Growing Up! - Cover

Growing Up!

Copyright© 2023 by tmax02610

Chapter 15: The Pressure Mounts

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 15: The Pressure Mounts - Margot moves across the country, starts on a new soccer team, and starts to grow up. The story involves teenage girls on a soccer team and Margot's adventures (mostly sexual) with the girls. Lots of Girl on girl; plus a bit of guy/girl. Ongoing story. Hope to update with a new chapter every 2 weeks (Thurs/Friday)

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   ft   Mult   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sports   Cheating   Slut Wife   Mother   Rough   Group Sex   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Fisting   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Squirting   Voyeurism   Water Sports   Big Breasts   Public Sex   Small Breasts   Smoking  

I was excited to join the team again for the Friday tradition.

Bella and Lise wanted everyone to go topless, but Fenna and Julia didn’t like the idea. While the field was secluded, it was still public.

I agreed. It is one thing to have an orgy for fifteen or twenty minutes. It’s another to be fully topless for an hour and a half of practice. Of course, Abigail loved the idea, which meant Ada was ok with it. Julia became so upset that she threatened to leave. Fenna stopped talking to Lise. Possibly for the first time?

When the Coaches and Anna arrived, the team had split in two, Topless vs Jerseys.

Coach Wilson didn’t yell. Instead, he sat us down in a circle and asked a single question,” Why did you join the soccer team?”

All of us girls stared at him. Perky, red-capped breasts exposed, Lise commented,” To be with my best friends.”

Everyone agreed.

Tess added,” To be a better soccer player.”

Coach Wilson stared at her until she added,” But I stay with this team because it’s family.”

The girls erupted into exclamations about friendship, love, and how much everyone meant to them. Fenna began crying, mumbling,” I will go topless if you want, Lise.”

Bella turned to Lise,” Maybe we could keep the current tradition.”

Lise just nodded and rushed to hug Fenna.

All the girls who had been fighting- hugged. Half naked and clothing dysfunctional bodies entwined like the beginning of a porno.

Coach Wilson shouted,” Enough of this emotional shit, let’s get practice started.”

Of course, Coach Jerk ruined this amazingly touching moment.

We all moved to practice offensive corner kicks. I found it strange that Fenna had been against going topless. Her breasts were always falling out. Why did she bother putting them back in?

I did enjoy them swaying as she moved. The nipples were so small compared to the size of her breasts. Does her back hurt from not wearing a bra for so long?

I giggled at the idea of holding them for her. Hell, my much smaller breasts hurt after not wearing a bra.

Coach Wilson and Coach Lisa were moving everyone to new places. Thankfully, Coach Lisa was the one to adjust my position. I still hated Coach Wilson for making Mom take me to that therapist.

They wanted Eva and me to play further away from their goal. We spent most of the time talking.

“Did you hear that Fenna went on the pill?” She asked me.

I hadn’t known that.

I glanced at Fenna cradling her breasts to hold them up. She was also lightly rubbing her nipples.

“No, I didn’t even know she was into guys,” I commented.

“Yeah, she’s not. It’s just so she will remember what day of the week it is,” Eva replied.

I gave her the ‘Are you serious?’ face.

Her left breast had escaped her jersey. I wanted to give it a lick.

She giggled, “She’s blonde, right.”

“Yeah, so are you.” I automatically shot back.

“I know, that’s why I went on the pill. I kept forgetting the day also.” She giggled more.

Coach Lisa glanced over at us.

“Hey, I wanted to thank you for joining our team,” Eva said.

I was honored until she giggled, “‘Cause you tripled the team IQ by not being blonde.”

More giggling before adding,” Of course, it also means you will never get a date. ‘cause everyone knows that guys prefer blondes.”

“Seriously?” I commented.

“Eva and Margot, stop telling stupid fucking jokes and pay attention. We’ve moved to the other side.” Coach Jerk’s voice rang out.

Why can’t he just be human? He was rock-hard. Julia needs to suck the grumpiness out of him.

“Sorry, Margot,” Eva said in guilt.

“Julia didn’t blow him, so he’s backed up.” Eva giggled at me.

“Really?” I asked.

Did she need to give him a blow job every morning?

“No. Are you secretly blond? Did you dye your hair for artificial intelligence?” Eva laughed at her joke.

Suddenly, the ball was flying at me. It landed near my feet. I just reacted, stepping and kicking it at the goal. It sailed into the top corner.

Everyone was awe-struck, including me. Then Coach Lisa congratulated me. Even Coach Asshole shouted that it was a good kick.

“Holy shit Margot, that was Tess level. Are you secretly a soccer pro?” Eva gushed at me.

We moved back to our positions, ready to re-do the play.

“Margot, why is Julia like the Bermuda Triangle?” Eva whispered, “They’ve both swallowed a lot of seamen.”

