The Beckham Centre: Charlotte's Revenge. - Cover

The Beckham Centre: Charlotte's Revenge.

Copyright© 2023 by JohnMurray4173

Chapter 8: Punishing the Guilty

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 8: Punishing the Guilty - A young scientist is captured by nanobot technology and made a slave. This is her story of capture, torture, escape, redemption and revenge.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Coercion   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Anal Sex  

It was time to move my revenge plans along. Nick McKenzie was the first of Davis’ co-conspirators I wanted to wreak my revenge on. Doctor McKenzie is a preeminent cosmetic surgeon who works only a few doors from my centre in Spring Hill. Doctor Nick was the man Davis sent his nanobot-controlled female patients to for their surgical enhancements. The same Doctor mentioned towards the end of ‘Training my Niece to Obey’.

Dr McKenzie had fought numerous allegations of sexual inappropriateness, but he was a gifted surgeon who produced enhancements of such precision they were almost undetectable. Nick also specialised in gender reassignment surgery. Something I was going to explore as part of my revenge plan.

I have Dr Nick’s number on my phone as I often call him to consult on what surgeries the newly-controlled woman’s owner wants, so I dialled it. As the phone rang, Davis came to where I was in a pair of frilly pink knickers and knelt at my feet, gazing adoringly up at me.

As expected, I got the doctor’s answering service, so I left a sweet message, “Hello, Nick. Charlotte, in case you didn’t pick that up already. Davis asked me to invite you for dinner tonight. Bring your wife, if you’d like. Davis has a special play session planned that he thinks you will enjoy. I know we five will.”

With that message, I knew there was no way Nick and his nanobot-controlled surgically-enhanced wife wouldn’t be attending. Sure enough, only thirty seconds later, Doctor McKenzie called my cell to confirm they’d be there at 7.30 pm.

Just before the doctor hung up, I said, “Nick, my husband is having a bit of a personal crisis at the moment. You will probably be a little surprised by his appearance, but please, go along with it until Davis himself explains.”

I quickly hung up before Nick could ask any questions.

Davis still mooched around my feet, it was nice, but he was in the road. So, I sent him to sit on the couch.

“You will sit and imagine taking your friend Doctor Nick’s cock in your mouth and blowing him to orgasm, Davis. Thinking about tasting and swallowing his sperm will make you ragingly horny again, so you will take out your cock and masturbate. You will not be able to cum, though. When it gets too much for you, you will find the double-headed dildo Isabella and Julia used last night and bring it to me. Next, you will kneel and beg me to fuck your ass with it.”

Davis left for the lounge as I went to check on Yvonne. She still slept peacefully, but her skin was covered in goosebumps, and her nipples were pebbly hard. So, kissing her lightly, I covered her with the quilt and let her sleep.

By the time I returned to the kitchen, the ache of my arousal had me fidgety again. You have to remember, reader, that I’d had a minimum of two orgasms every hour that I was awake for the last almost four years. When Davis made us play, I’d have continuous orgasms for three, four, five and sometimes six hours in a row. My body was accustomed to receiving regular blasts of endorphins. Now it wasn’t getting them, it let me know its need by turning my arousal up.

Ignoring my growing need, I planned how to trap Doctor Nick with my bots. If I didn’t plan carefully, Nick would swiftly become aware that Yvonne and I were no longer under Davis’ control and leave in a panic.

Isabella and Julia were easy, I realised. I’d instruct them to act, behave, and answer Davis as if he were still their master. I was confident I could carry out the deception, but what about Yvonne? The simple solution, of course, was to reactivate the bots that still resided in her body and tell her to obey Davis as she did before. But there was no way I’d betray my friend and saviour like that.

Knowing I had to talk to her, I walked to Yvonne’s bedroom to wake her up. Fortunately, I found her stretching and yawning as she gathered her wits around her. With my lips dry, I watched as the quilt slipped off my friend’s luscious breasts.

Spotting me, she smiled and patted the bed beside her, “Come and sit, Ona. You look like you’re exhausted and need to sleep.”

I sat where she indicated, but when she touched my arm, she exclaimed, “Shit, Ona! You’re burning up! Come here, baby. I know what you need.”

Yvonne pushed me on my back, unbuttoned my blouse and took my aching breasts in her hands. Undoing my bra’s front clasp, Yvonne’s right fingers found my left nipple as her left hand pulled my skirt off, and her fingers found my mound through my knickers. Then, firmly running a long fingernail around my clitoris, Yvonne sucked my right nipple into her mouth before lightly biting it as she squeezed and twisted my left.

