands. I hadn’t seen many tattoos. I think Adele was the last woman I saw with a tattoo at the base of her spine. This one ran down the spine in script that I couldn’t really read. It was, quite tantalizing, but the script disappeared into the top.

“I will probably stay with front shots until we have you fully uncovered so we can see the entire tattoo,” I said, tracing it with my finger. She shuddered. “I can’t read it, I’m afraid. What does it say?”

Passion de luxure vous sera servie; il exige, il milite, il tyrannise,” she responded.

“You’re French?”


“I’m afraid I don’t know the language,” I sighed. “My school made me take Spanish, which, I’m afraid, I don’t know much better. Can you tell me what the phrase means?”

Oui. Lust’s passion will be served; it demands, it militates, it tyrannizes,” she said.

“Oh! That sounds very um ... interesting. What does it mean to you?”

“It is a quote from Marquis de Sade,” she answered. “It means I will always be subject to my lust. I am a libertine. Now and ever.”

I was looking at how the skirt Leanne brought would work and knelt behind Adrienne to pull her barely-there panties off completely. She stepped out of them.

“Isn’t Marquis de Sade where we get the term sadism? Like being mean and cruel to someone?” I asked as ran my hands over her round bottom and then wrapped the skirt around her waist.

“He’s most known for that because his books feature a lot of beatings, anal sex, and degradation. All things for which he had been imprisoned at one time or another. He died in prison or an asylum, where he was kept for having sent a copy of his book Justine to Napoleon Bonaparte. During the last four years of his life in the asylum, he carried on an affair with the thirteen-year-old daughter of an employee at the asylum. Of course, at the time of his death, she would have been seventeen or eighteen. Most of his books involved a young woman between thirteen and eighteen.”

“Are you a scholar about the Marquis?” I asked, leading her back to the stage area.

“I started reading his works when I was fifteen in France. They are still very rare and frowned upon. Some of the books were owned by men who were devotees and I paid for the privilege of reading them by enacting scenes from the books with the men. My one requirement was that those men not mark my body permanently. But I was as devoted to the fulfillment of my lust as any of the old men who used me.”

“Cassie?” I called. “Oh, she’s processing our first session. Leanne? Could you operate the fan? Theresa, we’ll want to play with the intensity of the lights some and find the best direction for lighting Adrienne. We’ll do a couple of scenes in front of the red drop, but I think I’d like to experiment with one of the theatre drops. Don’t we have one that is kind of a Greek ruins?”

“I know which one,” Theresa said. “It’s labeled Xerxes. I’ll get it ready while you’re shooting. Just whistle when you want lights changed.”

I started working on the poses and positions, directing Leanne on where to move the fan so the skirts moved the right direction. Adrienne had gorgeous legs and occasionally she would move in such a way that the fan scooped the skirts up far enough to show her pussy. I caught that a couple of times.

“Let’s change to the ruins,” I said, as I led Adrienne back to the privacy screen. “We’re going to reveal the top again,” I said to her. “I saw several instances in which the skirts blow up to cover a breast and expose your legs. I want to catch that at just the right moment.”

I removed the top and caressed her breasts, softly rubbing the nipples to erection. She sighed. I realized my other hand was under the skirts, caressing her butt. Two lovely sensations.

“Nate, will you be able to see the tattoo in this session?” she asked.

I stepped behind her and traced the script on her spine from her neck to her tailbone. I parted her hair so I could see the top of the tattoo.

“We’ll move the fan so it lifts your hair when we’re ready to show it,” I said.

“Please, keep caressing me until we’re ready to shoot again. The meaning of my tattoo is real. I never hesitate to fulfill my lusts and you are bringing them out in me.”

“I’ve only begun to touch you, Adrienne. By the time we are done today, your lusts will overwhelm you.”

“Yesss,” she hissed.

We worked in front of the ruins and then switched to a starry sky backdrop. Both were good, but I whipped the skirt from her waist in front of the starry backdrop and had her pose in different ways completely nude; I liked what I saw.

We had a light dinner brought in and went through both the formal and the little black dress outfits. We had some good backgrounds that let me capture seductive images.

“What’s the most exotic backdrop we have, Cassie?” I asked. She knew the backdrops better than anyone, but had spent most of the afternoon in the darkroom, processing film and printing proof sheets.

“We’ve got a foggy sort of thing with green grass gentle hills in the foreground, then fog, then a background of mountains against a sunrise or sunset, whatever. I think it was marked Brigadoon. There’s one with palm trees and an ocean beach marked South Pacific. Of course, we’ve got that kind of Arabian Nights drop from Kismet,” Cassie said.

“Don’t forget that Buddha temple thing from The King and I,” Theresa added. “Or the mountain range with a covered wagon and a fence from Paint Your Wagon.”

“Good suggestions. Let’s do the South Pacific backdrop first. Adrienne, we need to get you into a bikini. Ready?”