I groaned and gazed at her. Her silver braces sparkled between her pink lips while her bright blue eyes danced.

“I know something that would look good behind your ears.” I shot back.

Confusion replaced her joy.

“Don’t you like my earrings? My mom gave them to me.” She asked.

I liked her simple cat earrings, but that wasn’t the joke.

“Your ankles. Your ankles would look great behind your ears.” I rolled my eyes.

It took way too long for her to get my joke.

“Maybe later during stretching.” She cooed and licked her lips.

“Margot, Eva, pay attention,” Tess commented while she jogged by.

Her large breasts bounced in her jersey.

We had missed the play change.

I reluctantly moved away from Eva. She was a bit spacey but super funny.

“Hey Margot. What did Tess say when she heard she was pregnant?” Eva called out to me.

Pregnant, I didn’t know Tess was pregnant.

I glanced at Tess. Was her belly more voluminous? Her breasts pushed the jersey out, making it hard to tell. She still appeared trim.

“Are you sure it’s mine?” Tess yelled back, “You’ve told that joke a million times. You need new material.”

“Ok, What’s Margot’s mating call?” Eva shouted.

Coach Lisa ran over and finished the joke, “Has that blonde slut, Eva, left yet? You need to get some new jokes.”

Eva kept shouting funny jokes that various other girls replied with the punchline, making it hard to focus on my position or the plays.

True to her word, Eva stretched with me.

She immediately pulled down her shorts and panties, laid down, and put her ankles behind her ears. How can someone be that flexible?

Her cute face peaked between her legs, inches above her meaty blonde vagina.

“Do you like my kitty? It matches my kitty earrings.”

I agreed. Eva’s labia was puffed up and beat red between the wispy blond pubic hair.

She bit her lip as I kneeled.

She smelled so sweet, and as I slowly licked her, she tasted the same.

The other girls and one male moaned. I didn’t care. The sweet nectar of Eva’s juice consumed my world.

I pushed my tongue between her lips, savoring the sweetness. I licked up almost to her clit, teasing her, before returning down to the meat of her pussy.

Was Eva and Sofia doing this? I was jealous but remembered how the two acted on Wednesday night. They were soulmates like Nathan and I.

I also remembered the monster dildo inside me while Sofia watched. Would they let me join them?

“Why’d you stop?” Eva squeaked at me.

“Just thinking about you and Sofia,” I explained before diving in again.

“Did you want to join us? She thinks you’re cute.” Eva moaned.

‘Yes, of course.’ I almost said out loud.

I kept licking.

But what about Nathan? It’s not cheating if it’s with girls, right?

An image of Eva and Sofia sixty-nining each other while ignoring me popped into my head.

I stuck my tongue in deeper.

They are too much in love to pay attention to me, although fucking the monster while watching might work.

I licked harder, and she moaned louder.

I had a sudden vision of sitting between them on the edge of the bed, excited to join their lovemaking. They turn toward me. I close my eyes, waiting for their kisses. Instead, as their faces move towards mine, they deviate at the last second and kiss each other behind my head. They then proceeded to pleasure each other while I sat beside them and texted Charlotte.

No, they pleasure each other while I fucked myself with the monster texting Charlotte.

Oh, I like that idea.

Or Charlotte might watch from the computer. She, her boyfriend, and Tasha might have an orgy while watching us.

Do I invite Nathan? No, he’s too narrow-minded for something like this. It’s better to do and ask for forgiveness later. He’d forgive me if I had his cock in my mouth at the time.

Eva’s moans brought me back to reality. She was orgasming.

So was Fenna beside me, with Lise eating her.

I glanced over at Fenna’s enormous breasts, heaving with orgasm. Eva’s juice ran down my chin, dripping on my chest. While I loved the taste of her juice, the sliminess was somewhat gross.

Fenna was staring at me, biting her lower lip. Was she staring at me eating Eva out? Or was she staring off into space?

As Eva recovered, she asked, “Did you want me to fist you?”

‘Yes,’ I almost blurted out, but Nathan and Sunday stopped me. He’s so ridged about what’s proper and acceptable. I need to stay strong if I am to keep my hunky older boyfriend.

“Do you need help?” Fenna asked Eva, staring at me.

Fenna is so sweet and helpful.

“No, I need to save up for Sunday and Nathan.” I blurted out.

If you don’t put anything too sizable in a pussy, it gets tighter, right? Nathan is on the smaller side. I hoped for a taut pussy on Sunday.

“Who’s Nathan?” Lise and Fenna both exclaimed.

Eva turned to them. In an all-knowing voice, “He’s her boyfriend.”

“Really?” the two girls wanted all the details.

