Bless the Child - Cover

Bless the Child

Copyright© 2023 by MoTex

Chapter 13

The Daytona Beach Spring Break gigs were scheduled for March 10, 11 and 12. The stage was constructed just off the beach facing the water which was the only way they could get the event passed by the city council due to noise ordinances since the promoter didn’t want to stop the music at 10pm. The band members arrived Friday afternoon the 9th to get a feel for the area and relax on the beach. It had been a long time since Billy relaxed and did nothing and found it wasn’t as easy as one would think. The girls wouldn’t go near the water, but they sure had no problem gracing the beach’s crowd with their bikini clad bodies which drew a lot of looks. Tiffany had gotten them designer bathing suits which matched the colors of their eyes. Doortje had green, Beth had blue and Karina had white to go with her steel grey eyes. Billy noticed a lack of tan lines he thought ought to be there and then decided he needed to get his mind someplace else. In an effort to not ogle the girls he decided to take a walk since he was feeling pretty good. There was something about the sea air that was very peaceful and invigorating that Billy had never noticed before, maybe it was his imagination. Of course, living in Denver was about as far away from the beach as you could get so maybe it was the newness of it all. The girls said they were mermaids, but did they really exist? With all that had transpired, you’d think it might be a little easier to accept something like that but he still had doubts in the back of his head. He lost track of time and it was the better part of an hour when he found himself back where he started. There was a group of people, mostly guys; gathered around the girls and they seemed to be trying to showoff which caused a wave of jealously so strong his body had a physical reaction. His pace quickened in hopes of picking up on the conversation and he picked up on the tail end of a conversation to get them to go partying later that evening. Each of the girls had their coverups on which indicated they were somewhat uncomfortable with the attention they were in. Billy stepped into the crowd and made his way towards the girls somewhat more forcefully than originally intended. As he was about the break into the center when someone shoved him to the ground causing Beth’s protective instincts to kick in. She was on her feet and headed Billy’s way yelling, “Hey, have some couthe, he’s gotta play the next few nights and we need him intact.” That caught Karina’s attention resulting in her joining Beth. Both girls arrived at Billy’s feet and helped him up. Reaching out a hand for Billy to grab, she looked at the offending party: “Not cool. This is my fiancee and I think you should apologize to him.” Something about the tone of her voice caused the guy to do just that ... he apologize and then slink away.

Someone made a smart-aleck comment about a girl having to “protect” a boy and Karina turned to face the person who said it while lifting her sunglasses. Doortje joined her two sisters and was ready to rumble but remained diplomatic. Before Karina could say something, she stepped forward and lifted her sunglasses as well and tried to keep it lighthearted, “He’s our guitarist and the only one we have so we tend to treat him well. With that, she stepped up and gave him a big kiss on the lips. While Billy’s brain was trying to unscramble, Doortje made eye contact with Beth who stepped up and did the same thing. Karina must’ve caught on to what was happening because she moved in after Beth and gave him an even bigger kiss. Billy’s brain was completely addled at this point and lost track of what was going on. Doortje swiped her hands together a few times and said “He may be engaged to Karina other there, but we’re sisters and we like to share.”

There was a gasp not too far out in the crowd as someone yelled:

“Hey, they’re the chicks from that group...”

Someone else quickly followed “Oh yeah, I think they are. They’re way hotter than they look on stage!”

“Hey, you don’t need that guitarist, I’m a way better one!” one guy shouted.

Karina moved over to put her arm around Billy and turned towards the voice and said with a smirk, “Maybe, but I’ll bet he’s a much better kisser than you are and when was the last time you satisfied three girls at one time? I think it’s in our best interest to keep him around.” The rowdy group of guys moved off after that leaving a smaller but friendlier crowd.

Doortje slid up to Karina and asked in a quiet manner, “Do you think that was wise? It doesn’t put us in a good light. Everyone will be thinking we’re just having orgy after orgy.”

Karina laughed, “I never said HOW he satisfied us! Maybe it was just a killer riff we all liked?”

Doortje wagged her finger at her older half-sister, “You behave! You knew exactly what was implied and yet you did it anyways!”

Karina grinned, “Someone had to shut those guys up and that was more preferred than my usual way, besides; you know you want to.”

Doortje recoiled in surprise while her half-sister walked off. Damn her, she thought, She can see right through me.

The band members hung out with who stayed and talked for a few hours. Karina agreed to give them a shout-out from stage the next night if she could remember. Billy was tasked with remembering.

The moon was up just before sunset which meant it would be a full moon on their last night to perform. Billy and Karina took off together for a moonlight beach stroll hand in hand headed nowhere in particular.

“Billy, when the time comes, I want you to go with me, understand?”

“What are you talking about?”