“Yes, sir.”

I hadn’t noticed her deferring to me verbally until now. She was all too happy to have me touch her and move her, no matter how intimately. I’d had my hands everyplace but in her and she was practically bristling with electricity as we got closer and closer to what she wanted. And her scenes and poses had become more and more seductive. I was ready to crawl through the camera lens once or twice. I took her behind the privacy screen, stripped her completely, and spent a few minutes just massaging her and caressing her luscious body before helping her into her bikini. It was extremely brief and I had to be very sure her labia were tucked into the gusset and that her nipples were completely inside the top.

“I think your lover will like this set,” I said.

“Lover? What lover?”

“I assumed your uh ... sponsor was a lover. I apologize for my misunderstanding.”

“It’s understandable. We started out that way, but it was a long time ago. He’s considerably older and it began to frustrate him to have a young lover and not be able to enjoy her. So, he set me up with an apartment and an allowance, and contents himself to talk to me occasionally by phone, or to invite me to perform for him while he watches. We haven’t even touched in almost ten years.”

“You must have been very young when you met.”

“I was seventeen and was totally lost in exploring my sexuality. One of the book owners introduced us. He immediately convinced me to come to America with him and he would buy all the Sade books he could find. It was lovely.”

“You are lovely,” I said. “And this scene will be tantalizing. We’ll start with the bikini, but then I’m going to have you remove it. You’ll be teasing him as you strip.”

“Would it be okay if I think more in terms of teasing you than him? I love him and would do anything for him, but he’s not very attractive anymore. I could more readily imagine myself teasing you to an erection.”

“Oh, Adrienne. I’ve been hard for you all day.”

She reached out and tentatively stroked my cock, then gave it a squeeze.

“Let me entertain you.”

I swear, the temperature in the studio went up ten degrees. Adrienne was hot when I was undressing her and feeling her up thoroughly. When she was stripping, she was unbelievable.

“I have to ask you, do you do that professionally?” I asked when we were back behind the privacy screen and the girls were changing over to our next scene. I’d just kissed her and she had hold of my cock as I stroked through her pussy.

“That ... sometimes. But not this,” she panted.

“We don’t have enough photos for your album yet,” I gasped as she squeezed me. “Let’s get you into this western skirt and shirt. I see Leanne even found us boots. I hope they fit.”

“Couldn’t you ... keep doing that ... just a little more?” she asked as I tweaked her clit.

“I will do a little more. Later,” I said, withdrawing my fingers.

“Sadist,” she chuckled.

I got her dressed and we went to work in front of the Paint Your Wagon backdrop. We followed the same kind of routine in which she danced in front of the backdrop, losing her clothes in the most seductive way possible. I was painfully hard.

“Okay,” I said to my crew. “Give me the black backdrop, lots of hanging strips of fabric, and the bed scene. Then you can get out of here.”

It was already past eight o’clock—the time I’d told them they could leave. They’d worked phenomenally well together, and Cassie had processed each roll of film and printed proofs as we progressed through the afternoon. I’d have only a couple more to do tonight after I was finished.

“Damn,” Leanne whispered. “I want to stay and fuck her.”

“Me, too,” Theresa said. “Want to go work off our frustration together?”

“You got it, girl,” Leanne answered. The two headed out of the studio holding hands. Cassie walked by and casually stroked my cock through my jeans.

“They could have her if I could have this,” she whispered.

“Not tonight, babe,” I said. “Keep me in mind, though.”

When they were gone, I stepped behind the privacy screen again. Adrienne was sitting in the chair with her legs spread wide as she diddled her clit with one hand and pinched her nipples with the other. I kissed her and replaced the hand in her twat with my own. We continued to kiss as I alternated plunging two fingers up inside her and using them to rotate around her clit. I felt warning signs that she was approaching her climax and withdrew. She moaned. I picked her up and carried her to the bed.

“This is our final setting. I want you ready to come on your lover’s cock as soon as he penetrates.”

I wrapped her in strips of fabric and adjusted the lights, isolating her against the black backdrop. Cassie had reloaded my camera and I was ready to go. I adjusted the lights and began moving in with the camera to catch her in different angles. I had a good feel for what I wanted in the bedroom scene, both for the general shot and for the portrait I was about to take with the 4x5 camera.

I’d allowed her makeup to deteriorate in the course of the last two sets as she stripped and hadn’t freshened it. She was beginning to look ravished. I moved up close with the 4x5 and framed just her upper torso and face. Then I reached forward and began working her clit again. Adrienne had a very good sense of fantasy. I’d given her just the words that she would come when her lover penetrated her. I found her pussy to be so wet that after circling her clit a few times, I thrust two fingers into her vagina and curled them to rub the top of her channel.

Adrienne threw her head back and moaned out an orgasm. I used the cable release to trip the shutter and catch the look of her in orgasm. Beautiful.

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