I talked about Nathan but accidentally let it slip that Eva was dating Sofia. Now, everyone was asking about Sofia. Anna and Tess joined us. Ada stopped licking Abigail to hear about Sofia. Even Julia stopped riding Coach Wilson to hear about Sofia. Everyone soon gathered around us and stared at a blushing Eva.

This team is crazy. The girls were half undressed, shorts off, pussy juices leaking down their legs, or Mark’s pre-cum in Julia’s case. That didn’t matter. Only the description of Sofia mattered.

Coach Wilson didn’t yell and scream about Julia leaving him high and dry. Instead, he just pulled up his pants to gather his things. Coach Wilson pretended not to be listening. But he paused at all the critical parts of the story.

The other girls convinced Eva to describe what happened in the changeroom. It was a lurid tale about undressing, kissing various body parts, and licking each other till orgasm. The scream was Sofia smashing her elbow on the wall while she orgasmed.

When Eva finished her story, the girls began asking more questions, tripping and interrupting each other to get their questions answered.

Coach Mark put a stop to it, explaining practice was over.

We gathered and dressed.

“OK, everyone, this is game five. If we win this, we are in first place, so let’s win this.”

Coach Mark’s simple parting words dampened the mood. Everyone was serious again.

We won. We didn’t just win. We destroyed the other team, six to nil. The other team only managed one shot on goal. I didn’t score, but I did have a shot on goal, which rebounded to Eva, who scored. Sofia, who came to the game, was so excited that she ran onto the field to hug Eva. The ref reluctantly gave Eva a yellow card. Even Coach Wilson wasn’t upset. It was obvious to everyone that the two girls were in love.

As we shook hands, the Wilsons invited the other team to their house. It was tradition. These two teams have been playing each other since they were young. At first, the other team always won, but recently, our team has been victorious. Although, this was the most lopsided win for either team.

At home, I buzzed with excitement until Mom dropped the bombshell.

“I’ve looked into the local schools.” Mom tentatively said.

“Ok, and?”

Why was Mom being so cautious?

“We had the choice of two schools, and I signed you up for the closer one.” She said, now staring at me.

What is she not telling me?


“Well, I think most of the team goes to the other school.” She said in guilt.


“Who goes to this school?” I asked.

Out of eleven girls, one must go there, right?

“I don’t think any.”

“What! But...” I didn’t finish my statement.

Fuck, Mom. Why did you do this to me?

“Let’s just sign up for the other one.” I reasoned.

“We can’t, not until the next sign-up period.” She stammered.

Mom betrayed me.

Mom knew I had trouble making friends. She knew how shy I am. I have finally made some friends, and she just discarded them.

“I’m so sorry, Margot.” Mom stepped to hug me.

I pushed her away, “Abigail’s Mom will be here soon.”

I retreated to my room.

Erin drove us in her usual distracted style. I was getting used to it, but Mom was visibly distraught. Mom was the first to hop out in front of the house. I stayed with Abigail to find parking. She was learning to drive and was overly excited to show off her skills.

“Have you driven much?” I asked as I hopped in the front with Abigail.

“Only in parking lots. First time on a real street.” Abigail smiled at me while navigating the SUV onto the road.

My unclosed door almost hit a parked car. In fear, I slammed the door and buckled up. Abigail was worse than her mom. She didn’t exactly drive straight. A few times, she turned to say something, and the SUV swerved towards a parked car before she pulled it straight.

We finally parked. I jumped out and kissed the ground, happy to be alive. Abigail just puffed on her dab and laughed at me. As we walked back, Abigail quizzed me on Nathan. I gushed about how handsome he was and his potential as a father to our future children.

I talked about our wedding, which gave me pause. How expensive is having the whole team, plus parents? We will just elope. Abigail loved that idea, though she commented about the team joining us. There was no point in correcting her.

The party was loud. The music thumped and echoed the two blocks we walked. People yelled and laughed over the music.

The Wilson’s was the place to be on a Saturday night, especially since last week was a team-only function. The house overflowed onto the front lawn, more packed than in previous weeks. I kept behind Abigail as she pushed between people toward the backyard. The pool was overflowing with people. Abigail and I found Ada, Fenna, Lise, and Julia.

Julia was upset. I followed her stare to Eva and Sofia talking in the corner. As Abigail pulled off her clothes to reveal her skimpy red bikini, I grabbed Julia’s hand and dragged her to the pair.

“Margot, like, what?” Julia exclaimed, but I knew what I was doing.

“Sofia, this is Julia. Eva and Julia are best friends.” I introduced Julia to Sofia.

Eva appeared nervous.

“Oh my goodness, you are so pretty.” Sofia jumped at Julia and gave her a huge hug.

Julia melted into her arms. All was well again.

I joined them briefly in conversation before heading back to Abigail. The boys had joined them, including asshole Richard.