“I have someplace special I want to take you, but only when the time is right. Please don’t make me explain any further, it would be awkward.”


“Tell me, what was it like to wake up in this body? Did Tiffany sense you were different right away or were you able to fake it awhile?”

“Yes, she sensed something different immediately and wouldn’t relent until I told her the truth. It wasn’t until I predicted some impossible things that she finally believed me.”

“And yet, you didn’t use that info to take advantage of people or to better yourself.”

“Well, if we’re going to be completely honest, I did give my mom some tips for use at the casinos, but the goal was to get her financial freedom so she can get away from my overbearing, coldhearted dad. If a casino were out a few hundred grand, who cares? They probably still came out ahead if you consider all the other bets that were in place. She deserves to live a fulfilling life, not one of waiting on someone hand and foot.”

“I hate to break it to you buck-o, but I don’t think she waits on him hand and foot.”

“You know what I mean. She spends a great amount of time hosting functions and making sure his professional life is squared away. It’s all for him.”

“OK, touché. I guess the fact you did it for someone else says a lot about you. Mother was correct in her choice. What would you say if I told you that you don’t have to die?”

“This sounds interesting, do tell more.”

“I can’t now, but do you trust me?”


“The only catch is you’ll have to make a difficult choice. Again, I can’t say anything more or I’ll be guilty of tampering.”

Apparently the grapevine worked quickly because as the couple arrived back at the hotel hand in hand, there was a small group of fans waiting to mob them. Many people think they would love the attention and accolades of being a successful entertainer but it’s not all it’s cracked up to be because you can’t control when things happen nor can you guarantee you’ll be in the right state of mind when it does. What started out as a nice day had suddenly turned into an emotional one. One in which Billy had to deal with his mortality several times not to mention the awkwardness of being defended by a girl. Deep down, he was grateful she was like that, but these were times where men were expected to be men and having a girl take up for you was not kosher. It took all his willpower to be cordial to the fans as he inwardly scoffed at their desire to ‘worship’ for the lack of a better term, members of a band. He remembered that their lack of life experience was largely to blame.

Finally, back in the hotel room he shared with Carl, Billy began to get ready for bed when Carl asked:

“Dude, you nervous about tomorrow night? That’s a big stage and there’ll be a lot of people out there.”

“Not really. Our UFO gig was a lot bigger in both audience and stature. It’s really quite small in the big scheme of things. If I screw it up, I won’t have to worry about the criticism that might potentially pop up down the road, now will I?” That shut Carl down as he went silent for a moment.

“You more scared about dying?”

“Yes, and no. I’ve accepted it ... We all have to someday, but it’s always such a distant milepost in our minds that we don’t give it much credence. It’s an entire other thing when you can see that milepost in the distance. I just hope it isn’t painful and drawn out which by all accounts it looks to be. My main concern is for those whom I leave behind. I feel like I’m quitting on them when they need me the most. Take Tiffany for example, she’ll have nobody left except a douche-bag husband who only cares how she can further his career. Then there is the band ... what will everyone do? I know that sounds conceited, but whether you guys replace me or go your separate ways, I want to know you’ll be OK.”

Carl chuckled, “You sound more like a parent than a 17 year old kid.”

“You’d be surprised” he responded with a wry smile.

Carl got serious, “Dude, I want to thank you for what you’ve done. Ever since that accident, you’ve been a different person. At first I thought it was an act but it wasn’t. The thing that sealed the deal was the way you jettisoned Cindy. Nobody does that and lives” he chuckled. “Then you befriended the three weirdest people in the school and it turns out they were super talented and smoking hot. Who knew? Wait ... I guess you did.”

“Watch it, you’re talking about my fiancee!” Billy teased back at Carl.

Carl laughed, “Dude, for whatever reason I don’t click with them in that way. They are like sisters to me and I don’t understand it, but at the same time it’s really groovy to have sisters. Especially cool ones. That Beth is a firecracker and mega hot, but something in me won’t allow those types of feelings. It’s weird. Anyways, I’m sure Tiffany will watch out for them and vice-versa. Speaking of which, don’t you find it odd we’ve never seen their parents nor do they ever talk about them?”

“Actually, I have thought about it but try not too. They’ve gotten quite close to Tiffany and she’ll make sure they are OK so I don’t worry about it.”

“It’s kind of like their parents were killed and they slipped through the cracks and are living on the street. Have you ever seen where they live? I haven’t. They are very evasive about it.”

“Let it go, Carl. Perhaps they’ll spill the beans one day.”

“Oh, Dude? I’m sorry for any insensitive comments I might’ve made over the last few months. I’m an oaf sometimes, as Doortje likes to point out.”

“No, you’re a caveman.” Both guys laughed a bit.

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