Sighing with relief, I came. I needed more, much more, but I felt my body relax as endorphins washed through me. Luckily, Yvonne knew this, so, pulling my knickers down, she lowered her mouth to my pussy. Reaching across my toned stomach to tweak and twist my throbbing nipples, Yvonne ran her tongue in long strokes from below my vulva’s entrance, across my labia and over and around my clitoris.

“Yes!” I moaned as I held my friend’s mouth to my pussy. “Just like that, honey. OMG, I’m going to cum!”

Bucking up against her mouth, I shuddered through several orgasms, but it seemed every one only increased my need.

“Oh, you poor thing,” Yvonne soothingly said. “You’ve been so busy taking care of everyone else’s needs that you’ve neglected your own. Order that asshole of a husband of yours in here now.”

Knowing Yvonne had read my needs correctly, I yelled for Davis to get his ass in here ASAP. Once he was there, I made him lie on the bed. He’d been masturbating, so his cock was stiff, throbbing and leaking precum. Taking it in my hand, I gratefully lowered my pussy onto it. My first orgasm peaked through me before Davis was all the way in, and they blasted through me one after the other after that. But, no matter how hard or often I came, it seemed I was insatiable.

Yvonne came to the rescue again. Lubing her hand, Yvonne pushed me forward onto Davis’ chest. Then, resting a hand on my tailbone, Yvonne slowly worked her fingers and then her hand into my ass. Once she’d forced her whole hand through my knot, Yvonne clenched it into a fist and began pounding my ass.

Her fisting me exploded sensations through my body. Then, literally screaming, I shook and shuddered through four or five cataclysmic orgasmic events before I passed out. But Yvonne still wasn’t done. As soon as I showed signs of reviving, she encouraged me off Davis’s cock and onto my back, still on top of Davis.

“Lift up, Ona. I will guide him into your ass.”

Groaning, I lifted, and when I felt my husband’s dick at my rosebud, I relaxed and sank onto it.

“Ride him, Ona. I’ll be right back.”

I briefly wondered where she was headed, but then I heard the water running and knew she was washing the hand that had been in my ass. Moaning in anticipation of another fisting, I bounced on Davis’ thick cock. With my eyes closed and my head tipped back, I didn’t notice Yvonne return until I felt her oiled thumb on my clitoris and two of her fingers delving into my pussy.

“Enjoy, Ona. This is all for you, my love,” Yvonne whispered.

Spreading my knees as far apart as possible, I waited eagerly for Yvonne to add a third and fourth finger. Once those two were in, Yvonne’s thumb left my pleasure nub and joined the others being slowly forced into my gaping vulva.

“Do it, baby,” I panted. “Shove that hand right in there!”

I squealed with delight as Yvonne’s hand popped into my pussy. But when she twisted her fist back and forth inside me, her thumb rubbed across my G-spot, and I exploded pussy juices out around her wrist.

As my excretions soaked Davis’ balls, he moaned in frustrated pain.

‘Good,’ I thought. ‘Suffer, you bastard.’

Yvonne continued fisting me as I rode Davis’ dick. I could feel another massive orgasm building and believed this one would allow me to relax and concentrate, at least for a time. Slowly, the imminent feeling grew and grew until, suddenly, it was on me.

Tipping my head back, I screamed, “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!” As I bucked, bounced and twitched on Davis’s rigid penis.

Then, finally, after one last intense orgasm, my muscles went weak, and I passed out with my husband’s cock still buried in my ass.

I don’t know how much later it was, but I awoke to Yvonne hushing Julia and Isabella as they tried to push into the bedroom.

Climbing off my husband’s still erect cock, and feeling totally relaxed and focused, I said, “Let them in, Yvonne. I’m alright.”

Isabella and Julia weren’t, though. Their need burnt as brightly in them as mine had earlier.

Picking up the remote, I cautioned Davis not to cum before telling the two to satiate their needs on Davis’ cock. By the time both finished, Davis’ balls were almost literally blue, and he was incoherently moaning, begging me to let him cum.

Using the remote, I said, “Suffer, you fucking arsehole.”

I realised saying that was unwise almost immediately after I had spoken it. What I said had set up a never-ending feedback loop. First, the bots would make him suffer. Then because he was suffering, they’d reward him by stimulating his pleasure centres until he no longer suffered. But he wasn’t suffering then, so they would return to making him suffer. And, around the loop would go again.

Speaking quickly, I said, “Rescind that last order.”

I ordered everyone to our dining room table. Then, lining up the remotes so I could hold both buttons down simultaneously, I said, “Doctor Nick McKenzie and his wife Alannah are coming for dinner at 7.30 pm. They are not to know that anything has changed from the last time they visited, so you will act and obey Davis as if I were giving the orders.

“Yvonne, you will need to act better than any Oscar winning actor has performed before. You must ensure they believe we’re all still under Davis’ nanobot’s control. Honey,” I told her. “You must be especially careful with your language. You know how much Davis hated your swearing.”