“Hey Bitch,” Richard said with a smile.

The other boys played it off like he was just teasing me. I ignored him and walked past to sit by the pool. I wish I had been smart enough to wear my bathing suit under my clothes like Abigail. Instead, mine was in my purse.

Rachel and Matt were, of course, swimming. With Richard here, I wanted to be near Matt.

The two played in the pool while water soaked through my shorts and panties. I needed to change but didn’t want to brave the mass of people in the house.

A girl from the other team sat down beside me. It was the goalie, the one who stopped my shot.

“Hey, I’m Aisling.” The flaming redhead said.

“Margot.” I offered back.

I scrutinized her. The cute freckles across her nose contrasted beautifully with her bright green eyes. I blushed at her beauty.

“You’re new to the team.” She blushed back at me.

Was she flirting with me?

She wore a fluorescent green bathing suit, which contrasted perfectly against her red freckled chest. However, the green did make her pale skin appear even paler, almost sickly. Her erect nipples poked out against the fabric. I nearly licked my lips at the sight.

“Just started,” I replied.

My blush deepened because she noticed me checking her out.

We sat in silence, both of us staring at the bright blue sparking water of the pool.

“I was thinking of swimming. Do you want to join me?” She asked, then paused as she realized I was still wearing my clothes.

“Sure, but I have to change,” I replied.

Her gaze kept sweeping up and down my body. She had a half grin that made her beautiful face even more attractive.

Did I want something more? I was horny, but I also had a date with Nathan tomorrow. A date that might include losing my virginity.

She stood and offered her hand, “Let’s go then.”

I smiled back and took her hand. If nothing else, I made a new friend. Mom says you can never have too many friends.

I stood up beside her. Wow, she was a head taller than me. My eyes were just above her breasts. I glanced at her cleavage and then up to meet her smile.

“I’ll lead.” She breathed at me.

I nodded, grabbed her hand tighter, and slipped behind her.

She expertly weaved and pushed her way through the crowd. I stayed close behind her, admiring her strong back and her firm fluorescent green-clad ass.

“I play football.” She yelled over her shoulder.

“I know, you stopped my shot,” I replied close to her ear.

She shivered at my breath before adding, “The only one I stopped.”

Dejected, her voice dropped. I wanted to hug her, but a random person almost knocked me over when we moved too quickly to the right to avoid an enormous black older man.

“No, I mean, I play football football.” She replied while stabilizing me.

I tilted my head back to gaze into her deep green eyes and then down to her cherry-red lips.

“I play on the guys’ team at school. Outside Linebacker.” She smiled and licked her lips.

The position meant nothing to me. I didn’t know football that much.

“I don’t start, but I do play sometimes.”

I still didn’t understand what she was saying. I just nodded and glanced down at her chest freckles. They captured my attention and led my eyes to her magnificent breasts.

I wanted to lift my head and kiss her. Before I was able, she turned and pushed ahead.

We arrived at the bathroom, which was locked. So were Rachel’s, Anna’s, and Lisa’s rooms. The spare room was in use. Aisling wanted to barge in and either watch or scare the couple. I convinced her to go elsewhere.

We wandered through the crowded house. All the bathrooms, even the closets, were locked or used.

Downstairs was busy with people hanging out and talking. I didn’t want to go into the garage, afraid of what I might find, but I wanted to swim with this tall and stunningly beautiful girl. I summoned my courage, and in we went. I did cross my fingers that Mom wasn’t giving a blowjob like last time.

It was too dark to see anyone. A couple giggled and grunted in the back corner.

“Someone’s having sex,” Aisling whispered in my ear.

I nodded before realizing it was too dark for her to see me.

“Yeah, they should get a room,” I replied.

“I think it’s hot.” She whispered, then licked my ear.

I turned and kissed her. She kissed me back but stopped after a few moments.

“You’re super cute, but I’m more into guys.” She stammered.

“That’s ok, so am I. I just...” I choked out in embarrassment.

“The kiss was nice,” She threw me a lifeline.

“Yeah, you tasted nice.” I giggled.

Just as well, I did want to save myself for Nathan tomorrow.

I changed in the dark while listening to the couple fuck in the far corner. It was turning me on to listen.

“Hey, I have an idea,” Aisling whispered.

“You sneak over to them. When you’re in position, wave at me. I’ll turn the lights on, and you yell ‘Surprise!’”

Her voice rang in excitement. The plan was mean but also fun and exciting.

The floor was cold as I snuck over to the pair. The naked lady was bent over Coach Lisa’s car as the guy slammed into her from behind. I was getting actual cold feet, worried that it was too mean. Wait, I knew that guy. It was Richard fucking someone.

Now, I wanted to do this, and badly.

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