Critique - Cover


by Fable

Copyright© 2004 by Fable

Erotica Sex Story: Post Sex Q & A

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Oral Sex   .

"How was it?"

"It was... t was, wait... let me catch my breath. It was fantastic. That describes it perfectly. It was Fantastic!"

"If it was fantastic, why did you say no three times?"

"I was saying it softly. I didn't know you heard me."

"You were saying no even when the head of my cock was at the entrance to your pussy. But, I noticed you were saying other things once it was inside."

"Oh, Randy, you make me blush. What was I saying?"

"Don't you remember? You were asking me to go deeper, to fill you completely. You were begging me not to stop."

"I didn't! Did I really say those things?"

"When did you know you were going to let me fuck you? Was it when you felt the head of my cock penetrating you?"

"It was before. I knew before that."

"Was it the second time you said no?"

"I don't remember. When was it that I said no the second time?"

"It was when I found your clit. You were shouting no, no, no but I only counted that time as one no because you were so excited and may not have realized you were chanting no, no, no."

"You're embarrassing me! Did I really chant?"

"You said more than no. You were saying things like 'DO IT! There! Right There! Yes! Yes! Yes!'

"I remember screaming, 'I'm COMING!'

"Mrs. Barker, you've got to tell me when you knew we were going to fuck. Was it when you said no the first time?

"You will have to help me. I don't remember saying no."

"It was when we came into your house and I kissed you. You said no before you started returning my kisses. You may have tried to say no again when I moved my hands from you rump to your breasts but I was keeping you busy and you were not objecting."

"Randy, you do make me blush."

"Blush if you must Mrs. Barker but I think you liked it when I played with your tits."

"I didn't object, did I?"

"Was that when you knew we would fuck?"

"It was before that."

"It must have been when we took the first sip of wine at dinner. We were looking into each other's eyes. Was that when you knew?"

"No Randy, it was before that. But why is it important that you know when it was?"

"I didn't think you meant it. I was concerned that I had not respected your wishes by ignoring you each time you said no."

"I'm sorry you heard me say that. I didn't mean it. Saying no is something school teachers do. It's a habit. I'm glad you didn't pay attention."

"God, what if I had paid attention the first time you said no. We wouldn't be lying here naked in your bed."

"I know. It's scary, isn't it?"

"Was it when I called you for the date, Mrs. Barker? Is that when you knew we would fuck?"

"No Randy, it was before that but I don't understand why it is important to you. Now that you know you didn't do anything wrong by disregarding my saying no, what difference does it make?"

"Now you're really making me curious. If it wasn't when you heard my voice on the phone... It's been years since you've seen me. It must have been when I was in high school. Did you know way back then Mrs. Barker?"

"If you must know it was when you were in the eleventh grade. You walked into my class and I thought, I must have that boy."

"Are you having fun at my expense Mrs. Barker? It wasn't that way at all, was it?"

"No, it wasn't Randy. I don't exactly know when it was that I knew we would fuck."

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