“I will fucking do it, Ona,” Yvonne replied, then grinned,

“Julia, specifically,” I continued. “You will not, in any way, either by sound, action or omission, allow anyone to know Davis is no longer in control.”

When I saw the brief frown flow onto then off Julia’s face, I was glad I’d explicitly spoken to her.

“Start getting dinner ready,” I instructed Isabella and Julia. “There’s a roast dethawing in the sink. Do roast potatoes and vegetables, along with all the usual trimmings. You will do your best to make the meal as delicious as possible. Am I clear? Once dinner is on, you will shower and make yourselves as sexy as possible for the good doctor and his wife. Isabella, you will help Davis present as close to a woman as you can make him.”

“Yes, Ona,” they both dutifully intoned.

Relieved I’d caught that faux pas, I added, “From now until I tell you otherwise, I am Charlotte the Harlot again. You will refer to me as Charlotte and behave towards me as if I were still her. Am I clear?”

“Yes, Charlotte.”

‘Now, the difficult part,’ I thought. How the fuck was I going to make Davis convincing enough to fool Nick long enough for the bots to attach themselves to Nick’s cerebral cortex and pain centres?

Thinking carefully, I picked up Davis’ remote and said, “Davis, your friend Nick McKenzie will visit us tonight. Even if you and he have set up some kind of secret signal to warn the other you’re in trouble, you will be unable to give it.”

Being the supremely arrogant, narcissistic arsehole he was, I doubted Davis had even considered the tables could be turned on him. Still, I wanted to ensure I was safe if he had.

“You will present as your true authentic self today, Davis. That means you, when I’ve finished instructing you, will go to Isabella and ask her for a sexy dress to wear and request she does your makeup. Your outfit is to include a bra, stockings and suspenders. Plus, if Isabella’s, Julia’s, or Yvonne’s shoes fit, you will wear spiked heels.

“Then, when you greet Nick, you will explain how you’ve been lying to yourself for all these years but now wish to live your life as you felt you always should have, as a woman. Next, you will enquire about breast enhancement surgery and whether he can build you a vagina where your balls are. Finally, explain that you wish to keep your penis because your four nanobot slaves still require constant servicing, and you want to continue doing that yourself.”

A few tears leaked from my husband’s eyes as he realised I was talking about cutting his balls off to build a vagina, but the nanobots forced him to be happy about that news, and they soon dried up.

I considered all my instructions and thought I’d covered all eventualities, so I released Davis to begin preparing his appearance for tonight’s dinner.

But as he left the room, I thought of one more thing, “Davis,” I said. “Your penis will remain flaccid until one of your women is sucking it. However, you will fantasise about sucking Doctor Nick off and be secretly highly aroused. Then, when someone is sucking it, your dick will harden, and you will choose some of us to fuck. The ones you haven’t chosen to fuck, you will instruct to do whatever Doctor Nick wants. But you will be unable to cum until you have swallowed the doctor’s load.”

Crossing my fingers that I hadn’t missed anything, I left for my en suite to prepare myself for this evening’s activities.

‘At least I’m going to get cock and orgasms tonight,’ I thought. ‘That will help!’

My nipples and clitoris were already signalling their need for attention again. Before I opened my bedroom door, I remembered telling Doctor McKenzie that Davis had some special games planned for tonight.

‘Oh, no!’ I thought. ‘What games could we possibly play that Doctor Nick hadn’t already played with us?’

Then inspiration hit me. We’d play a game I called ‘Strap-on Fucking Poker’. First, all the women would sit on the floor at Nick and Davis’ feet as they sat on sofa chairs. Then we women would play Poker. Once the men knew the lowest hand in every round, they could either fuck the one that lost, get her to blow them, or instruct the winner to fuck the loser with a strap-on. As usual, all three love holes on all women would be available to fuck.

Holding the remote, I found Davis and described what I wanted him to do to amuse his friend. I even told him he could get hard and fuck whichever of us he wanted. Although, I reiterated that he would not cum until he felt Nick’s semen sliding down his throat.

7.30 rolled around to find Dr Nick and Alannah using the intercom to advise us they’d arrived. As usual, we four women stood two to a side slightly behind Davis as he greeted his guests at the door.

Then, Davis snapped his fingers, pointed at me, and said, “Kneel. Suck Nick off.”

Even though Nick was shocked by my husband’s appearance, he pointed at the floor in front of Davis and said to Alannah, “Kneel, Suck Davis off.”

Although I was quick to obey, I’d forgotten this wife-swap ritual. As I knelt, I whispered in Davis’s ear, “You may cum in her mouth,” hoping Nick wouldn’t hear.

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